Foto Profil Muhammad Fadhlan (@jktfoodseeker)

Muhammad Fadhlan (@jktfoodseeker)

460 Review | 342 Makasih
Alfa 2018 Level 14
Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert
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  • 4.4  
    RoCA Restaurant - Artotel Jakarta [ Menteng, Indonesia,Barat ]

    Artsy restaurant

    My friends and I came to this place on august 2015 when we knowing nothing about this place. We were so surprised to saw how cool their interior, it was a really fun art restaurant but a quite small especially their non smoking area and furthermore we chose to sit at non smoking area because this area was comfy with a very nice room fragrance, actually you can smell that relaxing and nice fragrance all over this hotel, meanwhile outdoor was comfy as well, they had several fans to make sure you don't get sweaty. The food was great with big portion and good quality but still pocket friendly

    Menu yang dipesan: Fettucine Smoked Beef Mushroom Cream Sauce, Beer Battered Jumbo Fish & Chips, Escargot, Grilled Chicken Panini, Tea, Spaghetti Marinara, Crispy Seared Norwegian Salmon

    Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 4.4  
    Wyl's Kitchen - Veranda Hotel Pakubuwono [ Kebayoran Baru, Indonesia,Barat ]

    Happy Graduation Komang!

    Komang chose this restaurant as a place to celebrated her graduation, so I came here with the og hits seeker but without leonita on january 2016 to celebrate the graduation of komang. Honestly it was my third time to be here but as a first time with the og hits seeker hehe...The place was nice, homey and something you probably enjoy to spend sunday morning or lazy afternoon at pool side because they surely had a great interior design. Perfect for chill out with your friends, family or lovers. We went here at lunch time on weekday. For the price of the food itself was not expensive for a hotel class and we thought the food taste was so delicious

    Menu yang dipesan: Espresso panacotta, Flourless cake, Lychee Ice Tea, Sausage beef & cheese carbonara, Half roasted garlic honey chicken, Grilled ribs fried rice, Smoked beef bacon & chicken pizza, Tea by twg

    Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.4  
    Liberte [ SCBD, Barat ]

    Hidden spot

    Hidden spot at pacific place, located at the 2nd floor, inside galeries lafayette. I visited here on february 2016 to had a dinner so I thought this was a humble french restaurant with a dim lighting for dinner. LIBERTE was also had a romantic ambience. First of all it looked small at the front, but it was actually big and pretty spacious inside, the interior was also very comfortable, the waiters were all nice and we can ate here, while looking at lots of jakarta’s skyscraper around SCBD area. But don't get me wrong, the price was not humble at all (but it was still reasonable), because the taste of the food was delicious

    Menu yang dipesan: Chicken risotto, Flavored fruit ice tea, Escargot vol-au-vent, Seafood frites, Flavored chocolate hot

    Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.4  
    Colonial [ Kemang, Perancis ]

    Abi's surprise party

    COLONIAL offers molecular gastronomy food experiences with a reasonable price. It may not budget friendly but if you want to experience molecular gastronomy cooking, with at least reasonable price, this is a must visit place. That day was my first time visited with the og hits seeker on march 2016 to gave a surprise party for abi. Because abi wanted to celebrate his birthday at this place. For the foods were all tastes good and yummy. Most importantly this restaurant service was really great. Friendly and informative staffs, moreover their staffs gave a birthday song for abi when he entered this restaurant so that was really helped us to made this surprise party more alive

    Menu yang dipesan: Chicken Biryani, Linguine prawn aglio olio, Lychee Ice Tea, banana tea, Pan-seared barramundi, Roasted whole baby chicken, Equil natural 330 ml

    Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.4  
    Lewis & Carroll Tea [ Blok M, Kafe ]

    Casual tea house

    Came to this place for an afternoon tea with my friends on april 2016, LEWIS & CARROLL is located at the building called Bumi Four at jalan bumi, south jakarta area. As we entered this tea house, we already surprised with their great interior. The place of this cafe is somewhat super relaxing, and we had a very nice afternoon tea experience.  As we sat, the staff came to us with many kinds of dry tea leafs for us to picked, their tea was ranging from signature, heritage, and legacy. The price of the tea was affordable and depends on what class of tea that you pick. This place was also offers foods, and we want come back to try their foods

    Menu yang dipesan: Happy Summer Days, Colada Sun, blossom Blanc, Eclair, Spring Harvest

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 4.4  
    Toscana [ Kemang, Italia ]


    After all this time alias udh lumayan lama ga ketemu sm the og hits seeker although without komang tp akhirnya hari ini bisa lunch bareng lagi. Kami pun pilih restaurant ini buat jd tempat utk lunch. Sampe disini sktr jam setengah 12 trus masih sepi br ada 1 table yg ada orang itupun cuma berdua. Kami pilih tempat duduk yg dipojok biar ga keganggu bgt sm orang lain. Baru duduk langsung dikasih welcome bread sm mineral water yg free loh hehe...Krn sebelum kesini tuh kami liat2 menu di pergikuliner jd langsung aja kami pesen yg katanya reviewers tuh enak. Ternyata bener nih rasa dr makanan yg kami pesan tuh semuanya enak, porsinya gede + with reasonable price jd superb bgt!

