Review Pelanggan untuk Potadou
Humble yet tastiest bread tasted so far
oleh wlovefood, 09 Oktober 2023 (1 tahun yang lalu)
Kalau suka dengan roti jadoel dengan tekstur lembut, do try Potadou out. Memang kurang hype dan lokasinya jg di ruko pasar 8 alam sutera aja tapi rasanya YUMZ!
Went there on weekend afternoon - tapi opsi rotinya sedikit. It's quite unfortunate but perhaps also does not matter karena rotinya ga bisa tahan lama. 1-2 hari kl gasalah selebihnya perlu di freezer.
Beli yg keju and oreo, and both are superrrr good!! Generous and tasty filling, and the bread - soft and just tiniest gumminess which is PERFECT.
Do hope they have more stocks and variations, will definitely be back
Menu yang dipesan: keju, Cream Cheese, Oreo
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000