Shao Kao  [ China ]
4.03 6 review

Shao Kao

[ China ]
4.03 6 review
Harga : rasa

Jl. Raya Kertajaya Indah No. 57, Kertajaya, Surabaya

Belum Buka - Sabtu (12:00 - 22:00) 082115511337


Belum Buka Senin - Minggu (12:00 - 22:00)

Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000 /orang

Shao Kao [ Kertajaya ]

  • Tipe KulinerChina
  • Jam Buka
    Belum Buka
  • PembayaranTunai, Visa, Master, Debet
  • Cabang: ya


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Review dari pengunjung untuk Shao Kao

Foto Profil Christine Linardi

23 Review

Level 3

No Badge



Sate china favorit…
Rasanya selalu enak.
Kalau ssate grill, ada 2 base rasa. Asin dan bbq.
Di meja, ada bumbu specialnya (menurutku itu yang buat enak)

Menu yang dipesan: SALTED EGG RICE BOWL, smooked belly, maling, Bacon

Tanggal kunjungan: 03 Desember 2022
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Yepsa Yunika

57 Review

Level 6

No Badge



Sate-sateannya enakkk, bisa pilih bumbu bakarnya ada asin atau barbecue.
Tapi memang hitungannya agak mahal sih klo mau makan kenyang, kalau sekedar nongkrong sambil ngemil & minum beer cocok banget.
Jenis satenya pun banyak, ada bakso, sayur2an, daging, dan telur gulung.
My favorite is the ✨bacon roll & beef enoki roll✨

Menu yang dipesan: Bakso Keju, beef enoki roll, Bacon Roll, kulit ayam

Tanggal kunjungan: 26 November 2020
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.


Friday Night Chill

Shao Kao. I believe in Chinese that means skewers (?). Basically most of your favourite food items are skewered then grilled to perfection, with a dash of savoury or bbq sauce. I strongly believe the savoury glaze that I always ordered consists of salt and some cumin and 5 spices powder. 

Ordered me Broccoli skewers, rolled bacon, pork cheek, chicken skin, chicken softbones, pork belly. I love pork and I love chicken. Why not both? Toss in some vege as well so it's not that "sinful" 

Broccoli was grilled and charred well, it still has a pleasant crunch to it and tastes wonderful thanks to the savoury glaze. Rolled Bacon, need I say more? Bacon is bacon no matter how you cook it, it will always be good. Cmon it's bacon. 

Pork cheek is kinda fatty and chewy, savoury. Love it. Chicken softbone was cooked well and the chicken skin as well. Only downside was the skin. It was a challenge to take it off the skewer, the skin simply breaks down and made a mess on my table. 

Again, it's not iced tea. A pint of beer to accompany the skewer madness, and was mentally prepared to have my pocket skewered by the bill 😂 

PS: lotsa customers opted to have them skewers with steamed rice, optional but kinda make so much sense to fill your tummy up. 

#shaokao #skewers #skewer #pork #baconlovers #bacon #broccoli #vegan #vegetables #veggies #green #porkonyourfork #chicken #cheek #skin #beer #lager #ale #cumin #5spice #5spices

Menu yang dipesan: Mixed Skewers, Finished!

Tanggal kunjungan: 18 September 2020
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil maya hugeng

558 Review

Level 13

Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Dessert Bubble Tea



Mahal yak wakkakaka...

Nyobain nasi goreng ham.. yaaa lumayan lah..

Nyoba sate2 non halalnya.. bumbunya sih enak lumayan.. tapi untuk saya sih kurang istimewa... kalau ditambah bubuk cabe sama bubuk apa ya itu di meja. Baru jadi agak lumayan...

Tempatnya superluas. Parkirannya minim.

Tanggal kunjungan: 04 Oktober 2019
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Henny Adriani

104 Review

Level 8

Kopi Pasta


Mi Goreng Haujek

Penggemar Mi Goreng bole la kalian coba disini
apalagi kalo suka yg berbumbu mantap dan sedap cuz... kerasa banget gurih dan nikmatnya

selain sate2annya yg enakk, ternyata ak i found this delicious noodle.. cukup unexpected guys

Menu yang dipesan: Mi Goreng ayam

Tanggal kunjungan: 07 Agustus 2019
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Arisa Oktavia

23 Review

Level 5

No Badge


Beer and Bacon

Shaokaoing setelah sekian lama wkwkwk sekalian meetup sama temen sih. Suasananya oke buat nongkrong, ada outdoor, indoor, sama smoking room.

Menu utamanya varian sate, tapi juga ada makanan berat sama snack. Trus ada menu beer. Ini tuh kombinasi pas buat nongkrong ngobrol2, beer + sate2 bacon. Dominan rasanya asin gurih ketemu beer dingin, waaah klop deh.

Kemarin pesan bacon, enoki, kucai, kuping, daging, telur dadar, sama nasi putih. Harga pertusuk range antara 5-15rb, ada yang premium juga sekitar 20rb an. Trus kemarin dikasi complimentary food kulit ayam, lumayan lah.

Menu yang dipesan: Bacon, Bacon Enoki, Kuping Babi, Kucai, Daging babi, kulit ayam

Tanggal kunjungan: 11 April 2019
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!

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