    Menu yang dipesan: Penne Black Forest, Spaghetti Alla Livornese, Lychee Ice Tea, Si Aglio Olio E Peperoncinopaghett, Lasagna Al Forno, Mango Juice, Iced Latte

    Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    3 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 4.4  
    The Dutch [ SCBD, Eropa ]

    Danke pergikuliner!

    Kemaren tuh saya sm abi diajak oleh kak dara utk gathering trus we can bring our friends yg akhirnya saya sm abi ngajak tyo & pepy. Sebelumnya kami dikasih privilege sm pergikuliner utk bisa milih mau gathering dimana jd danke schon trus akhirnya kami sepakat di THE DUTCH krn cukup kepo mau coba restaurant yg serves foods and beverages from netherlands. Kami bikin appointment utk ketemuan disini jam 4 sore alias mau early dinner trus kak dara yg udah reserved tempat krn takut full booked. Sampe disini tuh saya langsung suka bgt sm ambience yg ada disini krn elegant tp tetep bisa cozy. Kami pilih di non smoking area yg ternyata malah dkt jendela gitu meanwhile yg smoking area di dkt pintu msk. Tp malah yg non smoking area tuh lebih cozy rather than non smoking area. Utk menu2 yg kami order tuh cukup banyak gitu padahal kami cuman berlima loh maafin ya maklum anak2 yg punya usus kyk naga. Pas we saw harga2 utk menu yg ada disini sih still reasonable apalagi waitress di tempat ini semuanya tuh baik krn kami dikasih post cards yg padahal itu cuman buat 1 org tp kami semua dikasih loh. Furthermore menu yg kami order adalah :
1. Parmesan churros (Ternyata di tempat ini punya churros jg padahal kan snack ini from spain jd saya a bit surprised sih. Utk rasanya itu sebenernya enak tp dipping sauce buat churros ini pake parmesan cheese yg gurih trus kl saya sih kurang suka krn a bit over strong utk rasa dr dipping sauce ini)
    2. Oma's meatball (Menu ini salah satu yg bikin kami cukup kepo utk ke THE DUTCH krn menurut kami tuh unik jg nih meatball from netherlands. Ternyata kami a bit wrong krn rasa dr meatball di menu ini biasa aja yg unik tuh malah mash potato di menu ini soalnya di dalemnya tuh jg dicampur sm kale btw saya ga punya foto yg bagus utk menu ini soalnya saya salah buat angle to took a photo)
    3. Braised lamb baked in puff pastry (Ini gong dr THE DUTCH krn menu ini yg paling bikin kami penasaran krn penampilannya tuh bagus bgt. Ternyata emang rasanya tuh enak bgt pokoknya semua komponen yg ada di menu ini bener2 deh kenikmatan yg hakiki kl menurut saya tp semalem sih pepy cerita kl dia kurang suka krn pake daging lamb meanwhile dia ga terlalu suka makan daging lamb)
    4. Grilled cauliflower (Ga tau kenapa kl saya sih suka sm menu ini soalnya pake cheese sauce yg rasanya tuh enak alias ga over strong kyk yg ada di churros. Tp emang sih rasa dr cauliflower yg ada di menu ini biasa aja)
    5. Duck breast & spiced duck sausage (From the name of menu ini sounds like asian food tp ternyata tetep kok netherlands bgt. Cukup unik jg nih soalnya tuh sausage yg ada dibuat dr daging bebek gitu biasanya kan pake daging sapi or daging ayam. Rasa dr duck breast yg ada di menu ini jg enak sm juicy tp elemen yg lain tuh menurut saya itu ga enak krn keasinan trus nothing special)
    6. Hainan with slow cooked chicken (Awalnya tuh saya sempet underestimate ttg menu ini soalnya kan masa di restaurant from netherlands tp serves food yg kyk gini. Tp ternyata saya salah krn menu ini salah satu yg enak bgt soalnya semua elemen tuh perfect. Slow cooked chicken di menu ini juicy bgt trus hainan rice yg ada jg enak)
    7. Speculaas toast (Ini jg tuh jd gong yg ada di THE DUTCH although dessert tp kami bener2 kepo krn penampilannya itu tempting bgt. Ternyata emang deh bener kl ini enak bgt ga ngerti lagi sih sm menu ini yg kenikmatan hakiki jg gitu)
    8. Chocolate orange molten cake (Cake ini semacam choco lava begitu tp menurut saya sih a bit failed krn kurang melt pas kami potong. Utk rasanya sih lumayan enak tp sauce yg dipake tuh keaseman jd rasa dr chocolate itu kalah)
    9. Beverages (Abi sm kak dara order yg aman alias lychee iced tea sm peach iced tea. Kl pepy order paradiso yg rasanya tuh paling failed krn ga jelas begitu. Meanwhile tyo order lemon lime & bitters yg rasanya tuh asem bgt sampe pas saya cicip tuh kepala jd sakit. Trus kl saya order coconut iced coffee. Menurut saya ini yg paling unik tp enak bgt trus ga tau jg sih gimana gitu caranya deh tempat ini bikin minuman ini)

