

3.4Dubu Jib [ Pantai Indah Kapuk, Korea ]
the best dubu jiggae in town
As an avid korean food lover, I must admit that dubujib really serves one of the best dubu jjigae. Pertama kali kesini sewaktu dubujib baru pertama kali buka, setelah itu beberapa kali ke dubujib lagi khusus demi makan jjigae. Kemarin ini saya datang sewaktu lunch, dan mereka menawarkan set menu lunch. Saya pesan set jjigae yang terdiri dari nasi, dubu jjigae, dan samgyeopsal, untuk tambahan saya juga pesan twigim yg beoseot . Banchan yang disediakan tidak sebanyak di resto korea yang menyajikan menu bbq, disini hanya disajikan kimchi, pajeon, asinan dan nori. Kimchinya agak terlalu lembek dan terlalu asam buat selera saya, saya lebih suka kimchi yg masih fresh. Dubu jjigaenya memuaskan seperti biasa, kuahnya kental dan pekat. Walaupun gak ada topping dagingnya tapi rasanya tetep gurih, saya yakin less msg karena gak bikin haus atu meninggalkan aftertaste gak enak sama sekali. Buat yg gak kuat pedas, mungkin harus hati2 karena kuahnya cukup pedas. Tahunya halus banget, bukan tahu telur jepang yang mudah hancur tapi teksturnya bisa dibilang sama halusnya. Samgyeopsalnya bukan bbq, dimasak tumis gochujang. Rasa gochujangnya pekat dan gurih, walaupun samgyeopsal biasa terasa berminyak tapi ini gak terasa greasy. Menurut saya yang terasa greasy justru si beoseot (fried mushroom). Menu gorengan ini simpel sebenernya, cuma enoki digulung nori lalu digoreng, sayang enokinya terlalu nyerep minyak.
Oh iya, sekarang di lantai 2 nya dubu jib menyediakan chimaek (chicken + maekju), jd bisa pesan menu fried chicken juga di dubu jib, krn lg pantang ayam next time saya bertekad nyoba. Saya pesan ice bomb soju yg yoghurt, penyajiannya agak lama, sojunya disajikan dalam gelas margharita dengan es serut dan shot yoghurt. Buat saya, sojunya kurang terasa, yoghurtnya juga gak terasa, cukup mengecewakan.
Last but not least, pesan bwt managementnya, sewaktu saya makan kemarin ini, ruang restonya bau toilet, sangat tidak nyaman, mohon diadakan peningkatan.Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.4Kamakura Japanese Cafe [ Melawai, Kafe ]
new kind of pancake, milky yet fluffy!
Beberapa kali lewat sini dan tertarik bgt bwt nyoba apalagi ngeliat judulnya, kamakura 'japanese cafe'. Saya datang kesini siang hari, ada beberapa customer namun suasana kafenya tenang banget, bukan seperti kafe yg biasanya rame buat chitchat. Sewaktu mau pesan kebetulan ada promo free kakigori apabila upload foto dan follow kamakura di sosmed, kebetulan bgt saya emg mau coba kakigorinya alhasil saya cuma pesan 1 pancake plus nunggu gratisan kakigori. Menu pancake yg saya prsan merupakan rekomendasi dari waitressnya, milky white terdiri dari pancake, chantilly cream dan blueberry jam. Sebelumnya saya diberitahu bahwa pancake mereka membutuhkan kurang lebih 20 menit untuk disajikan, jadi saya memang bersiap hati untuk menunggu. Penantian lama saya ternyata tidak sia2, pancakenya bener2 recommended! Pancakenya tebal, luarnya kering tetapi dalamnya fluffy, bisa dibilang teksturnya hampir seperti sponge cake padat. Rasanya juga juara, wangi milk nya sangat pekat, cocok bgt dimakan bersama blueberry yg manis2 asam. Kalau masih kurang milkynya, pancakenya bisa dimakan barengan chantilly creamnya. Tektur chantilly creamnya sangat lembut seperti es krim, walaupun wangi susunya pekat tetapi tidak terasa manis sehingga gak bikin eneg.
