Review Pelanggan untuk B'Steak Grill & Pancake
Manhattan Fish & Chips
oleh Fannie Huang||IG:@fiehuang, 16 September 2018 (6 tahun yang lalu)
I decided to try their fish & chips although steak & pancake is the keynote in this restaurant.
This restaurant is comfy & its prices is also affordable kn my opinion. Their fish & chips is only IDR 54,5 k, very cheap compared to F*sh & Co or M*nhattan Fish Market.
I like their fish & chips. The fish meat texture is soft & there is sour & cream sauce. And their baby potato are succulent. Overall, the taste of the fish & chips is really good & cheesy.
Really satisfied & surely will come back to this restaurant.
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000