Tersadji  [ Indonesia ]
3.7 4 review
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[ Indonesia ]
3.7 4 review
Harga : rasa

Jl. Kemang Raya No. 95E, Kemang, Jakarta Selatan

Tidak Buka Lagi 021 7194313

021 7194313

Tidak Buka Lagi Senin - Minggu (11:00 - 21:00)

Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000 /orang

Tersadji [ Kemang ]

  • Tutup
  • Tipe KulinerIndonesia
  • Jam Buka
    Tidak Buka Lagi
  • PembayaranTunai, Visa, Master, Debet


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Review dari pengunjung untuk Tersadji

Foto Profil Reinard Barus

58 Review

Level 7

Kopi Dessert


Makanan indonesia

Karena lagi pengen makan indonesian food dan penasaran karena sering lewat akhirnya mampir kesini. Ternyata tempat ini makanannya disajikan prasmanan jadi kita pilih langsung mau makan apa sehabis itu lauknya diangetin dulu.

Gw pesen lidah cabe ijo, ayam, terong balado, sayur sawi, kulit ayam, dan tahu isi. Semuanya menurut gw rasanya lumayan aja sih. Paling enaknya sih lidah cabe ijonya.

Tempatnya lumayan bagus, di bawah non smoking area, di atas di balkonjya ada smoking areanya.

Tanggal kunjungan: 29 Januari 2018
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Namira

195 Review

Level 11

Kopi Dessert


Hm tahunya udah asem :(

Gue pikir tempatnya yang besar banget gitu tp ternyata kecil bgt paling dibawah buat 15 org udh penuh. Di atas ada sih tp gatau boleh dipake atau engga. Jadi dia sistemnya kaya prasmanan gt tp dia yang ngambilin. Dan udah ada paket nasi gorengan, sayur, main course, es teh manis. Main course yang gue beli, ayam sambal matah sih enak-enak aja tp sayang bgt gorengan gue beli, tahu isi udah asem bgt. Gue jd keburu males makan. Es tehnya lumayan banyak. Hmm kalo gue bilang design tempat ini udah bagus paling main coursenya aja ditambahin jd bisa lebih bervariasi. Gue pesen dessertnya pisang keju gt, kurang enak kalo menurut gue.

Tanggal kunjungan: 18 Juli 2017
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil deactived - move to @foodiary.me

No Badge


Makanan Indonesia.

Aku kesini pesen yang menu paket nasi, jadi udah termasuk 1 porsi nasi, 1 maincourse, 1sayuran, satu gorengan, dan 1 teh manis/air mineral.

-main coursenya lidah cabe ijo, dan udang telur asin,

-sayurannya sawi putih+bakso,

-gorengannya perkedel jagung dan kulit ayan crispy,

-minumnya air mineral.
Nah ekspektasi aku tuh kita bisa ambil menunya sendiri, tapi ternyata di tawarin trus kita sebutin deh apa yg kita mau tentu aja dgn menu yg udah ditentukan yaa, walaupun penyajiannya tuh seperti prasmanan kalian gak bisa ambil sendiri sepuasnya loh. Trus ternyata porsinya dikit banget. Apalagi sayurannya paling cuma satu sendok makan.😂😂😂
Untuk royal pisang keju sih yang menolong tuh rasa kejunya yang kalo disajikan hanget2 tuh bisa meleleh di mulut. Nah chicken nuggetnya? Yaa so..so lah kaya nugget bungkusan yang biasa di beli di swalayan

Menu yang dipesan: Chicken Nugget, royal pisang keju, paket nasi.

Tanggal kunjungan: 18 Juli 2017
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Adieguno

10 Review

Level 3

No Badge


Indonesian Food Buffet

Tersadji Restaurant Kemang located at Jalan Kemang Raya which is this restaurant serves Indonesian cuisine. And I bet you’ll like all the food at this restaurant, because they are maintaining the authenticity of the cuisine of each local in Indonesia.
And when I arrived at this restaurant, I saw the building this restaurant and I loved it. The building is covered by a white color make this restaurant impressed classy. Although this restaurant has a parking lot that is not too spacious, but the restaurant provides valet.
What’s Up At Tersadji Restaurant Kemang

If we talk about the ambiance at this restaurant will definitely be very interesting. The restaurant consists of two floors, on the second floor there is an outdoor room. On the first floor I saw there are beautiful ornaments that decorate the whole room. Besides ornaments there are paintings on the walls make the room more comfortable to stop off.

Let’s Talk About Tersadji Menu

Tersadji is pronounced from “tersaji” meaning as presented, all the menu here is available in buffet. So the guests can choose their own menu that they like and take them to the plate. After all the guests pay for food and take it to the table. Tersadji Restaurant serving Indonesia cuisine like Javanese, Sundanese and Padang.

Sate Komo (IDR 40K/4, 75K/8)

Beef satay served with special sambal. The texture a little bit dry but it was perfectly marinated because the seasoning come through so well into the beef. The peanut sauce served in separately.

Rawon (IDR 51K)

The rawon soup was rich in flavor, the aroma has a specific lemon grass with savory taste. Tersadji Restaurant serves Rawon with salted egg, bean sprout in separately and the special one is a lovable perkedel.

I picked tumis sawi bakso, perkedel kentang and teri balado. The spiciness level still friendly enough, sweet and salty are average and nothing to complain. All the dish are delicious and just like my mother’s cook. So when I ate here I feel like I am in my home. Oh I miss my home 🙂

Royal Pisang Coklat (IDR 24K)

A cute fried banana in a roll as we know as pisang coklat or piscok. But the different is their pisang coklat made in petite four or single bite, crisp and covered with icing sugar. Even though the sweetness was still fine.

Tersadji Restaurant could be one of your dine in destination at Kemang. Although Kemang surrounded by Western, Japanese, Chinese Food and so on but you can still eat Indonesian food with “buffet” style in this neighborhood place. 

Menu yang dipesan: Perkedel, Teri Balado, TUMIS SAWI BAKSO

Tanggal kunjungan: 04 April 2017
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

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16 Feb 2025
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