Untuk menemani si pancake, saya pesan teh blackcurrant and hibiscus. Buat yg suka fruity or flowet tea dijamin bakal jatuh hati sama teh ini, wangi teh nya manis banget tapi begitu diminum rasanya agak asam, oke bgt buat mendampingi makan dessert yg manis. Untuk free kakigorinya saya pesan yg coffee. Porsi kakigorinya tidak terlalu besar, tingkat kehalusan es serutnya berada di antara es serut biasa dan snow ice. Kakigori yg coffee ini cukup unik karena memadukan coffee dan milk ice, jadi di bagian luarnya terdapat es serut coffee yg agak pahit2 dan di dalamnya ada es serut milk yg manis, oke banget swkt dimakan bersamaan.
Selain memuaskan dari segi rada, servisnya jugaoke banget, pelayannya sigap dan bisa menjelaskan menunya dengan baik. Satu hal yg sangat disayangkan yaitu jumlah seatingnya, karena kebanyakan seating berupa sofa bench yg bulky jadi kafe ini gk bisa menampung terlalu banyak orang.Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.8Trattoria [ Puri, Italia ]
decent thin crust pizza, nice ambiance
Sejauh ini saya lihat di lippo mall puri, cuma trattoria saja yang menyajikan khusus makanan italia Berhubung waktu itu saya ngidam makan pizza, akhirnya saya dan teman saya langsung melesat ke trattoria. Trattoria ini letaknya di pojok (daerah papajo dan fctory), pintu masukknya pun tidak bisa langsung dari mall jadi mungkin tidak semua orang ngeh ada resto ini. Begitu masuk ke restoran, saya merasa ambiancenya sangat oke khususnya buat dinner date or ngobrol over dinner. Tempatnya memang tidak terlalu dan seatingnya tidak terlalu banyak, tapi jarak antar seatingnya masih tergolong cukup punya privacy. Menunya tidak ada gambar, hanya ada nama makanan dan deskripsinya sehingga saya cukup lama menatap menu, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk pizza pork yang recommended, pancetta e grana. Sambil menunggu pizza nya, disajikan complimentary appetizer, bruschetta dengan topping tomat dan bread basket, cukup mengenyangkan untuk ngemil2. Pizzanya standart 8 slices, kulit pizzanya tipe yang tipis dan crispy. Secara keseluruhan pizzanya oke, tapi saya lebih suka yang tidak terlalu tipis (masalah selera sih). Topping baconnya memuaskan cuma agak sayang karena baconnya tidak sebanyak yang saya bayangkan.
Untuk minumannya saya pesan earl grey, dan di sini teh yang dipakai merek dilmah jadi ya cukup oke lah.
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.2 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.8Shaburi Shabu Shabu [ Puri, Jepang ]
Affordable AYCE with varieties of beef grade, soup base and sauce
Been here twice last month, so far it was really satisfying. At both visit I chose their regular grade beef shabu and original konbu soup base. Ia m not an avid 'beef person' and I am not really lovin raw beef, so for me a regular grade beef shabu is more than enough for me. As for the soup base (dashi soup), I need to avoid spicy food, I'm not really into miso soup and I tend to lean on savory type dish so in the end I chose the safest option, konbu soup. I really appreciate soup with strong broth, I tend to drink my shabu soup till the last drop after couple batches of shabu meat, so far I am really satisfied with the shaburi's konbu soup + beef broth combination. As all AYCE resto offers, shaburi also offers free flow beef slices, some of the meat slices they gives has nice marbling to it but some of them has thick fatty layer (I tend to give back the batch with thick fatty layer, but it is up to personal preference though). The other thing that I love from shaburi is their sauces varieties, the sauce can be personalized to suit your own taste. I love to combine their ponzu sauce (savory-sour sauce) with their sweet sauce and a little bit of garlic to it. For the side dishes, at my first visit I tried my best to try all their side dishes and shabu dishes. From all the dishes I've tried, the one that caught my taste-bud was their chicken kaarage and mushroom rice. The other side dishes such as sushi and tempura was okay but not memorable enough. Oh, they also offers soft-serve ice cream for dessert, at my first visit they had green tea - vanilla flavor and at the second they had chocolate - vanilla flavor, both were just too sweet (maybe it is okay just to rinse your mouth from overwhelming beef flavor).
