Review Pelanggan untuk Simetri Coffee Roasters
The Caramel Macchiato Wins My Heart
oleh Dieski @jangantakutkenyang, 10 Oktober 2021 (3 tahun yang lalu)
1 pembaca berterima kasih
Waktu itu aku kesini sehabis work out. iya, habis lari malah makan dan minum manis hahha.
ambiencenya warm banget, apalagi outdoor atasnya. nyaman banget buat ngelamun sendirian sore sore.
Caramel Macchiatonya lebih enak dari ekspektasi.
Tapi cakenya agak kemanisan. this was banana chocolate layer cake (as i tasted it). The combination ofc never failed. It's banana and chocolate, the classic duo. but unfortunately the chocolate layer on top was too sweet for me and it was overpowered the taste itself.
It was still good definitely. Pair it with unsweetened tea or coffee would be nice.
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
1 pembaca berterima kasih.