4.2Apron Signature [ Cengkareng, Kafe ]
The Most Korean-Like Cafe
Recently checked out 'Apron Cafe' in Jakarta, and wow, it's a total gem! This place is seriously cute and cozy, and they've put a ton of effort into making it look fantastic.
The menu is pretty diverse, with both savory and sweet stuff. I decided to go for their rose pasta, shrimp pasta, and some french fries. The pasta portions were pretty darn good โ not too small. They tasted decent, but what really got me excited was the side salad it was fresh and top-notch, and their french fries was pretty nice though.
I also tried their choco cookies once, and they were huge, but honestly, just okay in the taste department. But the real winner here is their honey lemon drink. It's so refreshing and tasty!
Price-wise, it's in line with what you'd expect at a cafe in the area. But what sets 'Apron Cafe' apart is the effort they put into the decor. Each room has a different vibe, and it's all Instagram-worthy. If you're looking for a chill place to grab a bite or snap some cute pics, 'Apron Cafe' is where it's at!Menu yang dipesan: Aglio Olio Shrimp Pasta, Honey Lemon Sparkling, Rose Pasta, iced hazelnut chocolate, french fries
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.2Loaf Bun Korean Bakery [ Cengkareng, Toko Roti,Kafe ]
Colorful Korean Bakery
I noticed Loaf Bun as I passed by a few times, and the exterior seemed so cute with a color palette that fits my style. They claim to be a Korean bakery, so I decided to give it a shot. From the outside, it looked quite spacious, but the reality inside was a bit different.
They offer a variety of baked goods, but nothing particularly caught my eye. I decided to try the chocolate bread and a mochi bread (I forgot the name), and the taste was just decent, nothing extraordinary. Also, the place was crowded on the weekend, and unfortunately, I couldn't find a table to sit.
In conclusion, Loaf Bun seems to excel in having an appealing exterior, but when it comes to the menu and taste, it falls a bit short. Perhaps they could enhance their offerings or tweak their recipes to make a more memorable impressionHarga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.6San Gimignano [ Riau, Kafe ]
Italian Inspired Place
This place is sooo Prettyy! They are giving italian vibe and rocked it so so so well. Bisa makan outdoor atau indoor tapi i recommend outdoor, karena feelnya lebih dapet, kalo indoor tempatnya agak kecil jadi bisa kerasa stuffy. Makanannya visually appealing banget, platingnya nice and colorful tapi harganya a bit pricey, and tastes not bad tapi biasa aja sih decent gitu bukan yang tasty banget sampe pengen balik lagi. Fish n chipsnya oke aja, but my friend said it's a bit fishy, chicken snitzelnya biasa aja, dan bolognaise bruschettanya not as big as the pic, kecil but it was good, i do recommend. Pelayanannya oke, dan gercep nawarin opsi penutup kalo panas. Anyway, great ambiance and decoration, i love the color palette.
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.8Ichisan Ramen [ Green Ville, Jepang ]
Tiktok's New Ramen Obsession
Suffice to say, my experience at Ichisan Ramen was fantastic. I had the pleasure of trying their signature ramen (without bean sprouts), and what surprised me was that I didn't need to reach for any additional condiments like soy sauce, chili oil, or chili powder. The flavors were incredibly robust and satisfying on their own. The toppings on the ramen were a real highlight โ tender and bursting with flavor. The only aspect that I found to be somewhat basic was the noodle itself.ย
Aside from the ramen, the corn ribs were a delightful surprise, and I couldn't get enough of the menchi chicken (I believe that's the name). They truly nailed the flavors here. Plus, they offer free refills for ocha.ย Their pricing was pretty okay thoo, kayak standard harga ramen sewajarnya.ย
The restaurant itself is quite spacious, and when I visited during the weekend for lunch, it was bustling with customers. Despite the crowd, the waitlist was reasonably short, not even exceeding 10 minutes. The service at Ichisan Ramen was also top-notch.In a nutshell, Ichisan Ramen offers a memorable dining experience with their flavorful dishes and efficient service.
Menu yang dipesan: Signature Ramen, Spicy Kara Ramen, Spicy miso kara ramen, corn ribs, Menchi Chicken, Black Garlic Ramen, Spicy Kara Ramen Lv. 5, Spicy Miso Kara Ramen Lv. 1
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.4Menya Ichiza [ Mangga Besar, Jepang ]
Recommended Japanese Food
My sister highly recommended this place, so I couldn't resist giving it a try, and it definitely lived up to my expectations. I ordered a bento with chicken nanban and gyoza, and the flavors were simply outstanding. The chicken nanban was a standout for me; I absolutely loved it! My sister ordered the butadon, and after taking a bite, I'm convinced it'll be my choice on my next visit. It's packed with flavor and incredibly tender; I can hardly wait to have it again. ๐ They have a diverse menu, and I'm eager to try their ramen next, given my sister's rave reviews.