    Menu yang dipesan: Lychee Iced Tea, Peach Iced Tea, Oma's Meatball, Paradiso, Duck Breast & Spiced Duck Sausage, Parmesan churros, Lemon Lime & Bitters, Chocolate orange molten cake, Speculaas Toast, Braised Lamb Baked In Puff Pastry, Grilled Cauliflower, Hainan with slow cooked chicken, Coconut Iced Coffee

    Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 4.4  
    Dua Coffee [ Fatmawati, Kafe ]

    Highly recommended

    Semalem tuh udah janjian sm temen2 sd included tyo buat evening coffee di tempat ini. Saya yg penasaran bgt sm tempat ini soalnya tuh tetangga saya itu jd salah satu owner for this coffee shop. Lokasinya yg baru tuh cukup strategis sih tp penanda dr tempat ini kurang keliatan sampe saya kelewatan nih. My mom said kl patokannya tuh di seberang 7-eleven tp ternyata itu udah tutup. Menurut saya sih patokannya yg sekarang tuh sebelah lawson aja biar jd easy to find. Tempatnya yg baru jg bigger than before and super cozy. Utk menu yg kami order tuh beda2 nih. Kl tyo order ice thai tea sm spaghetti aglio olio trus 2 temen saya yg lain itu order ice chocolate yg udah duluan diminum nih padahal blm sempet saya and si tyo foto sm pesto verdo with grilled chicken for edella trus tikah tuh order pesto verdo with grilled chicken jg gitu tp edella request yg extra spicy kl tikah ga minta seperti itu sm lychee ice tea. Meanwhile saya order hot latte + ferrero cake. Rasa dr semua menu yg kami order tuh enak & termasuk pocket friendly krn porsi utk main course yg temen2 saya order tuh quite big. Moreover tuh kami ketemu kan sm tetangga saya itu trus he gave us affogato for free so thanks bgt aa eky hehe...Btw tetangga saya bilang kl affogato di tempat ini enak sm unik. Ternyata emang sih rasanya itu enak sm unik bgt pokoknya tempat ini highly recommended deh

    Menu yang dipesan: Ice thai tea, Lychee Ice Tea, Ice Chocolate, Latte, Affogato, Spaghetti Aglio Olio, Pesto verde with grilled chicken, Ferrero cake

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 4.2  
    Tredici Ristorante [ Senopati, Italia ]

    Feels Like In Italy

    On December 26, 2014 I announced the formation of the og hits seeker haha...The membership numbered 4 people formed by Yolla Budiana, Leonita Maulidyanti, Rizky Abimanyu and myself. So, we decided to explore senopati and scbd area. The first stop for our destination was this place because TREDICI RISTORANTE was very cozy, super romantic, especially during christmas, it feels like a small restaurant in Italy, and suitable for had a lunch or dinner. For the smoking area, they have a wall garden and it was great for taking photos in that area. The taste of all the foods were also delicious with reasonable price

    Menu yang dipesan: Peach Iced Tea, Gnocchi valle d'aosta, Messalina, Pollo diavola, Major apple mojito

    Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 4.2  
    Bistronomy [ Senopati, Barat ]

    Happy Birthday Yolla!

    Visited here for celebrate yolla's birthday, who's one of the member from the og hits seeker on january 2015. Located at the heart of senopati area, BISTRONOMY offering many kinds of western, italian and asian foods. We love the homey and vintage feeling of this place. Very comfy, I feel like I could enjoy my lunch and sit back for a while. And the taste of the foods were still okay but it was a bit overpriced for the foods that were not very satisfied enough

    Menu yang dipesan: Lychee Iced Tea, Spaghetti Carbonara, Spicy Beef Gratin, TWG Creme Caramel, Chicken Steak Jalapeno With Chilli Garlic Sauce

    Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!