Review Pelanggan untuk Jamuan Samudra
Great seafood resto with good price
oleh Yuli || IG: @franzeskayuli, 30 April 2017 (hampir 8 tahun yang lalu)
I went here with my mom on Sunday Morning, around 10am, but it opened at 10.30am LOL :P
Nobody was there at that time *yaialaahh* so I was their first customer yay :P
I was greeted by the greeter and he let me to sit wherever I want :P
Service was great, the server was quick, very polite and informative about the menu.
This place has 2 floors and so spacious. The interior is very simple and minimalist, tends to more like family restaurant.
So after strolling around people's reviews, I decided to order: Daun Dewa Masak Terasi:
this suprisingly has amazing taste! At first I had no idea what daun dewa is, but the server explained that daun dewa is similar to daun gingseng (which frankly I never had daun gingseng too before). The texture was sooo smooth, I didn't feel like I ate "daun" at that time. Despite the weird name, but It has no weird after taste kok, sauteed with terasi made it like more and more delicious! Like people said, recommended!
Udang Jumbo Masak Wijen:
The prawn was literally jumbo! hahaha ini dijuallnya 35K per ons, with minimum 3ons per order, I got 5 big prawn on my plate for 3 ons hahaha. So the prawn was deep fried coated with batter, I think the prawn was a bit overcooked but still acceptable lah. Gue suka banget sama bumbu goreng tepungnya si udang. Then bumbu wijennya ini tuh cenderung ke manis dan ada sedikit pedas, terus agak asin kalo dimakan gitu aja, so harus dicampur sama nasi biar purrfect.
Cumi Khas Jamuan Samudra:
So this menu is super duper recommended guyss! By the time I reviewed this resto, I'm craving this menuuuu like muchh hahaha. Soo, this menu consisted deep fried battered calamari, sauteed with salted egg sauce and their special spices, had a really great taste seriously! I love how they cooked the calamari very well, had no rubbery texture at all. Me superrr likey!
Udang Saus Padang:
Makanan 1 ini gue take away. My dad said the saus padang was so spicy. Tapi pas gue coba dikit, pedas darimana yak hahaha then I kept eating and realized it was really spicy like my dad said. Tapi pedasnya tuh enak dan nagihh hahaha dan ada keseimbangan rasa dari manis dan asinnya, jadi enak! Enak!
Es Teh Tarik:
I thought they wouldn't even take any concern on their beverage choices, but guess what, their teh tarik ajaa enak loh! Bukan kayak teh tarik abal-abal gitu. Pas manisnya dan seger gak bikin eneg.
The price is good comparing to their quality of food and also the portion!
After having experience on some of their food, I obviously will come back again here someday, probably for celebrating my fam's birthday.
Menu yang dipesan: Cumi Khas Jamuan Samudra, Udang Jumbo Masak Wijen, Daun Dewa Masak Terasi, Es Teh Tarik
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000