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.4Mionette Cakes [ Puri, Toko Kue ]
red velvet nya enak, yang lain so so
Beberapa kali tergiur untuk nyoba red velvet mionette yang katanya enaknya nyamain resto yang waiting list terus itu, akhirnya kesampaian juga. Mionette ini adanya di PX pavillion lantai 2, di depan depan ibox. Sebelum ke sini liat di foto orang2, saya kira tempatnya gede tapi ternyata tempat duduknya cuma ada di sebelah dan depan counter aja. Saya order salted caramel chocolate tartelette dan matcha mille crepe untuk dine-in, red velvet cakenya untuk take away. Tartelette nya muanisss buanget, saya sampai gak sanggup ngabisinnya. Ekspektasi saya waktu pesan, salted caramelnya bakal mengimbangi manis caramel dan chocolatenya tapi ternyata salt nya kurang terasa, sayang banget karena tekstur pie nya cukup oke. Matcha mille crepenya menurut teman saya agak kurang matcha, kalau buat saya sih oke aja cukup terasa mungkin agak terlalu manis sih dan creamnya kurang creamy buat selera saya. Kue yang saya pesan untuk dine-in dua-duanya kurang memuaskan, untungnya red velvet yang saya take away berakhir memuaskan. Red velvetnya tidak kering, cakenya cukup moist dan tidak terlalu manis, yang buat saya jatuh hati justru cream cheesenya yang pekat jadi ketika dimakan rasanya jadi seimbang. Next time saya bakal balik lagi buat red velvetnya apalagi sekarang kalau promo 15% diskonnya masih ada (pemegang kartu LMP).
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.0Kung Fu Tea [ Green Ville, Taiwan ]
Clean flavor that makes tea lover smile!
Kung fu tea ini sebenarnya merupakan franchise bubble tea asli dari taiwan, sayangnya di Jakarta outlet kung fu tea sangat sedikit jumlahnya. Pertama kali ke kungfu tea karena iseng nyari cemilan setelah makan di daerah greenvil, tapi setelah kunjungan pertama saya jadi ketagihan sama teh dari kung fu tea. Beberapa kali minum bubble tea di sini saya merasa tehnya sangat wangi, tidak terasa artifisial terlebih lagi teh tradisional nya seperti pu'er tea, tieguanyin dsb. Selain tehnya yang berkualitas, bubble tea disini juga jadi favorit saya karena mereka tidak pakai gula tetapi pakai madu sebagai pemanisnya. Kali ini saya lagi pengen minum milk tea yang lebih ringan jadi pilihan saya jatuh pada rose milk tea dengan tambahan topping agar balls. Rose milk tea disini enak banget, campuran antara rose dan milknya pas, rose tea nya gak ninggalin aftertaste pahit, tidak terasa artifisial sama sekali. Rasa manisnya pas dan wangi madunya cocok banget dengan rasa rose nya. Saya sendiri suka banget sama agar ballsnya, menurut saya agar balls ini bisa jadi opsi yang oke buat pengganti bubble / pearl biasa, teksturnya cukup kenyal tapi gak bikin rahang pegal karena teksturnya seperti agar. Hari ini saya juga nyoba chocolate latte punya adik saya. Chocolate lattenya cukup pekat tapi tidak pahit, overall tastenya juga tidak terlalu manis walaupun gulanya 100%. Selain itu, saya juga pesan snack favorit yaitu fried sweet potato. Saya coba fried sweet potato di beberapa tempat, kalau yang di sini menurut saya tepungnya agak ketebalan tapi rasanya sih cukup oke mirip bumbu plum yang biasa saya makan dari merek lain.
