Ironplate  [ Barat ]
4.5 6 review


[ Barat ]
4.5 6 review
Harga : rasa

MD Place
Jl. Setiabudi Selatan No. 7, Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan

Belum Buka - Rabu (17:00 - 24:00) 087774766758


Belum Buka Senin - Minggu (17:00 - 24:00)

Di atas Rp. 200.000 /orang

Ironplate [ Setiabudi ]

  • Tipe KulinerBarat
  • Jam Buka
    Belum Buka
  • PembayaranTunai, Visa, Master, Debet


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Review dari pengunjung untuk Ironplate

Foto Profil eatwithlauv

37 Review

Level 2

No Badge


Great food and amazing teppan experience!

Came for a special occasion and wow was so impressed with the food, ambiance, service and overall vibe!

First off, we love how every table gets their own personal chef yang explain semua ingredients and dishes, dan hampir semua dish Di masak depan kita. Shoutout for the welcome bread, usually suka yang rustic but the warm truffle rolls were so good!

- Brocollini Ceaser
-> Sumpah ini super simple but so so good! Crunchy brocolini with garlic aioli and super flavourful crumble

- Mushroom Millfuille
-> Elevated mushroom soup yang aerated so super bouncy and light! Suka bgtt

For steaks we got the NY strip lion and Hanger Steak! Honestly the meat was super fresh and on the meatier side! Recommend the mushroom sauce and aioli

Dessert ended with Wagyu Fat Brownie, perfect end to the meal :))

Menu yang dipesan: Hanger Steak, Mushroom Millfuille, Brocollini Ceaser, NY Striploin

Tanggal kunjungan: 08 Oktober 2023
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Hungry Mommy

Alfa 2023

1739 Review

Level 19

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Pancake Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Teppan Dinner

Dinner bareng temen, sebelumnya udah reservasi buat sabtu sore sayangnya full table tapi gak lama kita ditelp balik sama mereka klo ternyata ada table, lol!
Bbrp menu yang kita pesan disini :

- Blue Air (IDR 110,000)
Aerated "Ibra" Blue Cheese, Honey Butter Burnt Grapes, Walnuts. Syukaak bangett! Perpaduan manis, gurih dan azsm seger. Wajib dipesen siih klo kesini.

- Croque Monseur (IDR 200,000)
Soba Air Bread, Alpine Mornay Foam, Smoked A5 Wagyu, Pickles.
Enaak, tapi gak yang memorable banget rasanya.

- Pillows on Pillow (IDR 155,000)
Fluffy Potato Gnocchi, Giant Tiger Prawn, Burnt Miso Butter, Lemon Zest. Gnocchinya enak, udangnya fresh n well seasoned.

- Onglet (IDR 395,000)
Hanger Steak US Prime 300 Gram
Arima Sansho au Poivre. Jujur gw kurang suka tekstur daging dan rasa saucenya.

- Plat De Cotes (IDR 595,000)
Accordion Cut Karubi AUS Wagyu 4+ Short Rib 250 Gram
Parisian Tarragon Shiso Sauce
Potongan dagingnya dibuat seperti accordion, jadi ketika dimakan ada tekstur crunchy dibagian luar daging dan tetap lembut dibagian dalamnya. Enaakk!

- Chicken Fricassée (IDR 215,000)
Half of Bone-In Chicken, Sake-Pao Jiao, and Artichoke Veloute. Lebih tertarik cara masaknya dibanding rasanya.

- Wagyu Fat Brownie (IDR 85,000)
Miso Toffee, Peanut and Bacon Crumbs, Popcorn Ice Cream, Popcorn Tuile.

Hampir semua menu yang disajikan, dimasak langsung didepan kita, jadi seruu banget saat nunggu pesanan kita satu persatu sambil liat proses masaknya.

Tanggal kunjungan: 22 April 2023
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
3 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Placetogoandeat ID

Alfa 2023

4368 Review

Level 25

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Pancake Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Steakhouse on teppan

Ironplate ini berlokasi di MD place. Tempatnya cukup besar, interiornya minimalis dan elegant dengan dominasi warna black & grey. Aku suka sekali dengan suasananya, sangat warm dan cozy, ditambah view metropolitan yang membuat suasana semakin berkelas disini. Iron plate ini merupakan steakhouse tapi penyajiannya ala tepanyaki, jadi chef akan live cooking di depan kita. Semua seating area disini konsepnya sama, live cooking in front of our seats. Jadi mulai dari preparation, cooking hingga penyajian makanan semua dilakukan in front of our eyes.

