Super Loco  [ Meksiko ]
3.54 14 review
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Super Loco

[ Meksiko ]
3.54 14 review
Harga : rasa

Pacific Place Mall, Lantai Ground
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, SCBD, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Tidak Buka Lagi 021 57973553

021 57973553

Tidak Buka Lagi Senin - Kamis (10:00 - 01:00), Jumat - Sabtu (09:00 - 02:00), Minggu (10:00 - 01:00)

Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000 /orang

Super Loco [ SCBD ]

  • Tutup
  • Tipe KulinerMeksiko
  • Jam Buka
    Tidak Buka Lagi
  • PembayaranTunai, Visa, Master, Debet


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Review dari pengunjung untuk Super Loco

Foto Profil Merry Lee

150 Review

Level 10

Bakmi Pasta Dessert


Suka sama burrito nya

Kalo ke sini tuh bener butuh reservasi deh apalagi pas jam lunch. Saya ke sana tanpa reservasi dan dapetnya meja kecil dekat pintu masuk, kita bertiga tapi 1 orang nya lagi gak dapet kursi secara meja kecilnya itu dekat sofa. Minta diambilin kursi yang lain juga gak bisa karena indoor nya sudah di-reserve. Jadi mau gak mau berdua duduk mepet2an di sofa dan 1 nya lagi di kursi.

Untuk starter ada Tosta Cangrejo (105K) ini fresh banget lho, daging kepitingnya berasa banget, ditambah ada potongan avocado di atasnya. Disajikan di atas tortilla chips, dan rasanya agak2 pedes, bikin nagihhh!!

Kemudian ada lagi Tacos Baja (80K) yaitu crispy fish fillet yang disajikan dengan chili mango salad, dengan siraman thousand island (I think). Karena kita makannya bertiga jadi langsung dibagi tiga dan langsung sekali lahap, ennyaakkk!!!! Makan tacos gak harus dengan cara klasik, makannya dipisah gitu juga asik 

Next untuk Burrito de Camarones (105K) ini kesukaan saya. Biarpun pakenya spiced chicken dan ada chili mayo, tp gak berasa pedesnya. Ditambah ada black bean dan avocado, gak bakal eneg dehhh...

Quesadilla Combo (125K) nya enak juga lho meskipun agak pedes, dan masih dikasi cocolan yang sepertinya isinya cabe ijo, keliatannya pedes nyessss
Ini harus banget dimakan pas disajikan panas karena kalo uda dingin kayak alot gitu.

Anyway untuk saladnya fresh bangettttt, jadi berasa sehat deh meskipun makannya banyak 
Dan well.... Untuk porsi disini emang agak mini, jadi minimal harus pesen 2 main course baru bisa kenyang 

Menu yang dipesan: Burrito de Camarones, Tacos Baja, Quesadilla Combo, Tosta Cangrejo

Tanggal kunjungan: 02 Maret 2017
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Jakartarandomeats

Alfa 2017

1056 Review

Level 18

Steak Ramen Dimsum Seafood BBQ Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Great but overpriced Mexican Food. Pajak servis 20%!

