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  • 3.4  

    Cozy place for a meeting

    This place was located inside Grand Zuri Hotel. The ambience was very nice, good lighting, neat seats and tables and each already prepared before we're being seated. The room wasn't so spacious, though.

    For the food, most of them offered Indonesian food, such as soto, terong, nasi goreng, ayam bakar, etc. A bit lack of variation, but their taste is good, especially the soto and ayam bakar. You can customized your soto and they got quite much choice for you as you play around the toppings. The soup was nice too. Salty and tasty.

    For the dessert, they only offered you jellies, cake, pudding and wedang jahe. I want to have some wedang jahe at first, but turns out their soup was not there. There's water inside, though. I poured some, looking at its color of not-enough brown, I'm a bit doubtful. I tasted a little. Taste awful. Definitely not we

    Menu yang dipesan: pudding, Soto, Ayam Bakar, Nasi Goreng, Cakes

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.4  
    Latitude [ BSD, Es Krim ]

    Segar murah meriah

    Maybe you've been familiar with es potong. This stuff sold quite a lot in Singapore, especially. Latitude is an ice cream stall that sells one of those. Some es potong wrapped in bread. They offers you to taste their regular flavors and their customized version. They also sell some durian pancake.

    I tried their regular es potong.

    Because I was feeling thirsty, I suddenly have this crave of something minty, so I chose their peppermint for my ice cream flavor :) It only cost me Rp.11.000! The es potong was okay. Creamy and nice texture for an ice cream. Not too fast to melt too, which is a real good thing, knowing how their proportion of milk and cream eliminates the sense of shaved ice on their ice cream. The flavor was minty fresh, actually a bit like toothpaste, but okay. I was so thirsty, I feel like drinking since their mint really freshen my throat. The bread was okay. Overall, not bad considering its price :)

    Menu yang dipesan: es potong peppermint

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.2  
    Dunkin' Donuts [ Kota Tangerang, Donat ]

    Flat Bread?

    Selain donut, ternyata dunkin ini juga jualan flat bread. Saya biasa liat ini menu sarapan lumayan sering dijual di luar negri. Sebelumnya, saya belum pernah coba menu yg satu ini disini. Luarnya adalah flatbread, roti yang pipih yang sering digunakan untuk tacos, hidangan2 mexico lainnya, dan juga thin pizza.

    Kali ini saya coba yang smoked beef. Untuk flatbreadnya standar, tidak ada rasanya, porsinya lumayan untuk cemilan. Dalemnya ada smoked beef and cheese yang sudah cukup meleleh. Cuma karena ditake away, jadi padat lagi dengan bentuk yang keriting2 gitu :p

    Menurut saya rasanya biasa aja. Smoked beefnya standar, kejunya juga, dan waktu dicampur juga standar. Saya akhirnya cocolin sambal untuk menambah rasa soalnya it tasted a bit plain.

    *PS ini rate 3.0 only goes to the flatbread ya.. Kalo rating Dunkin' Donuts secara keseluruhan would be a 3.5 from me :) Love their hot chocolate!

    Menu yang dipesan: flat bread

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.2  
    Es Campur Jelly Acen [ BSD, Dessert ]


    Baru pertama kali liat ini es campur. Pertama sih tertarik soalnya liat mangkoknya wow besar sekali. Waktu itu antriannya lumayan panjang, dari jauh kelihatannya seger banget, mangkuk isinya jeli2 dan pernak pernik untuk es campur, besar2 semuanya.

    Porsi besarnya sungguh menarik hati.

    Kami pesan Es Popping Boba Buah, harganya sekitar 30ribuan. Porsinya besar, rasanya juga segar. Mereka kasih jeruk nipis juga diatasnya biar rasanya dingin asam manis. Jeli2 dalamnya cukup enak, masih fresh, dan airnya juga tidak kemanisan.

    Menu yang dipesan: Es Popping Boba Buah

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.2  
    KFC [ Kota Tangerang ]


    Kemarin kesini saya menemukan menu yang selama ini tersembunyi di KFC. I bet most people didn't know it exist, including me before my bf told me haha.. So ternyata di KFC ini ada menu sejenis nachos2an. Jadi kami pesen nasi ayam seperti biasa (tapi pas kemarin lagi super rame dan ayamnya jadi kaya alot gitu, kualitasnya menurun, either karena panasnya kurang, atau uda ada uap air akibat kondensasi setelah ditaro dipiring kelamaan.) So kemarin kaget juga pas makan ayamnya rasanya ga seenak dibayangan biasanya.

    Buat nachosnya sendiri, tastenya sih lumayan so-so. Lebih seperti keripik pangsit untuk nachosnya, dan mayonya juga rasanya stgh2 dan cenderung lebih bikin eneg kalo dimakan kebanyakan. Ya tapi bolehlah kalo iseng2 penasaran mau coba rasanya kaya apa.

    Menu yang dipesan: Nasi Ayam, Nachos, Soup

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.4  
    McDonald's [ Karawaci ]

    Easy, Take Away Breakfast!

    Setiap pagi, kalau butuh cepet2 beli makanan sebelum pergi kemana2, drive-through di McDonald's Lippo Karawaci selalu jadi pilihan pertama.