In terms of pricing, it's a tad on the expensive side, but I'd say it's worth every penny! The only aspect that left me wanting a bit more was the ambiance. The restaurant is visually appealing, but for some reason, it didn't quite achieve that cozy feel. Perhaps it's because it's situated alongside a bustling road, making it feel a bit cramped. Nevertheless, it's a minor quibble in the grand scheme of things.ย
Overall, Menya Ichiza delivers on delectable food and is definitely a spot I'd recommend, i just wish they would open more branches, so more people could enjoy this fantastic food.Menu yang dipesan: Bento with Chicken Nanban and Gyoza, Ocha, Ice Cream
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.2EM Gelato [ Blok M, Es Krim ]
Nice and Affordable
Akses ke Em Gelato gampang banget soalnya dia deket pintu keluar MRT Blok M, jadi kalau misal gapunya kendaraan lumayan membantu. Awalnya ga berharap banyak sama eskrimnya dan cuma dateng karena tempatnya lucu. Tapi ternyata gelatonya enaaak! I can say one of my favorite gelate. Aku pesen yang bacio dan blueberry yogurt, i love it so so much dan harganya juga termasuk murah lah reasonable, 38k dapet 2 scoop.ย
Tempatnya agak kecil gitu dan rame jadi bisa ga dapet tempat duduk, tapi kemarin sih aku gak nunggu lama udah dapet tempat duduk. Pelayanannya juga cepet dan baik, bisa coba dulu rasanya sebelum beli kayak toko gelato umumnya. Must try sih!<3Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.8Roji Ramen [ Blok M, Jepang ]
Ramen vibe jepang
I've seen this ramen all over tiktok and reels, honestly i'm not visually attracted to this one, but becase it has been showing a lotttt on my fyp, i gotta try it.ย Kata orang-orang tempatnya rame banget dan waiting list sejaman lebih, jadi maju mundur mau nyobain yang di serpong, kebetulan kemaren ke sekitar blok m jadi cobain aja deh yang di kamaja. Aku dateng hari jumat siang sekitar jam 11 dan untungnya ga waiting list, jadi langsung masuk dan dapet tempat duduk lesehan. Honestly tempatnya lucu banget, vibe dan dekorasi jepangnya dapett.ย
Aku dan temen-temen aku cobain Hotto Ramen, Roji Ramen (mie merah), Kuro Ramen, Kare Ramen, dan Fried Gyoza. Rasanya enak semua, kuahnya ga terlalu thick dan creamy, tapi tetep rich kerasa gurihnya. Kuro Ramen rasanya gurih dominan asin, dan ga too much. Kalo yang hotto ga terlalu pedes sih tapi somehow for me terlalu menohok di tenggorokan, yang kare kuahnya enak juga, untuk yang mie merah kayaknya gaada bedanya deh sama mie original, gak pedes. Gyozanya dapet 4 biji ada 2 pilihan fried sama grill, pas nyobain udah keburu dingin soalnya makan terakhir, tapi tetep enak sih.
Untuk harga, menurut aku standar sih kayak ramen pada umumnya sekitar 30-40ribu (belum termasuk PPN dan service). Pelayanannya ramah dan cepat, ocha juga bisa refill. Tempatnya juga cute banget deh apalagi yang lesehan (tapi dingin bangett karena deket AC). Secara keseluruhan semuanya bagus sih, makanan, pelayanan, harga, dan suasana, pantes aja sampe waiting list karena emang bagus! Aku recommended banget! One of my favorite ramenย
Menu yang dipesan: Roji Ramen, Kare Ramen, Kuro Ramen, Hotto Ramen, fried gyoza, Ocha, Roji Ramen (mie merah)
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.0Sat & Sun [ Ngagel, Barat ]
Nice Place & Good Food
Jujur tertarik kesini cuma karena tempatnya aja karena tempatnya super cute, dan gak berekspektasi banyak sih sama makanannya. Tapi banyak juga yang bilang kalo makanannya lumayan enak. Sat & Sun ini kayak gabungan dari beberapa tenant makanan gitu sih, soalnya diluarnya ada bagel, dimsum, gitu-gitu deh. Di sini juga ada photoboxnya snap lab, lucu deh bentuknya kayak arcade machine.
Tempatnya lucu sihh as expected, warna warni retro gituu, makanannya oke jugaa. I got ultimeat (68k) soft bunss dan gila dagingnya banyak banget super juicyy, dan itu real meat ya bukan kayak daging tepung gituu, enak bangett dan ga enek sih, menurut aku the best burger i've ever tried!ย Temen aku coba yang muncheese (58k), menurut aku itu paling menggiurkan di menu, tapi kata temen-temen aku first bitenya doang yang enak, ngabisinnya susah karena enek. Kita juga coba nice fries (35k) porsinya oke, harganya oke, rasanya oke jugaa.
