Foto Profil Bunny With Coffee

Bunny With Coffee

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  • 5.0  
    Tjap 1000 Tahun [ Senopati, Indonesia ]

    Bakmi Karet Guurriihh

    Suka banget mie karet nya, kecil tipis dan kerasa banget gurih dari mie nya. Pesan dan bayar langsung scan menu yg di meja.
    Bakmi halal yang memang enak, nggak heran kalo rame terus. Ada beberapa pilihan bakmi juga, seru nya lagi bisa ambil sendiri bumbu lainnya yg menurut kalian kurang, chili oil, sambal, kecap asin kecap manis, garlic oil, daun bawang semua komplit.
    Kuah mie nya yg dipisah juga tasty, baso sapi nya fresh. Keripik tipis garing dan gurih diatas mie nya itu bikin rasanya lebih enak sih. Gohiong nya garing diluar lembut di dalem rasanya cukup enak menurutku. Ada minuman Badak juga, cocok aja diminum sambil makan Bakmi.
    Untuk harga relatif murah untuk mie enak dengan topping yg melimpah dan bisa pilih topping asin atau manis.
    Parkiran di area nya memang terbatas ya, apalagi pas jam makan siang karena banyak orang kantor yg lunch disini, meja tersedia juga lumayan banyak di outdoor area, jadi kalau memang mau makan disini dan gak mau antri lebih baik sebelum jam makan siang atau sesudah makan siang aja.
    Pelayanannnya ramah disini, area makan juga selalu dibersihkan. Area Toilet terlihat dibersihkan berkala juga, bersih dan wangi untuk tissue juga tersedia.
    Sukses terus Bakmi Tjap 1000 Tahun & Team
    Love, 🐰♥️☕️

    Menu yang dipesan: Bakmi Original, Bakmi Chili Oil, gohiong, Bakso Sapi, badak, es teh kembang

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    2 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 5.0  
    Saigon Delight [ Kuningan, Vietnam ]

    all-time favorite Vietnamese restaurant

    The Saigon Delight is perhaps one of the best restaurants that serves nothing but the best Phó in Jakarta, delivering an authentic culinary experience. The phó is served with rib-eye, beef flank meat with tasty broth.
    offering a wide range of Vietnamese cuisine, from fresh rolls, fried lumpia rolls, salad, banh mi, pho, rice cake, chicken, and beef menu
    We’ve visited this place countless times, and it's never once disappointed. The food consistently impresses with its tastiness and generous portions.
    The menu is a treasure of options, the staff was friendly but not very attentive, the athmosphere super cool, table and area always clean. We will always come back to Saigon Delight for more Vietnamese food in Jakarta.

    Menu yang dipesan: cha gio saigon, Pho Dac Biet

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 5.0  
    7 Speed Coffee [ Kemang, Kafe ]

    7speed has never failed me

    I have loved this cozy (one of the best in the Kemang area) coffee shop for ages, with such a pretty and clean decoration. 7speed Kemang coffee was so fine! Also, the fried Cheetos (young corn) were crispy and yummy. There are several cakes choices as well, their menu quite varied. Cool ambience, light, airy, and modern aesthetic, and a great place to hop on free wifi, definitely a place you could work at. The coffee is the best, with good choices of beans try to mixed with perfect soy milk. The ambiance is nice, The services from the staff are so friendly and pleasant. Price wise is so fair with the quality of foods and beverages. Very recommended place, for sure will come again.
    Best of luck 7speed and Team
    Love, 🐰&☕️

    Menu yang dipesan: Fried cheetos, Hazel & Gretel, Long black

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 5.0  
    Mikkro Espresso [ Kebayoran Baru, Kafe ]

    Best coffee shop town!

    I’ve been here a few times now.. The coffee is very good. There is low, medium, and dark roast when choosing an espresso-based drink. Always had a good time here, great service. Well, It’s a bit tough to get a parking spot but there’s valet service available. Recently went there for lunch and asked them what would they recommend for lunch, they said The Crispy Beef ribs Dabu Dabu and it was so yummy, a big portion indeed. I also ordered the Avocado coffee but it was way too bitter, not sure if it was from the coffee or the avocado or both. Hope you guys notice. And thank you, still my fav coffee shop in town.
    Good luck guys! 🐰❤️☕️

    Menu yang dipesan: Bola Ubi, Crispy beef dabu dabu, Avocado Coffee

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 5.0  
    STUCO Coffee [ Puncak, Kafe ]

    Get stuck in here is the best coffee experience ever

    Stuck into coffee!
    Ngopi diatas bukit, Bangunan Stuco Coffee di Citeko Hills Bogor memang unik, berupa rumah panggung tradisional yang dikelilingi perkebunan hijau. Stuco menyediakan beragam coffee dari mancanegara dan menu yang cukup lengkap dengan harga terjangkau. Harus diakui mereka nggak ngasal soal makanan, karena hampir semua di racik dengan serius dengan rasa yg enak. Yang sudah pernah kesini pasti setuju kalau Stuco punya churros itu enak banget, tahu cabe garam, pisang goreng bener bener cemilan yg cocok dinikmati sama kopi. Barista nya juga semua ramah, nyambut semua tamu yg dateng dengan sapaan dan senyuman. Nanti kesini lagi berniat mau super santai sambil nikmatin sekitar, enjoying life to the fullest. 🐰❤️☕️

    Menu yang dipesan: Churros, Butterscotch Coffee, Tahu Cabe Garam, shakeera

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 5.0  
    Pempek Ny. Kamto [ Fatmawati, Indonesia ]

    Best Pempek

    Don’t tell me you love Pempek if you haven’t try this legendary Pempek Ny. Kamto
    First time I tried this Pempek is when I was visiting Solo, I got surprised on how the Pempek and Cuko taste so good, I feel like I’ve never find this kind of Pempek before. So glad when I found out they open the store in Cipete, normally I came to Cipete for a coffee, but now I have more reasons to visit Cipete. Service was good, Clean area. Amazing, Good Luck Pempek Ny. Kamto

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!