3.8Fish To Go [ Kelapa Gading, Snack ]
Pertama kali cobain yang namanya butterbeer. Kebetulan sedang jalan di gading dan menemukan fish to go yang jual butterbeer. Tempatnya simple hanya outdoor tenant kecil jadi disini hanya bisa takeaway ya. Untuk butterbeernya rasanya unik mirip rootbeer tapi dengan hint caramel gitu. Sayang tempatnya hanya di gading, jadi agak susah kalau mau mesen ini lagi
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.2Nomz [ Thamrin, Barat ]
Roasted chicken
Ujan ujan ke GI enaknya makan apa? Kebetulan pas masuk dari lobby yang deket sama menara BCA liat ada NOMZ. Kayaknya enak nih, disini aku coba mesan half roasted chicken mereka. Roasted chicken disini diserve sama mashed potato dan juga sauteed mushroom and gravy. Untuk rasa cukup enak tapi ga spesial banget. Ayamnya cukup empuk tapi gravynya sendiri kurang nendang. Mungkin next time harus coba kue2nya karena keliatan menarik.
Menu yang dipesan: Half Roasted Baby Chicken
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.8Txoko [ Senopati, Spanyol ]
Basque cuisine
Need something fancy, unique, and new experience? @txokojakarta is a great place for you then. Serving foods from Basque region of Spain, Chef @oskarurzelai will tease your tastebuds with his dishes. The place itself has a fun, colorful, and cozy design, with interior resembles a mediterranean seaside house.
For the dish, the Garlic Prawn Pret A Porter is highly recommended here. The staff will come and torch the prawn on your table directly. The prawns got that smoky flavor and combined with the garlic and mayo sauce...amazing!
If you need rice for your lunch, go for the Seaweed and Squid Mellow Rice. The rice has a similar texture like Italian risotto but comes with seaweed flavor which is very unique and interesting.
For the dessert, I highly recommend you to try their Idiazabal Cheesecake. The cheesecake is made with Idiazabal cheese, a hard cheese produced only in Basque region which is very cheesy and creamy. Paired with their honey ice cream, this dessert will be a bomb. Try it and new york cheesecake will be nothing compared to this one.
Psst...here they will give many complimentary dishes for you from assorted bread basket, croquettas, ice creams, and petit four box. All of these will surprise you and it is a very nice touch indeed. Also the chef will come out once in a while to your table and ask about your opinion about his dishes.
Overall @txokojakarta is a very good restaurant with interesting foods, playful design, and also amazing experience. Will come back here next time to try the other dishes.Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.4Eric Kayser Artisan Boulanger [ Gandaria, Kafe ]
Buttery pastry
Kemarin jalan jalan ke gandaria rencananya mau ngemil dan nemu Eric Kayser. Karena uda lama banget ga kesitu juga, maka diputuskanlah untuk ngemil disitu. Disini aku mesen Rond Apple Croqueline, jadi itu adalah sejenis pastry bulat yang di tengahnya ada apel dan ditaburi dengan icing sugar. Untuk pastrynya sendiri renyah dan buttery sekali, jadi ketika digigit tuh benar2 berasa wangi menteganya ditambah lagi dengan apelnya yang manis. Untuk harga juga tergolong affordable yaitu 29k++ untuk 1 rotinya.
Menu yang dipesan: Rond apple croqueline
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.3 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.0Social Affair Coffee & Baked House [ Pantai Indah Kapuk, Kafe ]
New outlet
Baru tau kalo social affair yang biasanya ada di sederetan ruko2 pik ternyata sudah pindah ke dalam pik avenue mall. Jadi lokasinya sekarang tepat di depan food hall dan terbagi menjadi 2 area yaitu 1 indoor di dalam ruangan dan 1 lagi di open area di dalam mall tepat di bawah eskalator. Disini aku mesan 2 minuman yaitu Double U mocktail dan juga earl grey dark chocolate. Untuk Double U nya segar karena ada campuran watermelon di dalamnya hanya saja menurut aku es batunya kebanyakan jadi semakin diminum semakin hambar. Untuk earl grey dark choconya, dark choconya terlalu overpowered jadi earl greynya tidak berasa sama sekali, selain itu juga rasanya pahit jadi eneg kalo diminum lama lama. Untuk rotinya, aku mesan vanilla brioche. Ini rotinya enak dan di dalamnya ada saus vanilla gitu yang manis. Overall ok lah, tapi ga sampe amazed.