Basicly menu disini adalah perpaduan french dan asian. Menunya cukup bervariasi, aku dan teman-teman coba beberapa menu yang direkomendasikan diantaranya yaitu :

Blue Air (110k) : Aerated "Ibra" Blue Cheese, Honey Butter Burnt Grapes, Walnuts. Menu appetizer ini rasanya asam manis segar, blue cheesenya manis dengan sedikit rasa asin, ditambah grapesnya yang segar, cocok sekali sebagai makanan pembuka yang menggugah selera.

- Croque Monseur (200k) : berbeda dengan croque monseur pada umumnya, croque monseur disini termasuk starter dan penyajiannya seperti taco, disajikan per plate 4 pcs dengan plating yang cantik. Enak juga ini, terbuat dari soba Air Bread, Alpine Mornay Foam, Smoked A5 Wagyu, Pickles.

- Pillows on Pillow (155k) : terbuat dari Fluffy Potato Gnocchi, Giant Tiger Prawn, Burnt Miso Butter, Lemon Zest. Enak, udangnya sangat fresh.

- Onglet (395k) : Hanger Steak US Prime 300 Gram
Arima Sansho au Poivre. Tender and juicy, saucenya enak, menambah kelezatan steaknya.

- Plat De Cotes (595k)
Accordion Cut Karubi AUS Wagyu 4+ Short Rib 250 Gram, Parisian Tarragon Shiso Sauce. Tender and juicy, cukup besar juga ini beefnya. Saucenya tasty, pas dengan rasa beefnya.

- Chicken Fricassée (215k)
Half of Bone-In Chicken, Sake-Pao Jiao, and Artichoke Veloute. Ini penyajiannya extra banget nih, proses masaknya unik dan agak lama, tapi memang rasanya ga salah sih, empukk banget ayamnya, juicy dan tasty.

- Wagyu Fat Brownie (85k)
Miso Toffee, Peanut and Bacon Crumbs, Popcorn Ice Cream, Popcorn Tuile. Dessert dengan plating yang sangat cantik, manisnya pas dan enak!

Well semuanya ok disini, next time pastinya akam balik lagi kesini.

Tanggal kunjungan: 14 April 2023
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Andrika Nadia

Alfa 2023

2780 Review

Level 20

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Pancake Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea



One of the best Steakhouses in Jakarta with unique interior, pretty city view, great food, and excellent service!

- Blue Air (IDR 110,000)
Aerated "Ibra" Blue Cheese with Walnuts and Honey Butter Burnt Grapes. Cheesyyy!

- Croque Monsieur (IDR 200,000)
Soba Air Bread with Alpine Mornay Foam, Smoked A5 Wagyu, and Pickles. Great appetizer!

- Pillows on Pillow (IDR 155,000)
Fluffy Potato Gnocchi with Giant Tiger Prawn, Burnt Miso Butter, and Lemon Zest. Delishhh!

- Onglet (IDR 395,000)
Hanger Steak US Prime 300 Gram served with Arima Sansho Pepper. Tender, juicy, tastyyy!

- Plat De Cotes (IDR 595,000)
Accordion Cut Karubi AUS Wagyu 4+ Short Rib 250 Gram with Parisian Tarragon Shiso Sauce. Great plating, the green color from the Sauce and pink color from the Meat are too pretty! BESTTT!

- Chicken Fricassée (IDR 215,000)
Half of Bone-In Chicken with Sake-Pao Jiao, and Artichoke Veloute. Warm, tender, niceee!

- Wagyu Fat Brownie (IDR 85,000)
Brownie with Miso Toffee, Peanut and Bacon Crumbs, Popcorn Ice Cream, and Popcorn Tuille. A great dessert to complete our meals!

