Review Pelanggan untuk Cap Cip Cup
New Smoothies and Juice Bar Spot!
oleh @Foodbuddies.id | Thyra Annisaa, 25 September 2018 (6 tahun yang lalu)
[CAPCIPCUP BELALANG KUNCUP!๐ Have you tried a cup?๐๐น @capcipcupjuice ]
One of my fav juices in Jakarta! They sell unusual juice๐ Banana, Papaya, Marquissa, and Songkit Lime! My favorite here is the Papaya Juice! You can still taste the freshness of the Papaya itself! Smoothies nya bener2 nggak biasa. Tapi untuk yang varian Songkit Lime, krn emg beneran asam, jadi harus tahan dan kalau bisa makan dulu yaaa:))) inii menu yg wajib dicoba!๐๐ผ
Inframe: PawPaw Smoothies | Bra-Nana Smoothies๐| Strong-Kit Juice| Fashion A Tea (Marquisa)
#foodbuddiesforlife #capcipcupjuice #arthagadingmall #Freshjuice #papayajuice #songkitjuice #marquisajuice #bananajuice #food52 #f52grams #jktfoodies #jktfoodbang #eatjakarta #jktculinary #koreanculinary #indonesianculinary #jktfooddestination
Menu yang dipesan: strong-kit, Fashion A Tea
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000