Pesen yg boba fresh milk yg menurut gue rasanya kurang manis dan cenderung asin bgt setelah gue tambahin gula si jadi enak kok next time bakal cobain yg coklat deh dan kyknya lebih enak
Tanggal kunjungan: 25 Februari 2020 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Why you will love it ❤ 1. The chocolate is generoussss. And not the overwhelmingly sweet kind of chocolate, but the kind of chocolate you do not mind drinking again and again and again and again. Kind of like falling in love, you would not mind falling over again and again for the same person. 2. Price was cheap, just 15K for their signature drink! Price vs quality, definitely worth it! I think with the price point, definitely one of the best chocolate drink in the category. 3. Lot of branches, and opening more branches. Yas. 4. Would be interesting if they have chocolate hazelnut flavour, for future product maybe would love to taste their interpretation of chocolate hazelnut, pretty please! 😉
What could be improved 🙏 1. The cashier said wifi is problematic and fintech payment options could not be used (but then it was active again! Yeay, good thing because I had not cash on me). So it would be great if they invest in a proper wifi/mobile data to ensure non debit/cash payment options are available :). 2. Lowkey brand, but I think this would be famous in no time. People need to know more about this drink, I discovered this drink because I was eating in a food stall nearby, did not know I would be magically surprised by this sweet drink.
Place: Co.Choc, Serpong Menu: Signature Dark Chocolate (15K) 8.6/10
Menu yang dipesan: Signature Dark Chocolate
Tanggal kunjungan: 18 Oktober 2019 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Satu tempat sama Bakso Kemon, kurang paham sih bisa minum di tempat atau engga karena waktu itu gue take away, dan pesennya di loket bagian depan ruko. Classic signature dark chocolate, ini menu yang paling gue demen, coklat banget dan super medok. Nyobain juga yang matcha ganache dan choco army, enak-enak aja, matchanya ga pelit dan cukup enak. Overall sih oke banget buat minuman coklat yang murah meriah, karena rasanya yang bold, tapi setelah didiemin beberapa lama rasanya sedikit berubah, semacam ada after taste pait2 gimana gt. Tapi ya ga masalah, gue juga kayaknya bakalan beli lagi haha.
Menu yang dipesan: Matcha ganache, Classic signature dark chocolate, Choco Army
Tanggal kunjungan: 27 Agustus 2019 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000