4.6Yolk Belly [ Pantai Indah Kapuk, China ]
One of the best salted egg sauce
Yolk Belly punya Salted Egg Pork Belly tuh salah satu hidangan salted egg terbaik yg pernah aku coba. Saos salted eggnya sih yg juara banget, rasanya cenderung ke asin dan ga trll creamy eneg gitu. Rasa daun karinya super berasa, makanya jadi gurih banget. Belom lagi ditambah gurih dan garingnya kulit pork belly. Cuma emang ada bbrp bagian yg agak keras pork bellynya. Telor dan nasinya bikin tambah mantep sihh. Sayur daun pepaya/singkonngnya menurutku ga perlu sih, tp rasanya not bad.
Menu yang dipesan: Salted Egg Pork Belly Rice
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.3 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.2Tokyo Belly [ Thamrin, Jepang ]
Fun and Affordable Japanese Dining Experience
Follow our IG @bellyculinary
Recently tried the latest menu concept of Tokyo Belly, which is Fun and Affordable Japanese food. Dengan harganya yg affordable, suasana resto yg asik, dan makanan yg Instagrammable dan enak2, jadi makin betah nongkrong deh di sini. Aku cobain:
- Belly Mie + Sliced Beef
Aku suka banget dry ramen ini. Mienya agak gede dan kenyalnya pas. Dipakein telor stgh mateng dan smoked chicken enakk dehh. Topping sliced beefnya jg aku suka bangettt. Lembut gitu.
- Bon Bon Chicken
Ini juga super gurih dan enak. Saosny agak sticky2 manis asin gimana gitu.
- Salmon Skin Mayo
Garing dan ga soggy. A really nice snack.
- Salmon Sushi Platter
Rasanya okee. Favoritku salmon sashimi-nya. Tasted really fresh.
- Crispy Chicken Katsu Monster Ramen
Ramen ini bisa dimakan ber3 loh guyss. Porsinya bener2 guede bangetss!! Ramennya aku pilih yg Red & Hot. Rasanya pedes dikit dan kuahnya enakk. Chicken Katsunya jg super garing.
- Grilled Carbonara Pasta
One of my favorite. Pasta saucenya super creamy, eggy, dan enakk. Spaghettinya dimasak dgn perfect, dan ham-nya banyak. Pasti order ini lagi.
- Spicy Gyutan BiBimBap
Ini enak bangett sampe kita reorder. Gyutannya super lembut dan rasanya asin manis pedes enakk bangett. Salah satu menu terbaik disini. Harus pesen ini banget kalo ke Tokyo Belly
- Washoku
Isinya banyakk bangettt. Ada sushi2 dan 1 main course. Utk main coursenya kita pikih ramen. Sushi2nya isinya ada karaage, tamago, unagi sushi, california roll sushi, salmon sushi, dll. Mantapsss.
- Beef Tamatoji
Ini juga enakk banget parahh deh. Telur dan beefnya cocok deh dimakan bareng. Bumbunya agak manis2 asin dan meresap banget ke dagingnya. Sapinya juga lembut deh. Enakkk!!
- A Giant Bowl
Ini dessert yg raksasa bangett!! Isinya eskrim vanilla, matcha, dan cokelat. Ada juga baumkuchen dgn berbagai rasa, oreo, potongan buah2an spt kiwi, nanas, peach, dan stroberi, dan masih banyak lagii!! Sampe ga sanggup deh ngabisin ini ber8.
