Review Pelanggan untuk Wyn's Kebab
Underrated kebab
oleh Ias Naibaho, 29 September 2019 (sekitar 5 tahun yang lalu)
Wyn’s kebab is one of the best kebab which is underrated. They don’t have the name, but they really got a taste! I really love their curry kebab (it’s their signature). They also have so many promotions going on also. The place is quite small, but still comfortable for a small group.
Foto lainnya:
Menu yang dipesan: curry kebab
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
(Arab/Timur Tengah)
Mall Artha Gading, Lantai 2
Jl. Boulevard Artha Gading, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara