Review Pelanggan untuk Metropole Coffee

Decent food, COZY place!

oleh @christianlyonal , 31 Januari 2021 (sekitar 4 tahun yang lalu)

3 pembaca berterima kasih ( Makasih terbanyak)

Foto Makanan di Metropole Coffee
Foto Makanan di Metropole Coffee

RUSTIC AT ITS BEST! A few days ago, I had a meeting at @metropolecoffee @metropole_kemanggisan . Tempatnya gak gede, but it's so COZY. Bakal betah banget stay disini buat meeting or kerja in front of your laptop. Bisa diliat sendiri dari foto slide ke 4 to 6.

OK, let's talk about the food from left to right.

1. Banana Choco Pie (25K) : crusty on the edge, melty on the inside. The banana is generous, the chocolate is also good, not too sweet and it's pretty damn cheap IMO

2. Café Latte (30K) : classic. The coffee itself is good like I prefer (low on acidity). Trus dikasih kayak chocolate almond cookie gitu to compliment the coffee

3. Aglio e Olio Spaghetti (Smoked Beef) (40K) : for me, kurang asin and kurang "ledeg" bumbunya. Jadi minta extra salt or cheese ya.

#OnalMakan #ONandALL #MetropoleCoffee

Foto lainnya:

Foto Makanan di Metropole Coffee
Foto Interior di Metropole Coffee
Foto Interior di Metropole Coffee
Foto Interior di Metropole Coffee

Menu yang dipesan: Banana Choco Pie, Café Latte, Aglio e Alio

Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000

Makasih Infonya!
3 pembaca berterima kasih.


Metropole Coffee


Jl. Kemanggisan Utama No. 3A, Kemanggisan, Jakarta Barat

Rata-rata: 3.9


Foto Profil @christianlyonal

198 Review

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