3.2Two Stories [ Bogor Timur, Kafe ]
The most comfy place to hang out
Spotted! My favorite chillin cafe in Bogor. Yeahh I love all about their interior and it's so comfortable to stay for a longgg time with friends. I prefer the second floor because its semi outdoor afmosphere. Too bad, since I enjoyed it too much, I forgot to take any pictures of their interior and cozy atmosphere :(
Anyway, even though their atmosphere is the winner but I think there's nothing wrong with the food & beverage too. I ordered their potato sausage gratin (35k), it tasted good and worth the price (since it's really cheap) and I also ordered two stories frappe coffee (29k), this drink is freakin good and so addicting! I'm craving for more of it. My friend tried their calamary thai salad (32k) and two stories iced coffee (29k). I didn't try his dish but it looked fine and pretty appetizing.
I totally will come back for the next visit since enjoy the place so much and I also gonna try their other exciting menus. Beside that, the price is pretty affordable for all kind of food and bev. Two stories definitely give me a different atmosphere in Bogor and I bet you will love it too!Menu yang dipesan: Potato Sausage Gratin, Calamary Thai Salad, Two Stories Iced Coffee, two stories frappe coffee
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.4 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.2Perang Kerang [ Beji, Indonesia ]
New Style for Seafood Eaters!
Terobosan tempat seafood baru di Depok! It's quite surprising to know there's a Louisiana Seafood place like this in Depok. And the fact is, it's pretty good! Actually I'm not a seafood lovers, but I think this place is worth to try. Kemarin aku coba kerang hijau saus padang (40k), ikan dori (fish n chips) (40k), dan kepiting saus padang (60k). Saus padangnya enakk! Aku pesan yang level mild dan pedesnya cukup berasa. Dory fish n chipsnya juga lumayan, meskipun ngga spesial sih. Untuk kepitingnya aku ngga coba karena ngga suka kepiting. Kesimpulannya, makanannya cukup enak dan harganya juga affordable banget. Untuk suasana memang tempatnya biasa aja cuma terbayar sama makanannya. Ohiya, we ordered green tea pancong lava (15k) for dessert. It's delicious too and perfect to end our barbarian dinner. Overall, I recommend this place for the seafood lovers, especially around Depok area.
Menu yang dipesan: Kepiting saus padang (original level), ikan dori, Kerang hijau saus padang (Mild level), Pancong Lava Greentea
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.4 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.0Coco Ichibanya [ Thamrin, Jepang ]
The most favorite curry restaurant so far
Thank God I finally can taste a real japanese curry!!! It's been a reallyyyy long time since I tasted a plate of rich and delicious curry. As I expected before, the curry is so good. The toppings and the sauce are taste well together.
Today, I ordered chicken cutlet omelette curry. The chicken cutlet is so thick and crispy, and the omelette just melted in my mouth. My boyfriend order beef minced curry. I love the beef minced! I recommend you to order the spicy one because the taste if more flavorful than the standard one. In addition, I think 150gr rice will be enough for girls because I ordered their standard portion (250gr rice) and I end up didn't finish half of them.
Overall, the highlight of my visit is the service. The service is sooo quick and really satisfied for me. I also love the ambience of this place. It's very comfortable. The price is wise and they have various kind of menus. So, I definitely will come back to try another curry. Don't forget to keep up the very good service!Menu yang dipesan: Minced Beef Curry, chicken cutlet omelette curry
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.3 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.6Union [ Pondok Indah, Barat ]
Best cakery everrr
This actually a really quick and late review. BUT I just wanna tell you how worth their boston cream cronut. As a sweet tooth, I could say that their cronut is one of the best.
The price is absolutely not cheap, but it's worth it. Ukuran boston creamnya sangat besar, rasa manisnya pas, dan fillingnya lembut banget. Untuk yg lagi BM cronut, harus banget coba boston cream dari bakery stationnya Union!Menu yang dipesan: Boston Cream Cronut
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.3 pembaca berterima kasih.