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.4La Moda [ Thamrin, Barat ]
Earl grey mocktail
Dari dulu penasaran sama restoran yang terletak di tengah2 atrium plaza indonesia ini dan akhirnya nyobain juga. Untuk harga makanan lumayan pricey ya dan mumpung uda kenyang juga jadi memutuskan untuk minum2 aja disini. Disini aku pesan Earl Grey mocktailnya, rasa earl greynya nendang yang benar2 berasa ditambah sensasi asam manis dari cranberry juice. Ini minuman yang highly recommended banget bagi aku.
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.2 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.0Starbucks [ Slipi, Kafe ]
Watermelon & Lychee Aloe
Ada yang baru nih di starbucks yaitu watermelon & lychee aloe. Nah rasa minuman ini cukup unik ya, bayangkan sirup semangka dicampur dengan matcha dan juga sejenis cream di dalamnya. Selain itu juga ada potongan aloe vera di dalamnya. Rasanya segar dan sedikit creamy...pokoknya unik deh, boleh dicoba.
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.6The Royal Kitchen [ Kuningan, India ]
Trying The Royal Kitchen - An Upscale Indian Restaurant
The Royal Kitchen is an upscale Indian restaurant located inside The Bellagio Boutique Mall at Mega Kuningan area. Well speaking about Indian cuisine, there aren't so many Indian restaurants in Jakarta comparing to our neighbour countries like Singapore and Malaysia. And maybe some of you might think that Indian cuisine is all about curries, since curry is one of the most popular food in India. But sorry you are wrong, Indian has a lot of foods ranging from region to region such as Masala Dosa, Tandoori Chicken, Pani Puri, Biryani, and any others. Interested? Now let's dig in into this restaurant.Â
Upon entering the restaurant, I could already smell the scent of incense burnt in front of the restaurant which transferred me directly into Indian world. The restaurant itself is quite spacious, dominated with stone and wood accents across the room with some Indian decorations to give more Indian feel. The table setting itself is neat, with tableware such as plates, cutleries, and rolled napkin placed on which give a more luxurious feel to it. Also the Indian music playing on the background really built up the atmosphere.
For the menu, you can opt for 2 ways, the first one is buffet and the second one is ala carte. If you choose the buffet, there are food counters prepared and you can just pick the foods you would like to try from appetizers, main courses, to desserts. But instead of buffet, I opted for ala carte one since I have my own food list to try. Here's what I tried and let's review it one by one :Â
Half Tandoori Murgh (IDR 99.5k++)Â
Here it is, Tandoori Chicken!! One of the most Indian dish you have to try. It is chicken marinated with hung yogurt, ginger, garlic, and spices, then roasted in a special clay oven called Tandoor. The chicken was full of flavors, it was so well marinated and the combination of all the spices & other ingredients were so so good. It also had spicy aftertaste but not overpowering, just mild spicy so don't worry. I highly suggest you to try this chicken dish. If you love roasted chicken, you will love this.Â
Gosht Dum Biryani (IDR 129.5k++)Â
Another Indian speciality, it is Basmati rice (a type of long grain rice) cooked inside a claypot bowl together with baby lamb and also aromatic herb&spices. The waiter brought the whole pot to the table, so when I opened the seal I could clearly see the rice together with it's topping of lamb inside the claypot. Then how to eat it? Grab your spoon, and mix it all together so the rice, lamb, and the seasoning are all mixed well. The seasoning was on point, not too strong and also not too light. The baby lamb was perfectly cooked and it was tender. Eat all the ingredients together in one spoon, and you will feel how good it is.Â
Complimentary Condiments (Free)Â
