Review Pelanggan untuk Benedict
selain pasta yang jadi comfort food disini,
cakes dessertnya juga yummy banget!
lagi milo festive, jadi mereka keluarin edisi milo cake ,milo drinks etc.
habis kalap sama pasta (sampe ga kesampaian foto), kita ngembat cakesnya.
reviewing for the cakes:
Milo cake: ternyata ga sesuai ekspektasi. spongecakenya just an ordinary spongecake. nothing special. Cuma pas dipotong, ada milo sauce melt from the top of cake.
Rasa milonya terasa 1/10 doang.
Nutella Banana Cake: this one still on a top of their dessert! moist, bold flavor of nutella, bitter taste of pie crunch, all is blend well.
Menu yang dipesan: milo cake & nutella banana tart, milo cake
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
1 pembaca berterima kasih.