Thai Xtreme  [ Thailand ]
3.67 6 review
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Thai Xtreme

[ Thailand ]
3.67 6 review
Harga : rasa

Cilandak Town Square, Lantai 1
Jl. TB Simatupang, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan

Tidak Buka Lagi 021 75920331

021 75920331

Tidak Buka Lagi Senin - Jumat (10:00 - 24:00), Sabtu - Minggu (10:00 - 02:00)

Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000 /orang

Thai Xtreme [ Cilandak ]

  • Tutup
  • Tipe KulinerThailand
  • Jam Buka
    Tidak Buka Lagi
  • PembayaranTunai, Visa, Master, Debet
  • Cabang: ya


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Review dari pengunjung untuk Thai Xtreme

Foto Profil Marisa Aryani

Alfa 2020

1008 Review

Level 15

Steak Ramen Seafood BBQ Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Thai Xtreme

Memasuki jam makan siang, saya pun melangkahkan kaki ke Thai Xtreme. Di sana saya memesan Fire Noodle. Beruntungnya, untuk tingkat kepedasan bisa disesuaikan dengan selera. Kwetiau yang saya pesan ini punya keseimbangan rasa manis dan pedas yang memikat. Bagi saya juga porsinya cukup mengenyangkan. Tambahan sup yang gurih makin memperkuat cita rasa yang coba ditampilkan oleh Thai Xtreme.

Tanggal kunjungan: 07 Desember 2017
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Slimybelly

Alfa 2018

301 Review

Level 12

Kopi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert


Greenteanya literally teh hijau celup diseduh......

Yaaaaa lagi rame banget thai tea dimana mana sama mango sticky rice pas jalan ke citos eh banyak resto thailand kepo sih pengen rasain thai tea restonya gimana rasanya. Dari beberapa resto thai extream pilihannya
- thai tea : gatau ini cuma aku aja yang ngerasa apa emang bener thai teanya lebih kaya nestea instan gitu enak sih cuma porsinya kecil wkwkwkwk gamau rugi

- greentea :tmnku mesen greentea ya nanya sama masnya ini greentea literally teh atau di blend?  Soalnya tmnku nyari greentea latte ya semacam itu lah ya dan masnya bilang iya ini greentea latte yg di blend eh pas sampe meja tau tau literally teh hijau celup..... Dan pait banget hahahaha zonk banget gaksihhh

-gelatinous rice with mango : nah untung ini enak jadi gak zonk banget ya hu. Santennya maniiiiiis ketannya masih anget banget kaya baru mateng gitu tapi mangganya dingin manis segeeeer enak!!!  Iya enak iniiiii. Mangga memang gapernah mengecewakan yah

- spring rolls : ini rasanya kaya spring rolls frozen food yang dijual disupermarket gituuu enak tapi ya yang b aja gituuu.
Tapi tempatnya enak buat lama lama ngobrol sama pacar eh hahaha.

Menu yang dipesan: Glatinous rice with mango, thai tea, Green Tea, Spring Rolls

Tanggal kunjungan: 13 Oktober 2017
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil yudistira ishak abrar

Alfa 2023

2869 Review

Level 24

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Pancake Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


authentic Thai cuisine...

Tom yam merupakan salah satu menu asal Thailand yang telah mendunia. Sajian ini berupa sup berkuah asam pekat yang biasanya berisi ikan, udang, ayam atau jamur. Kali ini, di Thai Extreme saya coba menu tom yam tersebut, yang mereka beri nama Tom Yam Seafood Sticky Noodle. Semangkuk sup berkuah bening yang punya rasa asam cukup kuat, selain itu ada pula komposisi serai yang muncul kepermukaan kuah. Begitu menyegarkan lidah. Isiannya terdiri mi gepeng mirip kwetiau, namun ukurannya lebih kecil, potongan cumi, ikan, udang dan tauge.
Selain tom yam, saya juga coba menu yang mereka sebut, Dark Soya Tofu. Sepiring tahu goreng kuah kecap yang dipotong dadu, ditumis bersama irisan bawang bombay dan cabai. Disajikan manis diatas daun selada yang segar. Tekstur tahu cukup lembut, dengan rasa manis, asin dan gurih yang pas. It's not extraordinary but still ok.
Untuk minuman, Thai Xtreme punya Thai Tea yang sangat menyegarkan. Rasa teh otentik dan susu yang diberi es, bikin sensasi makan jadi semakin seru. Manis dan pekat tehnya, sangat cocok dengan selera saya. Selain itu Thai Ice Coffee nya pun gak kalah nendang. Kece lho. Dan saran saya, kedua minuman ini harus cepat-cepat dihabiskan, supaya cita rasanya ga berkurang akibat dari es yang mencair...

Menu yang dipesan: Tom Yam Seafood Sticky Noodle, Dark Soya Tofu, Thai Ice Tea, Thai ice coffee

Tanggal kunjungan: 27 Januari 2017
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!
2 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Adieguno

10 Review

Level 3

No Badge


The Only One Clear Soup Tom Yum In Jakarta

Thai Xtreme Citos (Cilandak Town Square)

It was not too difficult to find this restaurant, you just enter the mall from the main lobby. Walk by right side and reach the escalator to get into the second floor, then you will find Thai Xtreme after bend to the right and Thai Xtreme located not far from the escalator.

