3.8J.CO Donuts & Coffee [ BSD, Kafe ]
Jcool ❤
Hi my friends, it's time to froyo ❤. During waiting for my meimei a.k.a my sister tampak sedap menikmati froyo ya hihihi. So this is the first time coming into this outlet. Saya pun duduk di indoor area which is ada ac nya hehehe.
Saya pesan couple which ada 2 topping nya. I choose granola and mochi as my favorite. Rasa froyonya yang segar pas banget dengan mochi yang manis dan granola yang crunchy. Sedap sedap 😋
Untuk harganya 34k. It's worth it.
For this place ya so so la. Karena saya duduknya di indoor area ya hehehe.
Thank you for reading my review and don't forget to check my social media as :
Instagram : feliciatammy
Email : feliciatammy@ymail.com
Thank you 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: Jcool Yogurt
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.8Kedai Kopi Kulo [ Bintaro, Kafe ]
Cookies and Cream 🍪
Hi my friends, panas macam ni cocoknya minum apa ya? Hahaha tampaknya bole ni coba minuman di kedai kopi kulo. Saya pesan cookies and cream. Yups sekali-kali nak coba yang non coffee ya hihihi 😂.
Akhirnya my cookies and cream ready to serve, I'm so happy la. Untuk rasanya, enak karena oreonya terasa banget dan banyak banget hihihi. But, ini terlalu manis untuk saya. Pokoknya enak ya guys hehehe.
Untuk harganya 23k.
Thank you for reading my review, and don't forget to check my social media as :
Instagram : feliciatammy
Email : feliciatammy@ymail.com
Thank you 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: cookies and cream
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.2Fish Streat [ Bintaro, Barat ]
Fish and Chip
Hi my friends, hari ini saya mengajak kawan saya untuk menikmati fish and chip. Kami berjalan kaki sekitar 2,8 km dari kampus saya menuju fish streat. Heheheh it's funny la jalan kaki dulu untuk membuang sedikit keringat. Sesampainya kami disana, kami langsung memesan makannya. Saya memesan fish and chip because lagi pingin fried fries. And my friend pesan fish and pasta marinara sauce.
Waiting for 10-15 minute, the server serving the meal. Yash fish and chip di depan mata saya hihihi. So praying first and then eat this one. Untuk rasa dari fish and chip ini saya suka banget hihihi, karena dengan harga yang worth it saya bisa menikmati fish and chip yang enak. Teksturnya yang crispy dan rasanya yang gurih pas banget di cocol dengan chilly sauce dan mayonnaise semakin sedap. But kalau makan ini saya suka merasa eneg karena porsinya yang dimakan sendiri terasa terlalu banyak, better sharing la makan ini with your friend hehehe.
For this fish and chip it cost 33k before tax ya.
For the place, saya merasa kurang nyaman ya karena saat saya sedang makan banyak lalat yang bertebangan and feels like ew. Saya paling tidak suka suasana macam tu. Maybe, mereka bisa memperbaiki situation tersebut akgar customer feels more comfortable.
Thank you for reading my review, don't forget to check my social media as :
Instagram : feliciatammy
Email : feliciatammy@ymail.com
Thank you 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: Fish n' Chips
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.8J.CO Donuts & Coffee [ Alam Sutera, Kafe ]
Jcool Yoghurt
Hi kawan, hari ini saya sedang pingin jcool. Selagi saya akan mengikuti interview untuk training saya di mercure hotel saya mampir sebentar ke jco.
Hari ini saya membeli jcool couple yaitu satu tower froyo dan 2 topping. Untuk toppingnya saya memilih kiwi and peach because it's my favorite fruit.
For your information guy, i used go-pay for the payment and they have cashback 40% * t&c. For the price is Rp 34.000 and i get cashback Rp13.600. Lumayan banget untuk anak kost hihihi. Thank you go-pay for this promotion.
Untuk rasanya, of course i love it. Rasa froyo yang asam dengan topping kiwi and peach yang fresh it's perfect.
Thank you my friends for reading my review, don't forget to check my social media as :
Instagran : feliciatammy
Email : feliciatammy@ymail.com
Thank you 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: Jcool Yoghurt
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.2Chatime [ Alam Sutera, Bubble Tea ]
Hazelnut Milk Tea
Hi my friends, panas - panas sedap ya minun chatime and pas banget saya lagi pingin minum yang manis - manis hihihi. Hari ini saya pesan hazelnut milk tea with less sugar and for the topping i choose pearl.
