Went there at lunchtime and it was full house so they put us in the waiting list. We got our seats after 25mins of waiting.
🍜 Buta Signature (Regular) - IDR55,000 I like how we can adjust the noodle firmness and soup richness to our preferences. The regular-sized ramen was really filling for lunch and worth the price paid. The soup was light and the pork chashu just melted in my mouth. Simply amazing.
The food took quite long to arrive, but it was understandable since the place was packed. Service was average - some of the staffs were friendly and some were not, but they were quick to take our orders.
🥤 Chocolate Bubble - IDR23,000 Pas keliling Dufan nemu stall Hop Hop, jadi mampir deh buat beli minumannya. Sekalian nostalgia karena di Surabaya udah ga ada Hop Hop sejak beberapa taun lalu 😢. Menurutku rasa coklatnya terlalu rich, jadi bukannya nyegerin malah jadi makin haus. Uda gitu bubblenya ga padat gitu, bahkan cenderung ancur bentuknya. Not recommended.
Kalo kalian suka churros dan suka K-Pop, kalian harus banget dateng ke Street Churros. Selain churros, mereka juga jual macam-macam minuman kayak kopi, shake dan ade.
🍫 Churros with Cinnamon Sugar + Chocolate Dip - IDR29,000 Aku cobain classic churrosnya, plus nambah chocolate dip seharga IDR7,000. Coating churrosnya sendiri bisa pilih antara chocolate, cinnamon atau cheese. Aku pilih cinnamon. Churronya sendiri crispy outside dan airy inside. Semua churro disini baru dibikin saat ada orderan untuk menjamin freshnessnya. Bahkan mereka pake mesin pencetak churro khusus supaya tiap churronya sama panjang 👏🏻.
Overall, Street Churros is worth every single penny and calorie. Kekurangannya, tempatnya kecil dan tempat duduknya terbatas, jadi kurang asik buat nongkrong.
Menu yang dipesan: Churros, Churros with Cinnamon Sugar + Chocolate Dip
Pas lagi keliling Gambir sambil nunggu kereta, aku lihat outlet Momoiro dengan warna pinknya yang catchy. Karena penasaran, aku masuk dan ternyata mereka jual castella cake (pillow cake).
🍰 Momoiro Pillow Cake - IDR55,000 Aku coba cakenya yang original. Creamnya dipack di plastik terpisah karena baru akan dikonsumsi sesampainya di Surabaya (10 jam kemudian). Jadi untuk makannya, aku potong bagian tengah cakenya dan semprotin creamnya disitu. Teksturnya moist, pillowy banget dan ada rasa eggynya gitu. Creamnya agak sedikit heavy for my preference.
Overall, cake Momoiro ini cocok banget buat temen ngeteh ato ngopi, tapi ga ada sesuatu yang bikin pingin beli lagi.