I brought a churreria vouchers from groupon
few months ago, and try to give it a shot for the second time, the first
time i tried is at CP Mall.. the place is very nice, and also the
waitresses. because the voucher already got the package there, so me and
my bf decided to order, a cold brew coffee, lemon tea, 6 churros with 2
kind of dip, which i go for dark chocolate and caramels dip sauces.
For the churros ala carte we order the oreo galletas & caramello.
when it first came, i think the size is kinda small from the last time i
eat it, or maybe it's because of the 'voucher' size. anyway, for me the
taste is still the same, just so-so, and still to oily. the churros
with ice cream is better maybe because the ice cream neutral it, but i
can't barely finished a plate of that churros.
the coffee was just ok, but too watery, the ice lemon tea is too sour too drink :D
Tanggal kunjungan: 25 September 2016 Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
untuk soal tempat sih chureria pewe banget tempatnya. pokoknya tempatnya keren dan cocok lah buat makan cantik bareng temen. Trus waktu itu gue dan temen temen gue patungan beli churros dengan topping caramel dan chocolate. jujur topping caramelnya enak banget parahhhhh.. pelayanan nya sih oke cepat, dan tempatnya bersih juga
Tanggal kunjungan: 07 Mei 2016 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Churreria pindah jadi lebih kecil, mejanya palingan cma 4 jadi lebih milih take away gue pesen cinnamon sugar cokelat, churros nya enak mau cobain waffle nya sih lain kali aja deh.
Menu yang dipesan: Churros Cinnamon sugar
Tanggal kunjungan: 23 April 2016 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000