Overall aku suka banget semua menu yg ada beefnya. Berasa sangat high quality dan bumbunya super enak. Pastanya jg suprisingly excellent.Menu yang dipesan: Belly mie, Bon Bon Chicken, Salmon Skin Mayo, Salmon sushi platter, Crispy Chicken Katsu Ramen, Monster Ramen, Grilled Carbonara Pasta, Spicy Gyutan Bi Bim Bap, Washoku, Beef Tamatoji, A Giant Bowl
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.0Grandma's Suki [ Pantai Indah Kapuk, China ]
Afternoon Tea Set & Mini Steam Bowl
Beberapa kali nyobain makan di sini bareng keluarga. Steamboatnya sendiri rasanya super fresh dan kuahnya cenderung agak light. Bakso2nya menurutku semua kurang membal dan kurang rasa. Resto ini emang sama sekali ga pake MSG sih. Aku jg cobain Afternoon Tea Set (Promo 100k per set) dan Mini Steam Bowl (IDR 15k-35k). Mini Steam Bowl-nya rasanya enak2, kayak masakan Chinese rumahan. Favoritku Stew Pork Belly-nya. Kalo Afternoon Tea Set-nya kuenya jg oke2. Bisa free refill kopi jg. Harus sering2 cek IG mereka nih buat tau promonya.Menu yang dipesan: afternoon tea set, Mini Steam Bowl
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.8Ojju [ Thamrin, Korea ]
Rainbow Rolling Cheese 🌈 & Personalize Pancake 🥞
Follow our Instagram : @bellyculinary
Halo foodies. Kali ini aku mau review 2 menu baru di OJJU, yaitu spicy drumstick rainbow rolling cheese dan personalize pancake
1. Spicy Drumstick Rainbow Rolling Cheese
Rainbow cheese !! Warna warni ini terbuat dari bahan alami loh. Warna kuning (kunyit), hijau (bayam), ungu (kol ungu), dan merah (buah bit). Jadi aman :)
Dari segi rasa, menurut aku cukup pedas, tapi tergantung orang sih. Dan bumbunya juga pas. Tapi karena kejunya melimpah banget, memang sedikit dominan keju. Bumbunya sendiri itu dari sambal bajak, jadi rasanya unik. Mungkin lebih cocok bumbu yang original jika di pair dengan keju, tapi buat aku masih ok. Setelah habis, jangan lupa tambah nasi ya, jd nasi goreng deh :)
2. Personalize pancake
Ini menu baru yang hadir bulan maret ini. Base pancakenya ada tiga (coklat, pandan, dan vanilla), toppingnya ada yang savory dan juga sweet. Nanti disediakan pan untuk membuat pancakenya. Jadi dari rasa, bentuk, dan toppingnya itu sesuai dengan preferensi dan kreasi kalian sendiri. Seru kan !! Harganya juga ga terlalu mahal. Harga base nya 28k dan toppingnya 5-9k.
Overall, we are quiet pleased with ojju and want to come back 😁Menu yang dipesan: Personalized Pancake, Spicy Drumstick Rainbow Rolling Cheese
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.4Nasi Gila Wadaw [ Kuningan, Indonesia ]
Nasi gila murah meriah
Nasi Gila Wadaw yg aku coba tuh yg Nasi Gila Komplit level Omelan Si Boss. Jadi ada nasi putih yg di atasnya dikasih sosis, bakso sapi, bumbu nasi gila, keju leleh, kerupuk, dan kulit ayam. Rasanya agak lucu sih, manis asin pedes gitu. Ini kali pertama aku makan nasi gila, tp menurutku kurang spesial. Kulit ayamnya super crispy dan kering. Keju lelehnya menurutku tdk memberikan sentuhan berarti thd keseluruhan makanannya. Selain itu, ak jg cobain Nasi Gila Kulay level Wadaw. Level pedasnya sampe yg Wadaw pun aku masih tahan, meskipun emg udh pedes sih.
Menu yang dipesan: Nasi Gila Komplit, Nasi Gila Kulam
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.2Ezo Hokkaido Cheesecake & Bakery [ Pantai Indah Kapuk, Toko Roti dan Kue ]
Delicious Cheesebomb
Setiap kali ke Ezo, aku pasti ngunjungin lokasi PIK karena lokasinya yg dket rumah dan tidak di mall, jadi lebih nyaman buat hang out. Lokasi cafenya ada di Elang Laut. Tempatnya lucu gitu, tersedia beberapa seat dan dekornya dihiasi warna pastel. Yg aku coba dr Ezo itu kreasi terbarunya, yaitu Martabak Cheesebomb. Martabak Cheesebomb ini rasanya cukup enak. Pie crustnya agak tebal dan manisnya jg pas. Di atas cream cheese fillingnya ada taburan keju parut, meses cokelat, kacang, dan wijen. Tapi aku pribadi lebih suka Nutella Cheesebombnya, soalnya rasa Martabak ini terlalu rame.
