Review Pelanggan untuk Aoki Japanese Cuisine - Hotel Gran Mahakam

Three is For Lucky! Third Times Here!

oleh deandraadira, 13 Januari 2024 (sekitar 1 tahun yang lalu)

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Foto Makanan di Aoki Japanese Cuisine - Hotel Gran Mahakam
Foto Makanan di Aoki Japanese Cuisine - Hotel Gran Mahakam

Salmon Belly Soup

Back again at Aoki! Sore ini makan di Aoki, I’m the first guest they had this evening. Thank you for having me despite I’m showing up super early hehe. As always, pelayanannya cepat!

Aku pesen ini:
🍣Roppongi Hand Roll
—It’s salmon wrapped with rice and soy paper. Salmonnya banyak! Pretty good I must say. Don’t forget to add shoyu, because honestly, I forget to put mine until I ate half of it🤡

🫕Salmon Belly Soup
—SALMONNYA SUPER LEMBUT! Isinya juga macem-macem. Ada salmon belly, tofu, mushroom, and seaweed. Untuk kuahnya sendiri gurih dan anget! Porsinya pas banget buat dimakan sendiri. Once again, salmonnya lembut parah.

🍮Coffee Cream Pudding
—Coffee lovers, this is for you. Rasa kopinya berasa banget, ga terlalu pait. As a noncoffee drinker, I still can enjoy it.

—Got this for free! There are four jellies in total, two of them are coffee, one strawberry, and one melon. Sweet!

Foto lainnya:

Foto Makanan di Aoki Japanese Cuisine - Hotel Gran Mahakam
Foto Makanan di Aoki Japanese Cuisine - Hotel Gran Mahakam
Foto Makanan di Aoki Japanese Cuisine - Hotel Gran Mahakam
Foto Makanan di Aoki Japanese Cuisine - Hotel Gran Mahakam

Menu yang dipesan: Salmon Belly Soup, Roppongi Hand Roll, Coffee Cream Pudding

Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000

Makasih Infonya!


Aoki Japanese Cuisine - Hotel Gran Mahakam


Hotel Gran Mahakam, Lantai Lower Lobby
Jl. Mahakam I No. 8, Blok M, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Rata-rata: 4.3


Foto Profil deandraadira

73 Review

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