Review Pelanggan untuk Roti Unyil Venus
Khas Bogor dari Jaman Saya Masih Kecil
oleh Tissa Kemala, 25 Maret 2016 (hampir 9 tahun yang lalu)
Who doesnt know roti unyil? I think my family have been a fan of roti unyil since i was in kidergarten, because i remembered when mom's bribe me to buy those "masak2an toys" outside venus bakery when she was about to que at the bakery back in the days.
But until now, roti unyil is must buy everytime me or family visit bogor. The texture of the roti unyil is just so chewy and when you have a piece of their small bread you just can not stop only for 1 roti.
My personal favorite is the corn, smoked beef, chocolate and sausages, dulu tuh harganya kayaknya masih 150 perak satu roti, tapi kayaknya kalau sekarang udah di paket2in deh sesuai mau berapa isi roti perkardusnya. Harganya kalau ga salah starting dari 25k per box.
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000