One of the most anticipated resto from Union group yg konsepnya beda sendiri: mexican food! Gw udah bookmark & mantengin ni resto sejak sebelum buka, dan akhirnya buka jugaa.. cuslah kesini! 
Sebelumnya temen gw udah rsvp dulu seminggu sebelumnya karena emang katanya rame banget, dan gw kesini weekdays menjelang sore hari. Pas sampe, emang rame banget untung udah rsvp sebelumnya. Kita rsvp minta di luar, tapi dapetnya di dalem dengan alasan yg diluar ga available katanya. Padahal interior luarnya lucu banget, dan bagian dalem gelap banget. Tapi pas liat interiornya yg seksi, langsung terobati. Interiornya ngingetin sama Lola: gelap, furnitur coklat gelap, iconic motif, dan mural yg colorful. Atapnya tinggi karena sebelumnya resto Opera Blanc emang terdiri dari 2 lantai. Waitress bagian rsvp di depan jutek abis, bahkan menegur gw yg foto2.. sementara waitress di dalam yg handle pesenan gw sama temen2 super baik & bisa menjelaskan menunya dengan cukup rinci, pun diperbolehkan pindah meja karena awalnya dapet sofa yg super sempit. Tetep kita ga dapet outdoor seperti pesanan, dan dikasihtau maksimal jam 4 sore doang bisa pesan. ternyata karena mulai jam 4, semua area indoor juga diperbolehkan smoking. 
Karena reramean, kita pesen:  FOOD  - Con todos (110k) - corn chips with all salsa & guacamole: gak sah ke restoran Mexico tanpa pesen tortilla & guacamole! Akhirnya pesen ini, dengan guacamole, salsa sauce, dan pina sauce. guacamolenya enak, sayang terlalu mild & lembut buat dicocol, salsanya seger abis, dan pina saucenya surprisingly the best karena seger banget, asem, manis, dan agak pedes karena terbuat dari nanas. Tortilla chipsnya cukup tebal tapi renyah, porsinya lumayan banyak untuk sharing.  - Tosta Cangrejo (105k) - blue swimmer crab, habanero mayo, spring onion, avocado: small taco yg atasnya ada blue swimmer crab yg udah dipotong kecil2 dicampur dengan habanero mayo, atasnya onion & potongan avocado. Satu plate isinya 4, dan kecil banget sekali lahap makannya. Tapi ini enak banget, kepitingnya sendiri tasty dengan mayo yg lumayan pedas, dan taconya renyah.  - Quesadilla Queso (65k) - fresh & aged cheese, mozzarella, jalapeño, parsley: ini quesadilla mirip pizza super tipis, terdiri dari 4 slice yg atasnya ada parmesan cheese & parsley, dalemnya dikit n tipis banget sampe bingung fotonya. tapi pas makan.. yaolo enak banget, kejunya di dalemnya gurih lembut, ini salahsatu quesadilla terenak yg gw pernah makan..  - Tacos Cachete Y Lingua (70k) - ox tongue n cheek, pickled coleslaw, ghost chili mayo: menu ini kecil banget, tacosnya cuma diameter 10cm, toppingnya ada coleslaw yg cukup manis, mayo yg cukup pedas (ghost chili, whatever is that), dan yg menonjol.. dagingnya bau. Gw nyobain dagingnya duluan pertama, pas sampe mulet masih brasa smoky tapi agak bau sampe agak enek. Yaudah gw cobain makan segigit secara keseluruhannya, njir pedes banget mayonya sampe gw langsung minum. Beneran pedesnya kayak hantu, dan dagingnya masih bau, akhirnya ga makan lagi sampe akhir.  - Burrito de Cameron’s (105k) - grilled king prawns, avocado, lettuce, achiote mayo, quinoa: kita pesen ini sebagai satu2nya menu yg ’ngenyangin’ berdasar saran waitressnya. Ukurannya lumayan besar, dibagi 2 dengan tortilla wrap dengan filling utamanya udang yg cukup pedas & asam, dan gw agak zonk di suapan pertama dapet udang yg asin banget! Quinoa-nya cukup lembut & mengenyangkan, dan achiote mayo-nya cukup spicy tapi ngasih sensasi mild sweet, pas dimakan dengan renyahnya selada yg udah dipotong kecil2. 
DESSERT  - Pastel Azul (65k) - warm blue corn bread, vanilla ice cream, meringue: sebagai dessert, menu ini cukup ngenyangin karena corn breadnya padet banget, penampilan mirip banana cake, cukup bertekstur kasar, tapi manis karena potongan jagungnya. es krim vanillanya enak bangettt walau agak kemanisan karena cakenya udah manis. untung ada mix berry: strawberry, blueberry, raspberry yg cukup banyak, fresh, dan ngasih warna jadi ngimbangin asam-manisnya dessert ini secara keseluruhan. - Churros (55k) - crispy churros, mexican chocolate sauce, raspberry salsa: churrosnya cukup lembut walau luarnya garing dengan taburan gula. gw merasa agak terlalu lembut churrosnya mungkin karena kita terbiasa makan churros yg agak renyah & padat, gak moist tengahnya kaya yg satu ini. Dipping saucenya gw suka keduanya, mexican chocolatenya pekat banget & agak pahit, pas ketemu churrosnya yg udah berasa gula & cinnamon. Sementara raspberry salsanya seger asem, masih ada potongan raspberrynya. Enakk.. 
DRINKS  - Mandrine Jasmine (45k): jasmine tea ini harumm banget, tapi rasanya cukup light di lidah. Hangat & harum bangett..  - Orange Juice (55k): pas gw mints less ice, ternyata disini jusnya 100% fresh orange, tapi tetep dicampur simple syrup sedikit. Fresh banget, tapi ga terlalu kental, dan masih ada potongan orangenya.
Emang sih buat gw yg gak terlalu nge-fans sama Mexican food, ini termasuk enak! Tapi bumbunya, penyajiannya, enak! Walau porsinya kecil2 & dikit bangettt kalo dibanding sama harganya yg cukup mahal. Agak overpriced. Dan guys.. pajak servisnya 20%!

