Waffelicious  [ Waffle ]
3.73 3 review


[ Waffle ]
3.73 3 review
Harga : rasa

Supermal Karawaci, Lantai 1, d'Foodcourt
Jl. Boulevard Diponegoro No. 105, Karawaci, Tangerang

Belum Buka - Jumat (10:00 - 22:00) Tidak Ada No Telepon

Tidak Ada No Telepon

Belum Buka Senin - Minggu (10:00 - 22:00)

Di bawah Rp. 50.000 /orang

Waffelicious [ Karawaci ]

  • Tipe KulinerWaffle
  • Jam Buka
    Belum Buka
  • PembayaranTunai
  • Cabang: ya


Bekerja di sini? Klaim untuk perbarui info
  • Picture 1447917353
    https://assets-pergikuliner.com/MfpQHspVR8D9qU29301ZVo_zfoY=/385x290/smart/https://assets-pergikuliner.com/uploads/image/picture/118777/picture-1447917353.jpg 1x, https://assets-pergikuliner.com/uNeMwoTia_jwxsR7w5fsEDR6Oxc=/770x580/smart/filters:no_upscale()/https://assets-pergikuliner.com/uploads/image/picture/118777/picture-1447917353.jpg 2x
  • Picture 1681696677
    https://assets-pergikuliner.com/8__oGomyZh3HRadqFkG8ecZXyjs=/385x290/smart/https://assets-pergikuliner.com/uploads/image/picture/2880966/picture-1681696677.jpg 1x, https://assets-pergikuliner.com/ez3hSXB7UYSZsR-4DyFRMMibJwk=/770x580/smart/filters:no_upscale()/https://assets-pergikuliner.com/uploads/image/picture/2880966/picture-1681696677.jpg 2x

Review dari pengunjung untuk Waffelicious

Foto Profil SarMeL

Alfa 2023

1146 Review

Level 13

Dimsum BBQ Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Dessert



Cobain menu baru "Skewer Waffle" varian Choco Lovers di harga Rp 33K. Rasanya enak! Waffle dengan model tusuk sate kurang lebih panjang 30 cm ditaburin saus dark choco dan meses coklat. Teksturnya lembut dan tingkat kemanisannya pun pas.
Nunggu sekitar 20 menitan karena staff yang ngelayanin cuman satu orang. Bisa dine-in di food court.

Tanggal kunjungan: 27 Oktober 2024
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Ayu P

173 Review

Level 8

No Badge


Waffle Enak

Beli dessert wafflelicious, dan enak!
Disini gw pesan :

🧇 Chocolate,
Pesan adonan yang chocolate, isiannya chocochip, doue combo choco, enak, manisnya pas 👍

Menu yang dipesan: choclate

Tanggal kunjungan: 15 April 2023
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil liviacwijaya

507 Review

Level 13

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Seafood Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Round-round Waffles

I love waffles, this Wafflelicious creates quite a unique one. I tried their Pandan Waffle with Dark Chocolate [Rp.20.000]. The color was green, and when they half-baked it, you can smelled its pleasant smell throughout the air. This waffle has a soft texture, a bit uncooked actually, in my opinion. Soft, just a bit gooey, and it's kinda cute to eat it one tiny ball at a time. The dark chocolate was super yummy. Melted enough, not too sweet, and enough taste of delicious chocolate. I am a fan of chocolate myself, and this chocolate, they actually melted some choco-chip like one that you'll have when you wanna baked some melted lava cookies. The pandan taste wasn't that powerful that you'll have to eat few of the parts untouched by chocolate to actually taste it.

Menu yang dipesan: pandan waffle

Tanggal kunjungan: 02 September 2015
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

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Tanggal kunjungan
31 Jan 2025
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