3.4Bermvda Coffee [ Pantai Indah Kapuk, Kafe ]
Not just another coffee shop
Ambience wise, suka banget, mix of wood, minimalism, tempatnya a bit gloomy sih soalnya lightingnya kuning banget but I'm okay with that.
Totally bribed by the Coldplay videos they play on their LCDs! Pewe bget nntn Coldplay smbil ngopi lol
Kopi dari St. Ali and Coteca, characteristicsnya kurang lebih a bit spicy, sweet with a floral fragrance. Konsistensi Cappuccino cukup oke, Piccolo terlalu strong spicesnya, aftertastenya sayang kurang enak
Tempatnya masi cukup terpencil, dia pas dibelakang Le Foyer PIKMenu yang dipesan: Cappuccino, Piccolo
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.4 pembaca berterima kasih.
2.8Heynature Cafe [ Kelapa Gading, Kafe ]
Needs more improvements...
Jujur agak skeptic pas ngedenger bakal ada coffee shop lagi yang buka di Kelapa Gading. Turns out I am right.
Tempatnya cukup besar, ada smoking and non smoking room. Konsep toko sendiri super mix and match banget, a renge of minimalism, rustic, vintage sama a touch of feminine side.
Untuk coffee, consistency mereka masih super kurang, dengan gw dan temen" gw pesen 3 minuman yang sama (Cappuccino), tapi rasany bisa beda", yang satu too milky, yang satu too much foam, yang satu just right.
Cobain Taro Lattenye cukup decent buat yang ga suka kopi
Lychee Ice Teanya juga cukup fresh buat kalo lagi panas".
So much more improvements need to be made.Menu yang dipesan: Cappuccino, Taro latte, Iced Lychee Tea
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.2 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.2Satoo - Hotel Shangri-La Jakarta [ Sudirman, Jepang,China,Barat,Indonesia ]
At Least try this Buffet Once! Super Recommended!
Buat kalian yang mau nyari ALL YOU CAN EAT yang enak dan banyak promonya, look no further, head on to SATOO at Shang Ri La!
Untuk harga usual emang cukup mahal, sekitar IDR 408.000++ buat sekali makan disana, tp kbtulan kmrn ad promo LINE buy one get one jadi harganya turun dan masih cukup reasonable untuk ukuran all you can eat.
Disana banyak pilihan makanan, literally an international buffet, dimulai dari Indian, Thai, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Indonesian, semua ada disana, not to forget ada dessert station juga!
Recommended menurut gue adalah Indian Station. I am a big fan of Indian Food and the cuisine was cooked by an Indian Chef himself, super humble and his food tastes awesome! Japanese station consist of Sushi yang super fresh, dan banyak pilihan, langsung dipotong disana.
Ada hal yang unik di SATOO, mereka punya pushcart jamu! Like literally bisa minta mboknya buat ngeracik jamu sesuai kebutuhan lol
It was a unique and delicious experience at SATOO, kalo punya duit lagi, would definitely be backMenu yang dipesan: International Buffet
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.4 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.2Chir Chir [ Pantai Indah Kapuk, Korea ]
Kaget Liat Harga di Awal, Seneng Perut Kenyang di Akhir :D
Seriously guys mungkin banyak yang bilang Chir Chir itu super mahal, dengan satu dish harganya 100k keatas, tapi jangan minder dulu, itu satu porsi bisa lu bagi bagi ramean!
Tadi pesen Snow Nest (IDR 149.000), Boneless Chicken (isinya 8 strips), dlemnya whipped cream sama mashed potatoes, trus disekeliling pancinya ada Cheese Pool gitu, SUPER DELICIOUS AND A MUST TRY! Ayamnya enak banget, dibumbuin ala ala pedes asin gitu (not too spicy though).
Pesen Mac and Cheese (IDR 69.000) juga buat side dish. Surprisingly walaupun dua"nya pake cheese, ga enek makannya. Mungkin karna makannya bagi bagi juga ga sendirian jadi kebagi rata.
Not to forget Corn Teanya (IDR 12.000) yang Refill woohoo~
Absolutely worth a try. Worth the money and taste sih. Mahal tapi tastenya ga boong :)Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.2 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.2Trance Station [ Kelapa Gading, Kafe ]
Comfort Food buat Akhir Bulan :D
Untuk segi harga (ini penting lol) Trance Station merupakan salah satu restoran yang cukup murah untuk ukuran resto" di Kelapa Gading.
Konsep Trance Station adalah restoran yang segmentasinya lebih ke anak" muda yang memang ga punya kocek besar tapi mau mingle cukup lama sama temen"nya, dan ditemani musik genre trance, cukup oke juga untuk mingling and have fun.
Untuk review makanan, overall makanan oke. Disini pesen Salted Egg Chicken Rice, so so, had better, yang cukup recommend adalah Chicken with Special Sauce (if I am not mistaken), saosnya a mix between tar tar sama bbq, cukup oke juga. Untuk chickennya sendiri oke cukup besar dan garing.
Overall kalo duit lagi seret, Trance Station oke banget buat choice of eating, tapi keep in mind gatau kenapa this place is super cold, prepare your jackets.Menu yang dipesan: Salted Egg Chicken Rice
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.3 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.8Homebound Coffee [ Kelapa Gading, Kafe ]
Super Homy Coffee Shop
New Coffee Shop in Kelapa Gading!