Yups, this place terasa cozy banget dan bikin saya betah hihihi. But saya tidak bisa lama - lama disini karena harus kembali ke campus.
Yups, for the taste i love it. It's delicious. Rasa hazelnut dan milk tea yang pas banget sambil di minum dengan pearl yang gummy.
Untuk harganya itu 30k
And again, for the payment i used go-pay. You can get cashback 20% from your order * t&c.
Thank you for reading my review, don't forget to check my social media as :
Instagram : feliciatammy
Email : feliciatammy@ymail.com
Thank you 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: hazelnut milk tea
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.0Yoshinoya [ BSD, Jepang ]
Yakiniku Beef Bowl and Black Pepper Beef Bowl
Hi my friends, today i want to eat beef bowl in yoshinoya. I choose yakiniku beef bowl and black pepper beef bowl. Right now, i feel hungry and i can't wait to eat them hehehe 😂.
Not long time, my meal is ready and i take it into my table. Yash this look so good 😍. For the first i eat black pepper beef bowl. This is really delicious. The black pepper really tasty, spicy and the portion is huge. This beef really long and delicious. And for the last is yakiniku beef bowl. The taste of yakiniku is delicious. But i preferred with black pepper beef bowl 😆.
Thank you for reading my review and don't forget to check my social media as :
Instagram : feliciatammy
Email : feliciatammy@ymail.com
Thank you 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: Yakiniku beef bowl, Black Pepper Beef Bowl
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.0Sour Sally [ BSD, Yoghurt ]
Black Sakura
Hi my friends, time to eating froyo hihihi. Today i choose black sakura with mochi and granola as the topping. Yash i love sally so much 😍. This froyo is the best and delicious. By the way really funny la when i eat this froyo hahaha, because i always 'cemong - cemong'😭😭. Can't eat well and i enjoy it.
Yash, i want to try this granola and it's not bad la. Hahaha i get crunchy topping 😂. And don't ask me la for the mochi. It's ho, a.k.a delicious 😋. Mochi is perfect topping for froyo.
For the price is 50k
Thank you for reading my review and don't forget to check my social media as :
Instagram : feliciatammy
Email : feliciatammy@ymail.com
Thank you 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: black sakura regular
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.0Starbucks [ Gandaria, Kafe ]
Green Tea Cream 🍵
Hi my friends, today i want to drinking in starbucks. So i order my favourite and it's green tea cream. Just buy and walking in gandaria city mall 😂. So i order it with 2 pumb simple syrup. The taste of course good la. It's sweet and the green tea flavour is well. For the price is Rp 55.000. Thank you! 😊Menu yang dipesan: Green Tea Cream
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.2Crepe Signature [ BSD, Crepes ]
Choco Banana Cheese 🍫🍌💛
Hi my friends, do you want something sweet, crunchy and big? Yes I've the answer and it's crepe signature. As you know, this crepe is one kind of my favorite. So, today i ordered choco banana cheese. And every time buy this, i always feel happy ❤😍.
For the taste, hehehe i love it. The crepe looks shine and make me want to eat this. The texture was crunchy and it's sweet like me 😋. And the cheese is really yummy. This flavour is good combination. You can taste the banana with the chocolate also the cheese too. For the price is Rp 20.000 it's really worth it 👌. But be careful when you eat this crepe ya, make your place look messy heheh 😹.
Thank you for reading my review and don't forget to check my social media as :
Instagram : feliciatammy
Email : feliciatammy@ymail.com
Thank you 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: Choco Banana Cheese
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.6Starbucks [ Gandaria, Kafe ]
Strawberry Yogurt 🍓
Hi my friends, siang hari macam ni sedap ya menikmati yang manis hmmm starbucks it's good idea, right? 😁. Today, i want to try strawberry yogurt. Yups the beverage is ready to served. My expectations this beverage is sour but the reality is sweet. Rasanya kurang seperti strawberry yogurt, rasanya seperti permen strawberry alpenlible. So saya kurang menyukainya karena terlalu manis. Mungkin kalian yang suka strawberry yang manis akan menyukainya 😁.
Thank you for reading my review and don't forget to check my social media as :
Instagram : feliciatammy
Email : feliciatammy@ymail.com
Thank you 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: strawberry yogurt
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.