Tanggal kunjungan: 01 Maret 2023
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil toetteotglup

6 Review

Level 2

No Badge




* Welcome bread- Warm Truffle Brioche with Cultured Butter
* Morel Rangoons (8.5/10) fave dish here- deep fried Morel mushroom stuffed with snow crab ✨👍 The truffle Ponzu Creme Fraiche was just as pleasantly delicious as it could be💯 (but the portion was just too small imo😄)
* Sauccison en Brioche - the only good part was bread which was crispy and soft❤️ beref mortadella & truffled Port-Perigueux sauce was not bold
* Plat De Cotes (7.5/10) which was the accordion cut karubi-Fine Meat but slightly crusty on the outter part. The Parisian Taragon Shiso Sauce was similar with chimicurri sauce.
* Pillows on pillow (8/10) very soft yet slightly chewy Gnocchi and savory. Cloud-in-your-mouth dish they say.
* Cullote A5 Kagoshima- Gyu (9/10) with Arima Shanso Au Poivre Sauce- effortless💯 the sauce was really buttery and slightly sweet , way better than the taragon coz its creamier and more savory. Flawless piece of meat except the fatty part (they informed us beforehand tho)
* Pommes LN2 (8/10) fancy tater tots - Deep Fried Nitro frozen potatoes with Uber Delicious nori creme fraiche - Creamy, thick, umami❤️✨ major love
* La Vie en Rose (7/10) exceptional presentation, brioche bread served warm and crispy on the outside. Slightly sour from rose compote, rose sherbet and litchi creme patissiere

Menu yang dipesan: Cullote a5 Kagoshima Gyu, sauccison en brioche, Pommes LN2, Morel Rangoons, Plat de Cotes, Pillows on pillow, la vie en rose

Tanggal kunjungan: 19 November 2022
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
2 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil @fuzzy.eats

153 Review

Level 9

Steak Pasta Dessert



Managed to snag a table for first dinner session (5-7pm) during weekends. Overall, pretty great dishes with unique concept (France Teppan). The brioche in their complimentary bread basket was very scrumptious as well. Will return for their other dishes.
Taste 8/10
Service and Ambiance 9/10
Price $$$
🐈Will revisit

Blue Air (110k) ⭐️9.5/10
No dish (or anything in life really) can get a perfect score, but this aerated ibra blue cheese sure came close. Obviously I’m biased since I love blue cheese so much, however the combination of cheese with honey butter grapes and walnuts were 💯.

Duck Jambon (85k) 7/10
Hot smoked, kombu vinaigrette, rockette, pickled red onion, nashi mostarda. Fresh and refreshing, good appetizer but didn’t wow me. Maybe cause I’m not that into cold cuts?

Saucchison en Brioche (150k) ⭐️8.5/10
Probably the most unique out of what we ordered. Beef mortadella in the centre of brioche, cooked on the teppan and served with truffled port sauce and fennel apple slaw. Nutty, juicy, and rich in flavour when you bite into it.

Crustacean Flan (95k) 7.5/10
Fancy lobster and porcini chawan mushi with fermented chili custard and red king crab gin-an sauce. Very umami and a bit spicy. Got a strong seafood punch which was a bit too much for me.

Plat de Cotes (560k) ⭐️ 9/10
Accordian cut karubi (250g) gave the cut interesting outer texture that also helped the sauce to cling into the meat. Bonus point for the amazing Parisian Tarragon Shiso sauce.

Entrecote (975k) 7/10
Got the wagyu 45D (350g) but honestly a letdown vs the Accordian Karubi. Not sure why but it pales in comparison to the karubi both in terms of texture and juiciness. Also was not a fan of arima shansho sauce vs the tarragon.

La Vie en Rose (145k) ⭐️ 8/10
Ordered this for ig, however turns out better than expected. Nice warm brioche met with strawberry sherbet and sweet sour litchi creme and rose compote.

Wagyu Fat Brownie (85k) 7.5/10
Very rich and decadently rich brownies. The crispy popcorn tuile definitely added a nice fun component to the dish. That said, I found it less memorable than the rose dessert as it tasted just like other fudgy brownies.

Tanggal kunjungan: 15 Oktober 2022
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
2 pembaca berterima kasih.

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