Menu yang dipesan: martabak cheesebomb
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
5.0Akira Back Indonesia [ Setiabudi, Jepang ]
Amazing fine dining experience
Finally tried this restaurant after listening to countless people saying how great the ambiance is and how consistantly amazing the food is.
The restaurant was dark and calming, as you can see the light coming from the streets of Jakarta from the 12th floor of the the MD Place Penthouse. The decor is pretty simple yet luxurious. Perfect for almost every date night to business dinner.
The service was excellent. All of the staffs were prompt and attentive, as expected from award winning restaurant.
1. Appetizers :
Tuna Pizza
This signature appetizer of Akira Back was simply amazing. The thin and pizza crust was the perfect vessel to slices of raw tuna and the microgreens. Addition of truffle oil elevates the dish further. A must order.
Eringi Pizza
A personal favorite of mine. The vegetarian version of the pizza was using umami mushrooms. I can't really explain the combination of flavor as you need to experience it for yourself. I personally couldn't stop eating this dish.
AB Tacos
Wagyu Kalbi with spicy tomato ponzu inside crunchy taco skin were the food combination that I never knew I needed in my life. The beef were succulent and the spices were pefect.
Popcorn Shrimp
The sauce that coated the fresh bite-size fried shrimp was excellent. The spiciness, sweetness and sourness of the sauce was really unique and balanced.
Crispy Rice
The crispy rice was a bit tangy. Perfect to be combined with the peppery cajun tuna, spicy ponzu aioli, and nori paste. The flavors exploded in my mouth (in a good way). Spices/chili-lover must order.
2. Mains:
Their 600 grams USDA Prime steak with coffee crust and Korean Black Garlic bordelaise served with parmesan grilled baby corn could be considered expensive, but I can assure you that it's worth the price. The steak was cooked to perfection, and the seasonings was to die for. The charred corn made a perfect pair with the steak.
Perfect Storm
Another excellent main dish. This sushi roll had everything, from shrimp, salmon belly, to tuna. The sauce was a bit spicy. It's delicious.
Jidori Chicken
Not what you expected when you think about a chicken dish. Normally, chicken meat could be a bit tough, rubbery, and fiber-y. However, this chicken was incredibly moist and tender. I was quite blown away when I tasted this dish. The sweet and salty teriyaki sauce and truffled potato puree tied the dish together.
Wagyu Fried Rice
Never had fried rice this flavorful before. It is very different from the dry-fried-rice that you normally get. They are using good quality rice, cubed veggies such as carrots and cucumbers, and most importantly, wagyu. To spice it up, you can eat them with provided bird's eye chili.
Brother from Another Mother
This roll consisted of anago and unagi. Both of the fishes provide succulent texture and unique taste to the sushi. The sauce used was sweet.
3. Desserts:
Yuzu Granita
This dessert is incredibly fresh due to the sour taste of yuzu shaved ice and popping bubble. The coconut foam provided the needed sweetness to the dish. Writing this review makes me crave the dessert even more. Another must order.
Malibu Ganache
A delicious ending. Initially, this dessert tasted sweet from the outer white chocolate casing. Then my mouth was covered with rich coconut and slightly bitter flavor from Malibu liquor.