Menurut aku, emang harganya lumayan, over 50k. Tapi worth it sihh menurut aku. Definitely will come again! Kalo kekurangannya sih menurut aku mereka under-staffed sih jadi kayak agak lama gitu kalo minta apa-apa karena staffnya sibuk, terus juga tempatnya lumayan panassss, tapi makanannya cepet kok datengnya. Oh iya, i recommend jangan kesini kalo mau first date ya!ยย karena bakal berantakan banget makannyaa.
Menu yang dipesan: Ultimeat, Muncheese, Nice Fries, Photobox
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.4 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.8Alltime Buns [ Tegalsari, Barat ]
90s Concept
Sekarang di surabaya banyak banget tempat-tempat makan lucu dengan konsep-konsep baru kayak Alltime Buns, i think they intended to do 90s concept and honeslty they nailed it!
ย The designs are pretty, and so is the color palette. Mereka juga nerapin self-service. Since it's pretty popular, aku kira bakalan rame packed gitu, apalagi aku kesana weekend hari sabtu, tapi mungkin karena pagi masih belum terlalu rame.
I ordered Nashville Burger (47k) & Chicken Strip + Fries yang rasa Honey Chickpotle (42k) both are niceee, tapi my fav yang honey chickpotleeย enak banget ayam dan kentangnya, how do i explain it pokoknya enak, ayamnya kayak bukan ayam yang lembut gitu, digorengnya agak kering keras gitu(?) tapi enakk deh cobain aja sendirii, saos honeynya juga enak, manis gurih gitu, tapi aku kurang suka saos cocolannya, idk what that is, aku kira awalnya mayo bcs it's white tapi gaada rasanya, apa ya.
Untuk yang Nashville Burger gede ayamnya, pretty filling, rasanya enak sih tapi agak biasa aja gitu, lumayan pedess rasanya tapi masih tolerable, kalo buar burger i personally prefer yang dalemnya ga dry gitu, yang agak juicy, dan menurut aku lumayan dry sihh, maybe i should've tried something else. Kalo pelayanannya kan self-service ya, jadi cuma interaksi di kasir aja sih, dan orangnya biasa aja.
In short, harganya lumayan masuk akal sih, masih standard, rekomendasi aku sih you guys should try honey chickpotlenyaa nyam nyam, try photoboxnya juga karena cute haha and i think it's the perfect place for you to take pics for instagram, tapi kekurangannya di dalem lightningnya agak gelap sih, tapi gapapa bisa diedit yakann.Menu yang dipesan: Nashville Burger, Honey Chickpotle
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.3 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.0Kataramen [ Bintaro, Jepang ]
Katanya Selalu Ramee
Took almost an hour from my house just to eat this ramen, istg this better be gewdd. Aku sampe sekitar jam 6 dan untungnya waktu sampe ga harus nunggu lagi, soalnya katanya kalo yang di tebet waiting list lamaa. Makanannya juga cepet datengnya, pelayanannya juga baguss. Untuk harga ramen2nya menurut aku standar sih, ga mahal ga murah. Awalnya aku ngerasa porsi ramennya kecil, tapi waktu abis kenyang juga sih.
I ordered black kurei ramen (8/10) for 43k pretty worth it i'd sayy ayamnya enak juicyy, rumput lautnya ga amiss, kuahnya enak berasa even tanpa ditambahin kecap asin dll, mienya rasanya sama aja seperti yang kuning, cuma beda warna saja, next one is curry beef (6/10) for 48k kuahnya seperti indomie kari๐ lebih berasa kuah indomay jadi b aja i'd say tdk terlalu worth it tapi beefnya enak sich mayann, and gyoza (7.5/10) for 28k lumayan mahal gasi cuma dpt 5๐ญ kicik pula tp enak kok coba sj kalau mau, last one ochanya ya seperti ocha pada umumnya lah 9k tapi free refill mayann. Btw semua harganya belum termasuk PPN yaa.
Walaupun ga waiting list kok, tapi tempatya rame sih packed banget jarak antar meja kecill, terus ada yg main UNO lumayan berisik sih padahal jaraknya ujung ke ujung wkwk, aku ngobrol jadi budeg gak kedengeran.Kesimpulannya worth it sih, tp jauuh semoga buka cabang lagi yang lebih deket hehe. Aku rekomen yg black kurei, yg signature juga kyknya enak sih.
Menu yang dipesan: Black Kurei-men, Curry Beef Steak, Gyoza, Ocha
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.3 pembaca berterima kasih.