    Buat sarapan kali ini, saya cobain breakfast wrap and their classic ice cream cone (well, ice cream cone sih uda makan ribuan kali. Love it, as always :p). Breakfast wrapnya mereka itu sejenis kebab. Cuma versi mininya, dan dalemnya kurang banyak sih. Bener2 seuprit. Sampai roti kebabnya rasanya cukup overpower rasa dalemnya. Lebih prefer mcmuffinnya dibanding ini :)

    Menu yang dipesan: breakfast wrap, ice cream cone

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.6  
    McDonald's [ Gading Serpong ]


    Salah satu fast food yang enak menurut saya: Chicken Muffin or Egg McMuffin, dan Hash Brown. Menurut saya, McMuffin McDonal's itu salah satu pilihan breakfast yang paling praktis, kalau kita lagi gak ada waktu harus meeting atau hadir di acara tertentu pagi2 dan cuma bisa drive through, lalu makan di mobil. McMuffinnya enak, rotinya lembut, telurnya juga matangnya pas, kenyalnya juga pas, dan cheese and hamnya lumayan fresh and tasty. Cukup buat bikin lumayan kenyang. Hash Brownnya one of my favorite. Salty and tasty, kentangnya di mashed and chopped very well, dan lembut, luarnya garing. Kalau lagi buru2, saya selalu drive through ini. Enak, praktis, dan kenyang :)

    Menu yang dipesan: Chicken Muffin, Egg McMuffin, Hash Brown

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.8  
    My Mom's Bistro [ Gading Serpong, China,Barat ]

    Cute Barn Decoration, Yummy food

    First I'll talk about the ambience. The decoration was quite nice. There's cute wooden wall, to make this look like a vintage-barn. They need to do something about the lighting, though. Most of the rays were captured on my camera, and feel a bit gloomy when I went here. They also didn't turn on music. Maybe that's one of the reason why.

    So they had 2 different style of foods in two different menus. There're asians and westerns. We tried their western food:

    [Chicken Creamy Cheese Rp.40.000]

    Too much cream for me. They need to add more cheese and herbs on this because the taste was too milky and creamy. But the pasta was al dente, and the sauce's density was enough. The portion was huge too :)

    [Fish and chips Rp.55.000]
    They present the fish and chips on a pan. Kind of remind me of some other restaurant. Good presentation, they already cut the fish into 7 and fried them. The outside were so crispy and tasty, and the fishes were tender. It was a little bit hard to cut it in a good shape, though. Maybe because the flour doesn't really glued to the fish or the fish's fibers a bit off. The tartar sauce was amazing! And the salad was really delicious too.

    [Iced Tea Tarik Rp.14.000]

    Good, milky Thai tea. A bit creamier and milkier than usual, but I like it.

    Overall I had a good meal here, the price was affordable too, the place was not bad, the food were okay.

    Menu yang dipesan: chicken creamy cheese spaghetti, Fish and Chips, Iced tea tarik

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.6  
    Maxx Coffee [ BSD, Kafe ]

    Love love triple berry

    Sekarang Maxx Coffee uda buka cabang dimana2. Waktu lewat kemarin mampir deh mau minum yang segar2.

    This time I tried their Three Berry. Since the last time when I tried their Iced Chocolate wasn't so pleasing. Luckily, this drink was refreshing! Fresh berries blend with ice and just a bit of milk, sweet and sour. The strawberry was the most dominant taste for this one. Good choice if you didn't feel like drinking caffeine or in the mood of something that's not very milky :)

    Menu yang dipesan: triple berry

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.4  
    Tea Garden [ Gading Serpong, China ]

    Semua serba ada. Minggu pagi service terlalu lama!

    Pertama-tama, tempat ini bener2 ramenya minta ampun. Saya datang jam 9 pagi and this place was just packed with people. Saking ramainya, servicenya jadi sangat lalai dan lamban. Kami minta beresin meja aja lama sekali.

    Kami pesen siomay, lumpia goreng, pangsit goreng mayo, lumpia goreng rumput laut, char siew panggang, tan tart, cha siaw pai, wotie, mochi, kaki ayam dan bubur ayam. Overal dimsum disini enak2 semua. Siomaynya kenyal dan gurih, lumpia dan pangsitnya very tasty dan dan crunchnya juga pas, char siewnya gendut dan isinya banyak daging dan sayurnya, wotienya juga lezat dan empuk, saya ga makan kaki ayam soalnya ga suka, dan mochi dan lumpia rumput lautnya ini lumayan unik ya buat saya. Mochinya sendiri bentuknya lucu ga seperti mochi pada umumnya. Isinya kacang merah, kenyalnya dan teksturnya betul2 cantik dan ada taburan wijen diatasnya. Rumput lautnya juga lucu kaya di goreng bulet2 gtu dlmnya ada sedikit nasi. Setelah makan byk bgt, saya betul2 kaget si mami masi pesenin bubur ayam seorang satu. Akhirnya kt bungkus 2 bubur bawa pulang soalnya uda kekenyangan :p buburnya juga enak btw. Lumayan asin, tp ya dimasaknya pas kentelnya.

    Menu yang dipesan: Siomay, wottie, char siew, lumpia goreng, Mochi, Bubur Ayam, tan tart

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!