Untuk ukuran coffee shop ini tergolong kecil sih, seating paling hanya untuk 10-12 orang didalam, diluar ada sekitar 4.
Disini order
HOT CAPPUCCINO (IDR 30.000) which is super nice, great consistency, dan not too bitter juga, oke deh, pas banget.
ICED CREME BRULEE (lupa harganya) ini bisa jadi pilihan buat lagi yang gamau minum non - coffee, tastenya sweet, dan milky.
What's best of this coffee shop is that the owners are uber friendly and can strike a convo with you anytime. Kalau ada something di minuman dia yang kurang, do give comment to them, they will happily listen, karna ownersnya friendly banget, walaupun tmptnya kecil, bakal betah banget lama lama disana :)Menu yang dipesan: Hot Cappuccino, Iced Creme Brulee
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.2 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.6Donburi Ichiya [ Puri, Jepang ]
Go to Place to Eat Donburi!
Definitely one of the best Donburis I have ever tasted, wouldn't wanna go anywhere to eat donburi than Donburi Ichiya.
Loving their combination of Karaage with torched Garlic Butter and Curry, might as well add lots of cheese again on top!Not to forget the delicious side dishes and yakitoris they offer, a neverending culinary trip once you stepped in Donburi Ichiya :D
Menu yang dipesan: Karaage don w/ Garlic Butter and Curry
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.3 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.4Bakso Boedjangan [ Kelapa Gading, Indonesia ]
Quirky Branding, Awesome Food!
It was definitely a delightful news when Bakso Boedjangan finally opened it's branch in Jakarta area, and they chose Kelapa Gading, which is absolutely near home! Bakso Boedjangan has made quite a household name in Bandung for their quirky logo and mascot as well as the different kinds of 'bakso' they can sell and develop creatively.
Tried fellow bloggers' recommendation, the 'Nasi Goreng', 'Bakso Keju' and 'Nasi Bakso Saos Telor Asin'For me, the "Nasi Goreng" was just so so, but the meatballs were seasoned well so it compliments the fried rice.
I would have to say that the 'Bakso Keju' was delicious! Who else doesn't love cheese-filled stuff? A generous amount of cheese was indeed inserted to their meatballs.
Last but not least is the 'Nasi Bakso Saus Telor Asin'. Ricebowl filled with meatballs smothered with egg yolk sauce. I seriously would like to recommend everyone to order this one for their dine in at Bakso Boedjangan, since it is the bomb! Too bad the rice was too much it doesn't match the consistency of the egg yolk.Besides the long line, I enjoyed eating at Bakso Boedjangan and definitely would come back for more.
Menu yang dipesan: Nasi Bakso Saus Telor Asin, Bakso Keju
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.3 pembaca berterima kasih.
2.4O! Fish [ Gading Serpong, Barat ]
The only thing that was good was only the salad...
Tried this hip and happening place in Serpong, a straight competitor from the mighty F&C, O! Fish serves several kinds of fish, with two cooking methods - grilled or fried.
I can safely say that here you're given a choice of fish, which is an interesting one. The waiter kindly explained to me which ones are the best fish for which cooking method.
So I tried the Cobia fish, Fried with French Fries on the side.
A friend of mine also ordered "Sambal Matah" Dory Grilled Fish as her choice.So here it comes, tried the Fish & Chips. I can say that although the texture of the food is great, I can barely taste the seasoning.
The dish itself was quite bland, and all I enjoyed from this dish is the fresh salad with amazing seasoning (truly one of the best salad I have ever tasted, but fish wise, meh). Fries wasn't seasoned also so it was quite a bummer.The Sambal Matah Grilled Dory is just spicy. You can't taste and smell that disticint smell that the Sambal Matah usually oozes.
Although O! Fish is a fraction of the price compared to F&C, I can safely say that I enjoyed F&C more than O! Fish. You guys seriously need to step up your seasoning.Menu yang dipesan: Cobia Fish & Chips, Pan Fried Dory with Sambal Matah
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.3 pembaca berterima kasih.
2.4Jjigae House [ Muara Karang, Korea ]
Too Expensive for the amount of Cheap Ingredients inside the Dish
I have to say that I had high hopes for Jjigae House since it is on the rage these days. Everybody's talking about Jjigae House so I decided to try it on the first day of 2016 :D
Even at the 1st of January, the place is packed with people. Thank God me and my friends arrived in time to secure a seat.
So Jjigae House here has two main dishes, a Korean Style Shabu Shabu, and Korean Galbi.
Since I am not that into soup that day, I ordered their Galbi Dish. It basically consists of Stir Fried Chicken with a choice of Ramyeon or Rice as the carbs. You can also add additional toppings such as spam, cheese, and many more.
I have to say that the combination of Cheese and Spam won the whole dish, the galbi tasted amazing with those additional toppings.
I was quite disappointed though since I am an avid Korean Cuisine fan, I couldn't taste that authentic korean sauce mix, I don't know if it is too bland, or the taste got overwhelmed by the spam and cheese toppings.I was quite surprised when the bill came out that we each (by we meaning 3 people) have to take out about 100k, for a mediocre meal. I thought it was waaayy cheaper than that.
Oh anyways maybe I ordered the wrong combination but certainly eating at jjigae with a combination of chicken meat, noodles, spam and cheese was quite expensive. I didn't even have beef :(
Currently thinking twice to go back there again.Menu yang dipesan: Galbi Dish
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.4 pembaca berterima kasih.