Tanggal kunjungan: 09 Februari 2017
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
3 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil andaranila

887 Review

Level 16

Steak Ramen Dimsum Seafood BBQ Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert


Pastel de maiz azul enak!

Wah ada yg baru di PP! Jujur memang jarang ke pp tapi pas liat ada yg baru disana kaya langsung tertarik gtu. suasananya emang enakk banget, tapi sayang serveer untuk reservasinya kurang oke. Inget banget waktu reservasi gue pesen di outdoor. Eh pas tadi dikasihnya indoor gitu, pake jam2an juga, gajelas menurut gue. Pdahal kita makan dan bayar. Oiya disini juga gaboleh foto interior gt. Kalo makanan aja boleh, au lagi deh tuh knapa. Untuk pelayanan suka bangget sama pelayanannya mas Akmal, mba Sarah & mba Beta. Very helpfull.


Untuk rupa rupa menu yang kita pesan ada banyak. Yang paling gue suka si tortila yg pake tiga macam cocolan. Ada guacamole, salsa dan pina-salsa. Jujur gue ga suka pedes tp buat pedesnya pina-salsa itu JUARA DUNIA SEKALI ~ walaupun pedes tp endolitah! Untuk dessertnya gue suka banget sama si pastel de maiz azul. Walau namanya 'pastel' tapi ini bkn pastel hahahha ini adalah corn bread (bolu jagung) yang disajikan pake eskrim vanilla terus berry yg segar. Eskrimnya manis, breadnya manis banget, untung diseimbangin sama berriesnya! Gue suka banget tp sayang krn udah kenyang jdnya gue ga habisin.


Untuk makanan2 lain yang gue pesen ada burrito de caramones. Burrito isinya prawn king dan macam2 bumbu meksiko. Udangnya rada amis buatku. Tp abis hahahahaha. Ada quinoa nya yg sprti maknan burung lovebirdku tp enak rasanya. Queso, mirip pizza tipis gt rasanya enak, cheesy bgt dan ada pedes2nya dr jalapeno. Cangrejo, ini enak! Tp.sayang cuma sedikit. Lobsternya manis, yummy!


Overall ya suka aja sm tempat ini krn mengingatkan pd cafe2 di bali yg ala mexicana itu. Tp sayang taxnya mahal bgt yaitu 20%. Kendala reservasi yg bikin gue ga mood krn pencahayaan di dlm itu kuning, diluar itu bagus banget. Sebel.

Tanggal kunjungan: 07 Februari 2017
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
3 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Dita

42 Review

Level 7

No Badge


Hip Mexican Restaurant with a Cool Vibe

Got the chance to feast on this happening Mexican restaurant thanks to pergikuliner! A collaboration between Union and Loco from Singapore, no wonder this place becomes hip in a bat of an eye. Newest addition of middle-upper class restaurants in Pacific Place. One essential tip from me before you visit this place: lower your expectations! The service was not up to par with its hype.

