Foto Profil Dwi Izaldi

Dwi Izaldi

784 Review | 334 Makasih
Alfa 2021 Level 15
Steak Ramen Chinese Food Seafood Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea
  • 2.2  
    Kedai Kita [ Bogor Tengah, Italia ]

    Kok.......... :(

    Jalan-jalan ke Bogor bareng mama terus dia laper dan gue come up lah dengan ide ke Kedai Kita karena gw dulu kesini pertama kali enak banget makanannya. Begitu sampe udah rame dan WL ampe 7 orang. Gw tau sih dari dulu disini rame bgt apalagi gue dateng Minggu siang gitu. Akhirnya dapet tempat duduk setelah nunggu 15 menitan. Pelayanannya nguranggggg banget, kita harus manggil dulu buat minta menu, terus manggil2 lagi buat mesen, terus pesenannya superrrrr lama, buat menu nasi terbilang acceptable lah sekitar 15 menitan, buat mie hotplate lama bgt lebih dari 30 menit ada kali. Keadaan kita berdua udah laper banget.
    - Nasi Ayam Lada Hitam (30K): pesenannya mama dan kecewa banget, dingin. Ayam lada hitamnya dingin, terus nasinya juga udah dingin. Padahal udah nunggu mayan lama, kayak gak ada effort gitu buat ngangetin. Kalo dingin kayak gitu mah, seharusnya jg cepet keluarnya. Kecewa banget. Ayamnya jg dingin, kuahnya juga. Good thing is lada hitamnya kerasa sih. Sisanya kecewa

    - Mie Hotplate Ayam Rica-Rica (35K): yang ini nih yang super lama bangetttt ampe pengen gue bungkus aja. Kebetulan kemaren lagi promo tambah seribu udah dapet porsi jumbo. Rasanya? Jahe. Pedas. Tapi gak asin. Gimana tuh? Jumbo sih, panas sih (ya iya lah hotplate, kalo dingin jg kelewatan). Cuma rasa jahenya ganggu banget, agak sedikit gak pas di menu ini. Ayamnya cincang gitu dan mayan dapet banyak kayak di foto.
    Gue sama mama itu dateng lagi laper dan kita berdua sama-sama gak abis. Biasanya kalo kita laper mah, semua makanan rasanya jadi enak kan yah, kali ini enggak. Gue kecewa banget, apalagi dateng ama mama yang suka milih2 makanan :(

    Menu yang dipesan: Mie Hotplate Ayam Rica-Rica, Nasi ayam lada hitam

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    2 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 3.8  
    Cimory Mountain View [ Puncak, Indonesia,Barat,Italia ]

    Nice Ambience

    Nice view but I prefer the riverside one than the mountain view. But as well as the riverside, here they build a nice ambiance. Came here with a fully tummy because we already had a lunch at another restaurant near, and just wanted to wait some time before the one way traffic to the top. 

    I never doubt Cimory drink yoghurt and my new favorite is the plain one, besides the blueberry. I tried their dessert, chocolate mousse, and bought almond cookies (speculoos). 

    - The Chocolate Mousse: The base of mousse was a little bit too dry and rough, makes you want to drink some water right after chew it. The portion was also petite for the price. Taste-wise is good but not have any special at all 

    - Almond Cookies: I bought it because they have a promo buy 2 cans for only 25IDR. One can contains like about 15 cookies. This was also not my best almond cookies I've ever had. It was thicker than the famous one from Surabaya. For the crispy texture, it more reminds me of cracker than cookies. 

    We came in as 5 people but we didn't order main courses, and we took like more than 3 hours in there because they smartly arranged the athmosphere and they set up the mood and makes us to feel homy and cozy. In a nutshell, Cimory is worth to pay a visit. Do not forget to try their Banana Milk because it makes you want more and more and more.

    Menu yang dipesan: Chocolate Mousse, Almond Cookies

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!