Review Pelanggan untuk Sunny Side Up
Could be better
oleh Janice Agatha, 17 Maret 2017 (hampir 8 tahun yang lalu)
1 pembaca berterima kasih
Duluuu pas zaman masi di ruko, lumayan sering makan di SSU karena enak-enak dan harganya juga terjangkau banget. Sekarang cabangnya udah dimana-mana, udah rebranding juga, banyak perubahan menu juga harga. Well, lets jump to the review shall we.
Salmon Omurice on Hotplate
Lupa nama exact menunya, karena ngga ada di menu zomato juga. Isinya ada nasi putih, diselimutin telor dadar, disirem sejenis saos bolognaise gitu tapi hm sangat kental konsistensinya, dengan toping 4 slice salmon yang tebal-tebal. Overall, I don't really like the sauce because it taste sooo meaty and weird. It just doesn't suit my tastebud. Salmon was mediocore too, I always like raw salmon better. Dan nasinya juga polos aja gitu, maybe supposed to compliment the super meaty sauce but then again, not really my type. BY THE WAY, beware it's super duper hot!!
Chicken Karage Omurice
The rice under the fried egg was tomato rice, so it taste better. And the karage crunchy and juicy, I like it.
Sukiyaki Omurice (not pictured)
Ini pesenan mama saya, cuman cobain dikit but all I can say this was GOOD!
DIY Creamy Omurice
Sok-sok bikin sendiri, pilih nasinya yang butter rice trus telornya half cooked, dengan pilihan saus cream dan topping protein salmon. Ternyata ide saya menghasilkan menu yang agak bikin enek. Definetely not a good combination.
Service was good, ambience could be better. Mungkin karena restorannya di tengah-tengah jalan gitu. It's kinda annoying gitu sih. Price was much more expensive now, well of course it's because it is on mall now.
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Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000