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.8KIIN [ Pantai Indah Kapuk, Thailand ]
pleasant thai food with great ambiance
Finally had the time to try this thai resto. Their architectural exterior really makes me wondering on how it looks inside, as expected the interior was really nice architecturally.The foyer has high ceiling and skylight, the daylight fall beautifully on the concrete walls. The combination of vintage tiles and modern concrete wall really bring out a nice ambiance for a hangout place. One of the downfall of kiin is their menu book, I prefer a menu book with pictures on it and I found that kiin's menu book is kinda frustrating. Although that they had profound explanation of each dish, but the lack of pictures really gives hard time for me to decides. I finally decided to order pad thai, crispy chicken stir fried, chicken green curry and deep fried crunchy prawn cakes. It takes quite a while for our dishes to be served but I think it was worth the wait, all the dishes came out great. The green curry came out nicely, garnished with crispy fried basil leaf which add nice fragrant to the curry. It was a little bit spicy, for those who can't eat spicy food, I suggest you to ask your dish to be less spicy. The padthai was okay, less oily and just enough sourness to it. Really loves the stir fried chicken, the chicken is not as crispy as I imagined but it had nice sauce with strong oyster sauce fragrant. For the drink, I had a one of their homemade beverages, calamansi sour plum. It was a great refreshment on a hot afternoon, it has nice balance of sweet and sourness, moreover it has those sweet calamansi fragrant to it (n.b: calamansi is a type of orange). Their thai tea was also good, it has strong thai tea fragrant.
Now days they had hsbc credit card promo, free dessert (fried cassava or pillow doughnut) with minimum of 100k purchase, I choose the fried cassava. The fried cassava was mind-blowing, I often found crispy and hard fried cassava but kiin's cassava has nice crispy texture on the outside and mushy-soft texture on the inside.Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.6Moru Milk [ Puri, Dessert ]
yummy banana milk!
Tried moru milk for the first time last thursday. When it was opened for the first time at lippo mall puri I was hesitant to try but then one of my friend recommended moru milk so I finally decided to try. I was going to try their parfait but yesterday I was too full, I chose to order their pudding beverages instead. I ordered banana milk with milk tea pudding because I am an avid banana milk flavor and I I found that milk tea flavored is unique. Their banana milk was good, not too artificial and definitely not too sweet. The pudding was kinda meh for me, it is too watery and the milk tea fragrant is not strong enough. Next time I'll try their parfait, looking forward to their banana parfait!
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.2OHLALA [ Puri, Kafe ]
love their new concept, not really loving their small space
Like the new modern concept of ohlala, really glad that they add varieties to their menu. The waitress introduced the free pasta promo for every main course order, so me and my friend decided to order a main course to get free pasta. My friend was tempted by ohlala salmon en croute so I decided to get along with her, and we get to choose one pasta dish for free (we chose chicken and mushroom alfredo). The chicken and mushroom alfredo came first, it was quite good, creamy enough with decent savory flavor.
The salmon en croute takes quite a long time to serve because they claimed that the pastry was freshly made (of course the waitress told us beforehand), and it was unexpectedly has decent taste. As expected from ohlala, their pastry was really good, crispy and thin with subtle milky fragrant.
The only downfall is their small and secluded place.
p.s : I chose low rating for their cleanliness because I found out some wire (maybe from wire sponge) in my pastaHarga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.4Prince Coffeebar [ Puri, Kafe ]
Decent, unique variant of coffee and non coffee beverages
Just knew this coffeeshop from my friend, he recommended us to try this new place. I have never heard this coffeeshop before, so I asked the barista for recommendation. Oh they also had opening promo, buy one get one for any beverages, I chose chocolate green tea by barista's recommendation and my friend chose caramel machiatto.
The green tea chocolate blended consist of chocolate blended beverages and one scoop of green tea / matcha ice cream. Actually the matcha ice cream was good enough, it has creamy texture and quite strong matcha flavor but the chocolate beverages was rather meh. The chocolate blended didn't have strong chocolate fragrant nor did it had strong milky flavor. Thankfully, the matcha ice cream was really helpful to bring out an unique taste to it, it tasted like a chocolate blended with a hint matcha flavor. On the other hand, my friend said that their caramel machiatto was good (maybe I'll try their coffee drink next time).
Prince coffeebar might serves as a great hangout place, the only downfall is the lack of seating area.Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.