Review Pelanggan untuk Fountain Lounge - Grand Hyatt Jakarta
oleh Pastel Cute , 04 April 2021 (hampir 4 tahun yang lalu)
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Breakfast disini karena lagi staycation. Sebenernya ada 2 pilihan tempat dan aku pilih lounge 'coz the place is just so beautiful! Viewnya langsung ke bunderan HI hehe. First I opted for fresh melon juice, then waffle & pancake with maple syrup (sebenernya ada pilihan kyk nutella etc, but that day I wanted sth original😅) THE TEXTURE FOR BOTH R SUPER. Lembut banget dan easily one of the best in Jakarta for me!
Next aku cobain omelette dan aneka pastry nya yang superb juga! Once again I really love every textures of the food they provide here. It's nice to know they pay attention to it and not just the taste (karena menurutku kalo rasa enak tapi tekstur fail, tetep aja gak bakal jd experience yg ok!) THEIR DANISH IS A MUST BTW.
Last they catered immune boost shot which is kunyit asam + honey with very attentive services! Overall, 5 stars for this lounge💖
Foto lainnya:
Menu yang dipesan: Breakfast Buffet
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Fountain Lounge - Grand Hyatt Jakarta
(Lounge, Bar, & Club)