A hidden gem inside Graha Kirana Sunter lobby. It is a coffee stall, no seating area just yet, but they actually serve well-brewed coffee! They serve selected local beans, mostly from Sumatra like Gayo and Java. Perfect for take-away, quick & friendly service.
We tried:
ICE CARAMEL MACCHIATO IDR 30. Our favorite! Double-shot espresso extracted from Gayo beans with a hint of sweet notes, perfectly blended with milk and caramel. Strong yet comforting. ROCKS LATTE IDR 25. Espresso cubes in milk. Mild & milky! Recommended for those who don't like their coffee too strong.
ES KOPI SUSU IDR 20. A good balance of milk, creamer, and espresso. Follow us on Instagram @OhTastyJakarta
Menu yang dipesan: Ice caramel macchiato, rocks latte, Es kopi susu
Good coffee, popular & hip spot for hangout, very dynamic sometimes overly crowded! Coffee is well-extracted with a nice balance between coffee intensity & milk, medium body, and clean finish. They also sell beans and serve foods.
Cute Instagramable cafe, in Serpong area (near OFish) with some modern Japanese perks like Furapuchino (strawberry cheesecake drink), Kuniko (coffee cup in milk & honey), Kori Kohi (coffee cubes with milk) and Totoro cake. Check it out, owners are friendly too!
We tried:
Hot Latte 33K Medium body & strength with notes of caramel and chocolate. An easy drink, with clean finish.
Iced Matcha Latte 35K Nicely blended, not overly sweet, and refreshing!
When we came in, there's actually 3 small parties (bridal shower & birthday parties) going on (1 in each floor). They have 3 floors of Instagramable space, cute decors, even blackboard for background decoration. Food is pretty good, but tends to be salty. Price is quite expensive.
We tried:
Black Dory Salted Egg Tasty and crispy with choices of fishes/calamari/soft shell crab & sauce (Salted Egg/Sambal Matah/honey/cheese mayo/etc). Love the crispness, but too bad the crisps tend to be salty.
Spaghetti Carbonara with Fried Dory Spaghetti is too overcooked, taste can be improved.
Seafood Bites 35K Popcorn-size fried seafood, perfect for kids!
Follow us on Instagram @OhTastyJakarta
Menu yang dipesan: black crispy dori, Spaghetti Carbonara, Seafood Bites
Salah satu bakmi babi terenak di jalan Kelapa Kopyor!
Kekenyalan bakminya pas, gurih, ngga lengket, minyaknya masih dalam batas normal. Toppingnya beragam bisa pilih sesuka hati, ada babi cincang, samcan garing madu, chasiu, siobak, ataupun ayam. Garing madu samcannya the best! Kalau digigit kriyes-kriyes manis. Porsi dagingnya memang tidak terlalu melimpah ruah, kalau buat cowo mending yang porsi Large.
Khusus di bakmi Asiu ini, lumayan banget bisa dapet 20% discount Pergi Kuliner di hari-hari tertentu.
Tempatnya imut rumahan gitu, tapi cukup nyaman ngga crowded. Letaknya di seberang Homebound Coffee.
For more culinary reviews, check out Instagram @ohtastyjakarta
Menu yang dipesan: Ba + Garing Madu, Siobak + Ba + Chasiu, Babi Cincang + Garing Madu, Topping Daging, Signage, Lohankuo
Tempatnya tidak terlalu besar tapi bikin betah. Ownernya ramah.
Terkenal dengan Cookie Shot-nya (boleh pilih diisi susu saja, kopi saja, atau kopi susu), tapi karena sepertinya isinya sedikit sekali, dan lagi butuh kafein lebih, jadi nyobain Hot Lattenya deh. Rasa kopinya sih sangat-sangat mild dan tidak ada bitter aftertaste.
Jangan lupa pake promo diskon 10% di Memo-nya Pergi Kuliner di bulan Oktober ini.
Real sweet mango juice with mango jelly, topped with whip cream and mango cubes! Perfect sip for a hot day! Seger banget dan gede banget porsinya. Dan ngga antri di Setiabudi ini! Enak seperti mango2 juice sejenisnya, sayangnya harganya lumayan mahal juga (IDR 50K). Follow us on Instagram @OhTastyJakarta