To sum it up shortly : Undoubtedly an excellent dining experience.Menu yang dipesan: Jidori Chicken, Tuna Pizza, Eringi Pizza, Popcorn Shrimp, Crispy Rice, perfect storm, brother from another mother, AB Tacos, Porterhouse, Yuzu Granita, Malibu Ganache, wagyu fried rice
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.6Mie Onlok Palembang [ Pantai Indah Kapuk, China ]
Mie Palembang di PIK
Cukup tertarik buat makan di resto ini karena tempatnya yg strategis di ruko PIK (di deretan jemahdi dan Tim Ho Wan) dan harga mienya yg affordable. Untuk rasanya menurutku agak kurang gurih dan porsinya bisa dibilang sedikit. Chasiunya manisnya pas, tapi sangat keras dan kering. Daging Cincangnya kurang terasa bumbunya. Mie-nya agak kenyal dan cukup enak. Selain mie rebus, aku jg coba mie goreng onlok dan pangsit kuah. Rasanya unik, ada rasa smoky dan porsinya besar. Mie goreng ini dimasak dgn seafood dan agak basah2. Sayang rasanya terlalu asin. Penyelamat hari itu tuh pangsitnya. Enak banget dan sangat berasa daging. Harus pesen kalo kesini.
Menu yang dipesan: Mie Casiu + Cincang 1/2 porsi, pangsit rebus, mie goreng onlok
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.4Singapore Koo Kee [ Pantai Indah Kapuk, Singapura ]
Resto asal Singapura yg B aja
Resto dgn banyak cabang di Singapura ini akhirnya buka cabang juga di PIK! Tempatnya sendiri menurutku sangat spacious, dan rapi. Jadi bagus utk foto2. Tapi buatku rasa makanan di sini kurang worth it, karena rasanya yg kurang nendang dan porsinya cukup sedikit. Di antara bakkut teh, hokkian prawn mee, ginseng chicken soup, laksa, yongtowfoo dan nasi lemak yg aku coba, menurutku yg rasanya paling oke tuh laksa-nya. Seafoodnya berasa banget di kuahnya. Tapi alergiku thd seafood yg kurang bersih kambuh stelah dinner disana. Bakkut teh-nya bisa dibilang memiliki kuah yg agak hambar dan daging yg sedikit, tapi mungkin beberapa orang akan suka karena tdk bikin eneg. Nasi lemaknya cukup wangi, tp proteinnya tdk ada yg spesial.
Menu yang dipesan: Hokkian mee, bakkut teh, Laksa, Nasi Lemak
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.4 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.4Blueprint Bites & Brew [ Pantai Indah Kapuk, Kafe ]
Nicely decorated cafe & good Australian-Japanese food
To sum up, Blueprint Bites & Brew is a nicely decorated cafe with delicious Australian-Japanese food. The place is so comfy yet simplistic. I could imagine myself hanging out with my friends for hours there. I tried some of their dishes, and all of them tasted really good:
Gyutan Aglio Olio (IDR 65k)
This menu consisted of Italian pasta with garlic, dried chili, olive oil, parsley, and Japanese marinated gyutan (cow's tongue). They also presented the dish with microgreens and pickled red ginger. Overall I would say that the dish was really good, and the price was affordable. The sweet and umami melt-in-your-mouth gyutan blended nicely with the pasta. The flavor of garlic and chili wasn't as strong as I expected. Overall, really nice.
Gindara Croquette (IDR 85k)
This dish consisted of deep fried Panko Gindara Croquette, wilted baby spinach, poached egg with hollandaise and tobiko. The dish was also really good, as the fish wasn't smelly at all. However, I can feel that the breading was a bit thick and the fresh fish flavor was masked by the egg and hollandaise. The taste was really good, though.
Mac & Cheese Bites (IDR 50k)
This deep fried goodness was presented with grated parmesan and chili garlic sauce. I wish that they put a lot more cheese in this dish! Since I could only tasted the fried macaroni and some sort of cream. The sauce was good, though lacking in quantity.
The Galaxy (IDR 35k)
This is a clear-white-transparent drink that were supposed to be poured with another purplish syrup. The taste was really good, a bit sour from the lemon, and balanced with the right amount of sugar. The color was really pretty as well. The drink was also affordable.
I am glad that I found this place. As I could hang out with my friends in this pretty space, and not have to worry about spending too much money for amazing food.Menu yang dipesan: Gyutan Aglio Olio, The Galaxy, Mac&Cheese Bites, Gindara Croquette
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.