Review Pelanggan untuk The Manhattan Fish Market
Some smelly fish - Amazing drinks!
oleh liviacwijaya, 23 November 2015 (sekitar 9 tahun yang lalu)
I ordered some food here:
Soup of the Day
Soupnya lumayan encer, and as for being me, mostly I love bold stuff tapi I gotta say this soup was really nice. Rasa mushroomnya sangat berasa, kaldu dan sayurnya juga pas, dan encernya actually goes along well nemenin makanan yang berat supaya gak eneg.
Manhattan Fish and Chips
Their fish and chips were not bad. Porsinya banyak, dan ikannya dibagi jadi 3 gorengan. No, it's not small btw. Ga bau amis, luarnya juga crispy and seasoned well, creamnya juga enak dan kentangnya pretty generous and fried well too.
Mad about Mackerel
Nah yang ini sayangnya bau amis. Saya sebenernya dulu uda beberapa kali ke Manhattan Fish Market, pernah cobain pasta and ikannya dlu and it's not really a good experience karena kebanyakan masih bau amis. Ikannya sebenernya teksturnya sangat enak, very tender and smooth, dan I gotta say the rice were just delightful. Pulen and buttery and garlicky. Cuma sayang bau amis.
Brooklyn Sunset
What a fresh and delightful drink! My bf sampe minta foto bilang we have to remake this later. Mango, strawberry, lemon and soda. Very pleasant and refreshing!
Foto lainnya:
Menu yang dipesan: Fish and Chips, Mushroom Soup, mad about mackerel, brooklyn sunset
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000