Awal pesen, ga berekspektasi tinggi karena biasanya makanan cafe rasanya standard.
Tapi ternyata Toast Beef Mushroom (30rb) enak banget, beefnya tipis2 empuk seperti di makanan jepang, and it goes well with the sauce. Cheesenya juga berasa.
Hari ini pas dapat promo but 1 get 1 untuk Kopi Aren Ludic (18rb). Kopinya enak, susunya berasa creamy.
Untuk tempatnya tidak perlu dijelasin, udah jelas estetik :)
Menu yang dipesan: Cireng, Beef Mushroom Toast, Kopi Aren Ludic
Tanggal kunjungan: 18 Februari 2021 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
haloo rek, ada tempat enak gawe ngopi di daerah kendangsari namanya Ludic Jadi tempatnya itu ada indor dan outdoor ya lumayan enak buat sekedar ngopi kumpul dan diskusi. Kemarin kesana pesan kopi susu Aren dan indomie telur, ya overall mantap seperti yang lainnya. Next coba kesini lagi deh
Menu yang dipesan: Kopi susu aren, Indomie Telor, Air Putih
Tanggal kunjungan: 12 Februari 2021 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Nyoba cafe toast di tenggilis. Tempatnya cukup oke untuk makan di tempat. Toastnya lumayan meski masaknya cukup lama. Minumannya standart. Self service, ambil sendiri tunggu di panggil.
Tanggal kunjungan: 09 Februari 2021 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Awal dateng temoatnya nyaman banget buat nongkrong sama teman" Menu yang saya pesan ada 3 Chicken Salted Egg , Mushroom Beef Toast , dan Cafe Latte coffee Chicken salted eggnya menurut saya biasa aja cukup terasa salted eggnya Tapi Mushroom beef toast nya enak saya suka rasanya Lalu kopinya cukup bold rasanya Cafe Latte
Menu yang dipesan: Chicken Salted Egg, Mushroom Beef Toast, cafe latte
Tanggal kunjungan: 09 Februari 2021 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Eksterior & interiornya Ludic asik banget dibuat foto plus nongki Ice Caramel Lattenya enak, perpaduan kopi dan caramelnya pas! Jadi ngga bikin mabuk kepahitan dan ga bikin eneg juga. Cirengnya digoreng dengan pas, masih ada kenyal dan garingnya juga. Bumbunya terlalu cair jadi ngga terlalu berasa rempahnya.
Menu yang dipesan: Cireng, Caramel Latte
Tanggal kunjungan: 09 Februari 2021 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Kita dateng ke sini karena event berburu kopi dan kepengen kumpulin stampnya. Disini parkir mobil dan motornya lumayan luas. Tempatnya juga estetik banget dan cocok buat foto-foto cantik. Disini tempatnya ada yang outdoor ada yang indoor.
Disini kita pesen makanan: - Kopi Aren Ludic Ini kopi rekomendasi mereka dan kita suka banget. Gula arennya nyampur dengan pas sama kopinya.
- Kopi Nutella Coklat nutella nya kerasa dan campuran dengan kopinya pas. Tapi kalau dibandingkan dengan kopi aren, kita lebih pilih kopi aren.
- Toast Beef Mushroom Toastnya gedhe banget dan isinya daging bulgogi gitu. Ada sayur, telur dadar, keju, dan bumbu mushroom. Saucenya banyak banget dan cukup mengenyangkan makan satu toast.
- French Fries Kentangnya gedhe-gedhe dan pas buat snack untuk nongkrong-nongkrong.
Review lengkapnya bisa kalian tonton di youtube channel chigindut:
Menu yang dipesan: Kopi Aren Ludic, Toast Beef Mushroom, french fries, Kopi Nutella
Tanggal kunjungan: 09 Februari 2021 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Coffee and some quite time alone are sometimes what you need to accomplish your tasks or simply to refresh your mind. Well that's what most people believe. To me, sometimes that's not always the case.Â
Again guys, I couldn't manage to find the proper geotag for this place. It's Cafe Ludic in Surabaya, Jl. Raya Kendangsari No.97. @ludic.sub maybe you guys can work on it so everyone can start tagging your geotag on IG, for the sake of your business' exposure.Â
Now back to the main topic. Having a powerful laptop (Gaming, preferably) means you have the freedom to work anytime and anywhere. Okay, heavy tasks that require massive computing power that no standard laptops or ultrabooks have. I was sitting there with my coffee (B1G1 promo at that time, I saved my second cup for later bcs I didn't want to bloat myself up before my late lunch with these folks), doing some work and refreshing. Slide 2 will get you what I meant. Of course, work for 1 hour and refresh myself for 2 hours. Hello college times, I missed you.Â
By doing tasks I meant editing and rendering Video for my YT Channel, and by refreshing I meant playing Dota 2 with the cafe's wifi and plugged into its wall. Yes I do that sometimes (Ok. Often times). The place is comfy and cozy BUT the acoustic is a bit too much for me. As the layout of the room is so well arranged, a little change of sound/noise can impact heavily on your experience. The table next to me was talking quite loudly and laughing around, and I can hear them loudly through my well-isolated ear canal (by my TWS earbuds). Coffee is okay, similar to those with the same price range. No waiters here, you place your order on the cashier counter and they'll call you when your order is ready.Â
I like the place and experience, overall. Just some minor inputs and I hope I will be able to visit you guys again sometimes. As I said on my previous coffee post earlier, always have one. Nothing could go wrong with it. Or am I?Â