d'izgara  [ Arab/Timur Tengah ]
4.8 3 review


[ Arab/Timur Tengah ]
4.8 3 review
Harga : rasa

Jl. Cibulan II No. 5, Senopati, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
( Alamat Lama: Jl. Cipete Raya No. 14, Fatmawati, Jakarta Selatan )

Buka - Jumat (11:00 - 19:00) 081290072166


Buka Senin - Minggu (11:00 - 19:00)

Di atas Rp. 200.000 /orang

d'izgara [ Senopati ]

  • Tipe KulinerArab/Timur Tengah
  • Jam Buka
  • PembayaranTunai


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  • Picture 1661403159
    https://assets-pergikuliner.com/Cw3d7tUqH9ZBh4KpJv0fP5tZaXk=/385x290/smart/https://assets-pergikuliner.com/uploads/image/picture/2605974/picture-1661403159.jpg 1x, https://assets-pergikuliner.com/WL_fPcK1cABmJfViUqfhrhFXm6A=/770x580/smart/filters:no_upscale()/https://assets-pergikuliner.com/uploads/image/picture/2605974/picture-1661403159.jpg 2x

Review dari pengunjung untuk d'izgara

Foto Profil Linda Setiawati

30 Review

Level 5

No Badge


Turkish's AYCE

*Review di lokasi lama.

Cari tempat ayce untuk bukber. Ehh nemu D'izgara resto. All you can eat ala Turky, timur tengah. Ambil yg Luxury Package, ada wagyu dan lamb nya.
Ada banyak jenis bbq, dari ayam, daging, daging berlemak, kambing, wagyu lengkap. Rasanya enak, dagingnya tebel dan lumer bgt di mulut.
Dan yang bikin hepi lagi makanan buffet nya, lengkap dan enakkkk. Nasi mandhi, sambosa vege, sambosa lamb, salad, soup kari entah apa itu namanya suka bgt, roti nya lupa jg namanya apa 😅😅, salad, buah, dessert jelly dan kue2nya jg sukaaaa. Green tea, thai tea ahhh ini the best. Oyaa mesti coba puddingnya ya, kl suka manis pudding caramel, kalo ga suka manis bs coba pudding turki 👍
Gak nyesel makan disini. Pelayanannya jg juara.
Yang suka poto2, tempatnya jg bagus buat foto2.
Cobainn kuy....

Menu yang dipesan: Luxury Package

Tanggal kunjungan: 30 April 2021
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!
2 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil @bondtastebuds

74 Review

Level 8



Middle Eastern BBQ Feast!

*Review di lokasi lama.

Hey #Tastebuddies!

Middle Eastern delicacy is something close to my heart. Upon learning that Cipete has D'Izgara that offers AYCE Middle Eastern style bbq with terra cota grill and charcoal, I just had to visit and unleash the carnivorous beast within.

D'Izgara is one of those ayce restaurant that's worth more than it's charging. All of the package they offer comes with the option to pick up various selection of Middle Eastern appetizers and deserts from the buffet. Though they are very tempting, don't let them distract you from the main purpose of your visit! (Though, I recommend you to try their sambosas and their egg dish. To note that they also have coffee machine!)

Bon(d) had their regular package which protein consist of marinated chicken, blackpepper beef, meltique beef, and Moroccan spice beef.

The grilling process was just enjoyable. The heat and meat met causing that satisfying crackling and sizzling sounds.

In the taste department, D'izgara is also winning. Their meat is just the best! Definitely worth another visit!

- Cheers!

IG: @bondtastebuds

#BondEats #SeketikaLapar

Menu yang dipesan: Regular Package

Tanggal kunjungan: 14 Maret 2021
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Ig @Vanda_raniaarasya | Vanda S

No Badge


Dizgara grill, all u can eat turkish

*Review di lokasi lama.

Kesan pertama pas masuk ke resto ini..cozy..
Banyak ornamen2 khas turki didalam restonya..bikin kangen pgn ke negara itu lagi..
Dengan konsep all u can eat..pengunjung disuguhkan berbagai daging slice premium dan potongan ayam berbumbu yg dihantarkan lgsg ke meja pengunjung..
Tersedia juga berbagai pilihan dessert berupa salad dan kue2 khas turki juga appetizer.
Nasi mandi dan kabsah disediakan utk pendamping makan all you can eat ini..
Daan..yg menyenangkan sbgi penggemar kopi, mereka juga menyediakan mesin kopi sbgi pelengkap sajian mereka...
Rekomen resto utk yg bosen bakar2an ala Jepang..

Tanggal kunjungan: 02 Februari 2020
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
3 pembaca berterima kasih.

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