Review Pelanggan untuk Eastern Opulence

Luxury Indonesian Dining

oleh | Thyra Annisaa, 24 Juni 2019 (hampir 5 tahun yang lalu)

1 pembaca berterima kasih

Foto Makanan di Eastern Opulence
Foto Makanan di Eastern Opulence

Lunch with Modern Asian Signature Foods. Here at @easternopulence , which has a great ambience of the place, where we can eat Asian Indonesian Foods in fine dining concept. Price estimate start from 150k/person. Anw, thank you for having me, @pergikuliner ♥️
🍴Semur Beef Cheek; Slow cooked beef, topped with gravy semur sauce. The sauce is sweet, and goes perfectly with the beef.
🍴Smoked Pecking Duck: Smokey enough, the aroma is quite strong, but sadly the duck isn’t juicy.
🍴Gurame Ubud: fried Gurame fish topped with Sambal Matah khas Bali, made from several fresh balinese spices.
🍴Lamb Satay: The lamb is juicy, and it doesn’t smell.
.🍴Garang Asem: spicy sour meat soup, with Australian Beef. But to me, nothing special from this meal.

Foto lainnya:

Foto Makanan di Eastern Opulence
Foto Makanan di Eastern Opulence
Foto Makanan di Eastern Opulence
Foto Makanan di Eastern Opulence

Menu yang dipesan: Lamb Satay, gurame ubud, Garang Asam, Pecking Duck

Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000

Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.


Eastern Opulence


Jl. Cipaku I No. 85, Senopati, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Rata-rata: 4.1


Foto Profil | Thyra Annisaa

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