Saya sangat senang ke Kollabora. Baru tau ada Cafe Tematic yang sebagus ini di Surabaya. Saya datang buat Christmas Dinner bareng teman-teman. Dekorasi nya sangat menakjubkan dan sulit dijelaskan dengan kata-kata (Tema nya Starry Night), Service nya juga oke, dan sangat enjoy the moment. Pasti balik lagi kesini dan ditunggu tema-tema baru berikutnya!
Menu yang dipesan: Indonesia Heritage, Cappuccino
Tanggal kunjungan: 24 Desember 2024 Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Tempatnya Cozy sekali dan Nyaman, bisa sambil bawa Laptop buat ngurus kuliah. Kesana bareng teman-teman, senang sekali karena dekorasi di Kollabora tidak pernah mengecewakan. Memang tepat jika dibilang Kollabora adalah Cafe Tematic terbaik di Indonesia.
Makanan & Minumannya juga enak. Cappuccino nya light dan nikmat, Mac & Cheese nya juga enak (Keju nya melimpah sekali).
Wajib berkunjung lagi ke sini !!!
Menu yang dipesan: Cappuccino, Mac & Cheese
Tanggal kunjungan: 07 November 2024 Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Ter the bestt… Tiramisunyaa juaraaaa dalemnya melted puollll… Kopi dan coklatnyaa serasi banget pas dimakan… Trus di sini kopi dan tehnya unik2 gitu jadi pake aroma2 gitu… Unik dan betah deh di sini..
Menu yang dipesan: italian volcano tiramisu, lavender rose tea
Tanggal kunjungan: 16 Juli 2021 Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Now, we finally got the chance to enjoy the Live Music, well, live. I couldn't remember the name of the band, I could only remember one of its personnel is the one and only Mr. @raymond_johan . I was one of his student back in my high school time when he was teaching my extracurricular lesson (economics, if I'm not mistaken?) When he was a college student (cmiiw bro) with his light blue Honda Jazz. Who would've thought that 13 years later, he became one of Surabaya's well-known singer.
Believe it or not, the live music really did amp up the atmosphere of . I really enjoyed the band's way of singing those song titles with the highlight for me being that in slide 2. I have no idea who the name of that singer, but please don't take him off your roster, folks 😂 the way he sang Waktu Yang Salah echoes to the soul of his listeners, according to @ovaldosanjaya
The drink that I ordered was a cold black coffee with some kinda lychee juice. At first the waiter brought me Lychee Tea because its name's pronounciation is similar to "Lychee Tea". After I explained that she brought me an incorrect item, without further ado she apologized, took the lychee tea back to the counter, and whipped me up my order. Appreciate it, mbak. Sorry I didn't manage to get your name. Kudos to team for such a service.
While it sounds weird, apparently black coffee and lychee juice do complete each other nicely. Appreciate for the menu creator(s) in Kollabora for their creativity and courage in challenging the Status Quo, resulting in fresh and exciting menu items like no other. Keep it up. Considering to get your membership since lately you guys being one of our fave go-to place.
PS: I am by no means endorsed/getting paid by Kollabora to promote their restaurant. I'm just a customer who enjoys their place, ambient, have few drinks and snacks, and pay my share afterwards, to enable them to keep on opening their doors for us.
Back here again, with the sole purpose of having a glimpse of dessert with some Live Music. Turns out we came on the wrong day where the band doesn't play 😅 so yeah we ended up having the dessert and playing some Ludo on an iPad. Millenials.
The affogato is a champion. Kudos to for their creation. They elevated the dish with some old-school style fairy floss which surprisingly makes the dish better, not overly sweet as I thought it would be. The floss melts down instantly when the espresso shot was poured on top of it, incorporating the Black and White perfectly (Yin and Yang, Evil and Pure, Black and White, balance in all things, you know?). It was a pleasant dessert to have when you just want something refreshing, sweet, with a kick of caffeine after. Don't try my style of enjoying affogato, but I usually took a shot of espresso on its own then nibble on the ice cream as I go on, so then I have all the bitterness gulped down and I only need to deal with all the sweetness from the ice cream. Trust me, it's not for the weak 😉
The brownie caramel granita thingy is not as good as I thought it would be. It is alright, edible, but too much orange rind for me. Initially I thought it was shredded coconut pieces but after the ice melted, it became evident that those flaky things are orange rinds. Too much to my tastebuds, you guys might actually like it though.
