Review Pelanggan untuk Gulu Gulu
Gotta say their tea is super gewd itself
oleh @shapeoffoods | IG for more ๐, 25 Maret 2018 (hampir 7 tahun yang lalu)
๐ป Gulu Gulu ( in frame jasmine green tea cheese tea)
(+) size is good ga eneg, add the biscuit, kalo dulu susah banget musti ngejar2 gulu gulu ini di bazaar now mreka finally ada tenantnya wow
Another Cream Cheese foam drink yang wajib jg buat dicoba! Meskipun ga bisa terlalu bandingin which one is the best, tapi this one enak teanya! Jujur, tdinya ngerasa cream cheese tea ini lebi cocok buat milk based drink, makanya jarang mau pesen cream cheese + jasmine tea kind of tea. Tapi i would say, gulu gulu beda! The tea itself is good dan combines nicely with the cream cheese foam.
FYI drink it with the biscuit stick and tastes the new sensation of cream cheese tea ea
#kulinerjakarta #kulinertangerang #kulineraddict #jktinstafood #creamcheesetea
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000