Food and beverages: 4.5/5
Personally I’m a big fan of Mexican food. Tacos, quesadillas, nachos, guac, you name it! We splurged on a few of their menu, starting from appetizers, main dish, to desserts. 
- Con Todos: corn chips with spicy piña salsa (FAVE! Using pineapple as main ingredient, I love this one since spiciness didn’t overpower and rather addictive), guacamole (tasted great, balanced between sour and savory but lacking original avocado texture - too mushy), and salsa roja (fresh tomato and sour in the right way). Corn chips itself was salty and crisp, combined with the sauces it became even tastier! Served as a great appetizer or snack if you’re in that state where you’re not that full and still want a bite. 
- Quesadilla (Queso): quesadilla filled with fresh aged cheese and mozzarella, topped with sprinkles of jalapeño and parsley. So damn good! The cheese was so prominent, the quesadilla dough was finely sliced, it was almost like thin pizza. Jalapeño and parsley were a perfect addition that spiced it and escalated the whole thing. 
- Tacos (Cachete y Lengua): taco filled with sliced ox tongue, diced ox cheek, coleslaw, and chili. This one’s spicy enough to satisfy me! Tortilla had a distinctive floral scent that contrasted the slightly stinky meat. Somehow worked well together although the spiciness was a little too dominant.
- Tostadita (Cangrejo): crispy tortillas with blue swimmer crab, habanero mayo, avocado, and onion. Another favorite of mine! The flavorful toppings collaborated so well with the crispy corn chips! Crab was fresh and still had its texture. Had the most amazing taste! The only downside was the too small portion.
- Burrito (Camarones): this one’s only available on lunch time so if you want a bite of this, you should come by at 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. This burrito is filled with grilled king prawns, avocado, lettuce, achiote mayo, and quinoa. This dish is quite fulfilling while the others were more suitable for light bites. Tasted average though, the prawn had a smokey taste. The dressings were too salty.
- Pastel de Maiz Azul: cornbread served with vanilla ice cream and berries, this dessert was quite heavy. The cornbread itself was sweet, vanilla ice cream was even sweeter, and the berries balanced everything with its sourness. 
- Churros: soft batter inside and crispy outside made me understand why there’s always room for dessert. Came with two dippings: berries and chocolate. I couldn’t stop savoring this postre. 
- Orange Juice: fresh orange juice without ice! Gaaawd.

- Mandarine Jasmine Tea: very calming and smelled nice! Great choice to water down the spiciness that’s a trademark for mexican food.

Overall the foods were great, most came in small portion but since we ordered a lot it was fulfilling enough (especially the burrito). 

Pricing: 3/5
Overpriced! Even though the food tasted awesome, the portions were relatively small. Besides the food, I think they were also selling the “vibes” and ambience of this place. Con Todos costed IDR 110k, Quesadilla Queso IDR 65k, Tacos Cachete y Lengua IDR 70k, Tostadita Cangrejo IDR 105k, Burrito de Camarones IDR 105k, Pastel de Maiz Azul IDR 65k, Churros IDR 55k, Mandarine Jasmine Tea IDR 45k, Orange Juice IDR 55k, with overall tax 20% (10% service and 10% PB1). All in all the three of us spent almost IDR 900k. Pricey!

Ambience: 4.5/5
One word: fancy. A new spot located in Pacific Place, easy to spot since it’s on the outside. There are two parts of this restaurant: outdoor and indoor (you can smoke inside after 4 pm). There are only three tables available outside divided by trees and covered by glass panes that look so pretty under the sunlight. The ceilings are high and a small bar is also accessible. Once you go inside, you’ll find a pleasing bar with inviting warm lighting on the right, and on the left there are cute murals by the wall and the seatings (booths, sofas, and normal chairs). The ceilings are so high that makes the place seem so spacious and you definitely will be charmed by the iconic murals. The booths are quite cramped, the sofa can be a photogenic spot since the mural is behind it. I suggest you take the place outside since it’s very pretty! I sat in the sofa by the murals facing the bar. I just love the vibes this place offer and its super extra decors.

Service: 2.5/5
We made a reservation since the week before and specifically asked for outdoor seating but when we came, the lady upfront easily said that outdoor seatings are strictly for walk-in only and it isn’t available at the moment. They could’ve said that on the phone! We weren’t allowed to take outdoor pictures as well (with professional camera). We were seated in the booth, where we feel cramped; then we asked to move to the sofa. A few minutes later, we were told that the table was only available until 4 pm. WHAT?! Luckily the food came fast and we were able to finish it before 4 pm so all is well. The waitress and waiters were really nice and attentive though (one of them named Akmal and he’s really proficient in English, knows the dish well and was able to answer our inquiries, bravo!). Overall I was not satisfied with the service.

Highlight: start with con todos as an appetizer or snack, then have quesadilla queso and tostadita cangrejo, finish with a plate of churros and a cup of hot tea while you sit outdoor watching the cars pass or simply having a conversation with your friends! A blissful afternoon guaranteed!

Menu yang dipesan: Burrito de Camarones, Churros, Quesadilla Queso, Pastel de Maiz Azul, Con Todos, Tostadita Cangrejo, Tacos Cachete y Lengua, Orange Juice

Tanggal kunjungan: 07 Februari 2017
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
2 pembaca berterima kasih.

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