Try the newest food place in Taman Palem area and they just opened less than a month.
Located in almost at the end of Ruko2 Taman Palem boulevard and share the same ruko with Bakmi Uncle Ki's and Raja tahu kriuk. The place is not equipped with Aircon but they have some fans atrached in the wall.
The foods they served here are pepper rice dishes something like Pepper Lunch but with much more affordable price.
Ordered: 1. Chiken original pepper rice 29k: overall taste and presentation quite good but personally it will be better if they use the skin in chicken meat so chicken still moist during the cooking process. 2. Rendang beef pepper rice 33k: love this one, the rendang sauce was delicious and tasty and suprisingly blend together with all the ingredients there. Beef quality also good though need to be a little bit fattier. Recommended menu here. 3. Fish and chips 39k: big cut of fish, tasted good however the fish' batter need a bit of improvement. Chips also a bit dry. 4. Chicken popcorn 20k: Delicious, portion is perfect for snacking. Another recommended menu.
Overall, the dishes were good and very pocket friendly without forgetting the quality.
Tanggal kunjungan: 04 November 2017 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Jumat ini berkesempatan dgn teman2 foodies nyobain tempat makan baru di daerah Palem.
tempat mrk ini gabung dgn bbrpa usaha lainnya,jadi di 1 ruko ini ada 3spot/kedai/counter.
krn kita dtngnya rame2 kita coba bbrp menu Fav mrk :
1. Rendang beef ini gw suka mungkin krn beef & bumbu rendangnya rasanya ok dagingnya juga empuk... 33k 2. Chiken original pepper...OK lah tp dagingnya terlalu keset gw lbh suka daging paha gitu lbh lembut dan berminyak wangi jadinya....29k
3. Chicken popcorn...OK lah kalau bisa sich lbh garing gitu jdi asyik dikunyahnya....20k
4. Fish and chips...Enak tp Kulit tepungnya kurang Garing buat gw kalau lbh garing pasti Joss
Overall msh Okelah dgn Harga yg dibayarkan
Tanggal kunjungan: 03 November 2017 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Ada pilihan baru buat yang suka pepper rice , gak cuman ayam atau sapi dengan saus jepang , disini ada rasa rendang
Suka dengan kombinasi rasanya , bumbu rendang diaduk dengan nasi, irisan sapi , telur, jagung, dan nasi di atas hot plate..... setelah diaduk rasanya pas banget cocok dengan lidah saya
Menu selain pepper rice , ada fish n chips , chicken popcorn yang pas banget buat camilan atau dengan nasi
Menu yang dipesan: Chicken Popcorn, chicken pepper rice, Rendang Pepper Rice, Fish n Chips
Tanggal kunjungan: 03 November 2017 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000