So usually when Indians have their food, there are condiments that cannot be missed. Here the waiter brought 4 condiments to accompany my dishes. There were Mint Chutney (green one), Tamarind Chutney (the brown one), Raita (the white one), and also shallots. For me each of them had their own unique flavors and they complimented with the other dishes pretty well. You have to try every single one of them and find which one suits you the best, because what? Because it is hard to describe their flavors XD.Â
Sweet Lassi (IDR 42.5k++)Â
Speaking about Indian beverage, the one that might come to your mind probably is Chai Masala Tea, but how if you don't like spiced tea? Do you know that there is a refreshing creamy drink in India called Lassi? If you're a fan of yogurt then this will be your best choice. Lassi is an Indian drink made with blended yogurt, water, spices and sometimes fruit. Here I ordered the sweet one (you can choose either the plain, sweet, or salty one), and it tasted so good and refreshing. This yogurt drink will be the palate cleaner after eating a lot of heavily spiced foods. I loved the sweet one since it really balanced out the sourness of yogurt itself. You really have to order this drink!!!Â
Matka Kulfi (IDR 59.5k++)Â
Kulfi is an Indian ice cream made with saffron, pistachio, and dried fruits. You know when I first thought it was an ice cream, I expected it to be smooth and creamy like the ice cream I usually have. But I was wrong. This ice cream had a unique texture that I'm sure that you've never tried it before. The texture was rough and quite sandy. It was creamy though, but the taste was unfamiliar for me. It was pretty hard to describe since it was my first time trying this ice cream. If you love unique dessert like you've never had before, go for this one.Â
Overall I have a good time enjoying my Indian lunch at The Royal Kitchen. The food was good and tasted really authentic. Their staff was also warm and their manager who is an Indian also greeted me and helped me explain about their food. For the price, it is on the expensive scale since it is an upscale restaurant, but the experience was worth for me. If you ask me whether I will come back to here or not, I will say "why not?" since I have a lot of Indian foods I've never tried before and I'm still curious what Gulab Jamun tastes like. Stay tuned for my next review and enjoy!!!Menu yang dipesan: Tandoori Murgh, sweet lassi, gosht dum briyani, Interior 1, Table Setting, Buffet Selections, Ala Carte Orders, Free Condiments, interior 2, Matka Kulfi, Front Enterance
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.2 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.8Greyhound Cafe [ Thamrin, Thailand ]
Coconut crepe cake
Kesini mau nyantai abis muter2 di GI. Karena masih sore aku memutuskan untuk mencoba dessert saja. Dan staff disitu merekomendasikan Coconut Crepe Cake untuk dicoba karena itu merupakan dessert paling populer di seluruh franchise greyhound. Untuk minumnya, mereka juga merekomendasikan Iced Lemon Tea nya untuk menetralkan manisnya kue crepe tadi.
Nah ketika kuenya datang, ternyata besar juga ya maklum sih untuk harga tergolong agak mahal. Jadi dia itu cake yang dibuat dari lapisan2 crepe dengan saus kelapa, daging kelapa, dan juga diatasnya ada cookies sejenis lidah kucing begitu. Rasanya enak, tapi kalau dimakan lama lama jadi eneg karena manis juga.
Iced lemon tea disini agak unik karena es batunya sendiri juga dibuat dari lemon tea. Pelayannya akan datang membawa gelas penuh dengan es kemudian ia akan menuangkan lemon tea nya ke dalam gelas yang sudah ada es batu lemon tea tersebut. Rasanya asam manis seger gitu.Menu yang dipesan: Fresh Coconut Crepe Cake, Iced Lemon Tea (Greyhound Style)
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.3 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.2Starbucks [ Pluit, Kafe ]
Minuman baru
Jadi ketika hari pemilu kemarin starbucks meluncurkan varian minuman baru yaitu white berry cream frappuccino dan iced white berry macchiato dengan menunjukan jari yang sudah ditintai dengan harga 25k.
Disini aku pesan yang white berry cream frappuccino. Untuk rasa mirip dengan milkshake yang dikasih rasa berry2 gitu. Enak sih, cuman nothing spesial.Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.