Lavender Latte. The name sounds interesting, sounds beautiful. Well for me the word "Lavender" automatically reminds me of a field full of purple/lavender flower, relaxing atmosphere, and so on (thanks @loccitane for your propaganda 😉). OR those spray can of bug spray/insect killer (baygon shayyy dengan wangi lavender). Nothing in between. Oh there is, called aromatherapy diffuser or air freshener spray (BayFresh).
With that in mind, having this coffee for the first time made me excited and nervous at the same time. How will it taste? Will I like it? Or will I hate it because it's too aromatic? Or maybe I will love and hate it at the same time, like most of the stories of my life.
Presentation wise, it looks chic and pretty thanks to that little purple flower floating on top of the iced coffee. It might be edible, some kinda of chrysanthemum flower or something, but I sincerely don't recommend you to eat it. Or act cute and slip it onto the ear of your loved ones/SO. Man up and get her a proper bouquet of flower, dude.
Remove the garnish and give it a quick stir, and start sipping the bev. Honestly? Not my cup of tea (coffee). Too aromatic and sweet for me, kinda feels like I'm drinking coffee with air freshener liquid/aromatherapy oil in it. Don't get me wrong, I still finish it and you guys might actually love it as I heard it's one of 's best seller.
New cozy spot in town! Tempatnya supercantik dan luas. Also two thumbs up buat ambience-nya, bikin betah banget. Masih baru buka, tapi pelayanan mereka not bad at all. Oh ya, this place also opens 24/7, jadi yang mau cangkruk ama temen-temen sampe malem, this can be your option. Also, ada area di cafe ini yang dikhususkan buat working area, looks so comfy buat yang mau kerja tugas or selesaiin kerjaan.
Aku order dessert aja kali ini. Nyobain yang Strawberry Mascarpone. Porsinya lumayan gede untuk ukuran dessert. Crepe-nya soft dan ga eneg karena diimbangi strawberry-nya yang sweet and tangy. Ada vanilla ice cream dan cotton candy-nya juga. Cotton candy-nya ga manis tapi lebih ke salty, jadi lumayan unik rasanya. Also, I got free ice cream today! Yay! Bakal balik lagi? Pastinya!
_____ Kindly check Instagram: @ideliasatryadi
Menu yang dipesan: Strawberry Mascarpone
Tanggal kunjungan: 16 Maret 2020 Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Pengalaman yang tidak terlupakan pas ke Kollabora Di depan sudah disambut dengan hiasan lampu dan pas masuk kedalam, WOW sekali. Tempatnya Cozy banget, Instagramable, dengan Dekorasi yang sangat bagus. Bahkan tidak bisa dijelaskan menggunakan kata-kata.
Dekorasi nya sangat totalitas dan sering berganti sesuai jangka waktu tertentu. Pernah ngerasain Tema Safari ngerasa seperti sedang di Afrika dikelilingi binatang, dan juga Tema Natal 2024/2025 dengan Lampu nya yang sangat banyak dan memanjakan mata. Sekarang sedang Tema Ramadhan, dan makanan nya juga menyesuaikan tema nya. Makanan nya enak-enak dan sesuai dengan harganya (Ada Harga Ada Kualitas)
Saya sangat senang dan mendapatkan Experience yang tak terlupakan Kollabora adalah tempat yang wajib dikunjungi di Surabaya
Tanggal kunjungan: 01 Januari 2025 Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Tempat ngopi paling cozy dan asyik di Surabaya, bisa habis waktu berjam-jam disini buat kerja sekaligus nongkrong cari inspirasi :)
Makanannya extraordinary, kopinya apalagi 4 thumb up pokoknya, enggak terlalu berisik dan suasananya bikin betah.
Menu yang dipesan: Our Cheft Breakfast, coffe latte
Tanggal kunjungan: 21 Juli 2020 Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Tempat nongki nongki paling nyaman, selalu bersih dan suasanya enak polll. Semua makanan dan minuman rasanya nampoolll. Nulis review gini sambil ngiler 🤤 bayangin black mamba, entrecode de paris, strawberry cheese cake, aaaaaaa masih banyak lagii 😍😍😍
Tanggal kunjungan: 22 Juni 2020 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000