The Restaurant Design

As in the beginning I told you that Thai Xtreme has a warm ambiance, as like as the design their have a stone wall and a classic sofa. In my opinion this restaurant is suitable for a family to gather or for a couple due to this warm ambiance.

When the days turn into night, they arrange the sofa in the outdoor area near to public space, make it separate with the outlet. This is just an option for you who want to get closer to the public area because you can see the entire of the mall from your seat.

1. Mango Salad

This salad is very common in Thai and Vietnam restaurant and I love this menu because I am a fruit salad big fans. This menu consists of semi ripe mango, onion and topped with roasted peanut. The mango was fresh and crunchy with dominant of sour taste. But overall the salad not too spicy instead a bit of chili inside, for those who love sweet-sour taste you must try this one.

2. Tom Yum Seafood Stick Noodle

You might be already know Tom Yum right, and commonly the color is red with oily on the soup. But not for the Tom Yum in Thai Xtreme! The soup is clear and there is not chili and oily on the dish. But when I tasted it I was surprised that the taste is like Tom Yum that we had known, tangy, sour-spicy and you might be not believe that this is a Tom Yum.

3. Pandan Leaf Chicken  This is authentic menu from Thailand a chicken covered with pandan leaf. This is my first time eat chicken pandan and I love the taste. But I thought it must be more delish if the chicken meat texture is more tender but anyway I love the Thai sauce it was very nice when paired with this menu.

4. Thai Pineapple Fried Rice Seafood

This fried rice is Thai typical menu and very famous in Thailand. A pineapple and chicken become nice when paired with this fried rice. And the Thai sauce is fresh and sour but the spicy level still tolerable. I thought it will be nice if the rice is more tender and sour level of the sauce become reduced.

5. Olive Chicken Fried Rice

This menu is not familiar for me but this menu is famous in Thailand. The taste was nice but same with the Pineapple Fried Rice, just a little improvement in the rice it would be very nice and enjoyable 🙂

6. Pad Thai

This is the best Pad Thai I have ever tried! I love the taste, it has an authentic of Thai cuisine. The noodle was tender and chewy, the seasoning mix very well with the noodle. The best way to eat this menu is you must mix all condiment together such as the bean sprout, chili and squeezing lime on top than eat directly before your noodle becoming sticky.

7. Sour Plum

This is a refreshing drinks, made from “Kedondong” juice and combined with sour plum or Kiamboy. I am a fans for Kedondong Juice or you guys maybe already knew it with Amburela Juice, and for this drinks I thought it will be nice if they reduce the saltiness of the drinks but for me it was still tolerable.

8. Thai Tea & Thai Iced Coffee

Two kind of drinks that very famous in Thailand Thai Tea and Thai Iced Coffee. I love both of this drinks and so addictive, one glass is not enough for me 🙂 But i do more love for Thai Iced Coffee it was so “coffeous” and milky a perfect combination, delicious! But the Thai Tea is nice too, they used a premium ingredients, what is that? Hmmm something sweet that I can not tell you guys 🙂

9. Singkong Thailand

I love this menu! The texture from the boiled casava is very smooth and tender so it was like melts in mouth. The coconut cream was so very delicious and suites with casava, you must try when you visit Thai Xtreme!

10. Glutinous Rice With Mango

This is my first time eat Mango Sticky Rice, and I feel so lucky to having this experience. As like “A love at the first sight” this menu made me falling in love suddenly. I love the taste, the mango, the glutinous rice and coconut cream all is nice. The mango is ripe perfectly so the taste is very sweet and lovable. The glutinous rice is very chewy and sticky and the appearance of this menu is so pretty ouuugh I really love this menu. Good Job for the Chef!


Menu yang dipesan: Glutinous Rice With Mango, Singkong Thailand, Thai Tea & Thai Iced Coffee, Sour Plum, Pad Thai, olive chicken fried rice, Thai Pineapple Fried Rice Seafood, Pandan Leaf Chicken, Tom Yum Seafood Stick Noodle, Mango Salad

Tanggal kunjungan: 02 Januari 2017
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Placetogoandeat ID

Alfa 2023

4361 Review

Level 25

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Pancake Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


tom yum clear soupnya juara

Lagi jalan-jalan ke citos sama temen, bingung mao makan malem dimana, keinget disini ada thai xtreme so mampirlah kita makan disini. Lokasinya ada di lantai 2 citos. Tempatnya cukup besar, cahayanya yang agak remang membuat ambiencenya menjadi warm and cozy. Servicenya bagus, tempatnya bersih dan harganya juga cukup terjangkau.

Variasi menunya cukup beragam, karena kalap, kita disini coba cukup banyak menu diantaranya :

- mango salad : ini kayanya appetizer favorite di restaurant thailand deh, begitu juga di thai xtreme ini mango saladnya enak banget, asem-asem seger, cocok banget untuk starter.

- thai pineapple fried rice with seafood : nasi goreng dimix dengan potongan nanas dan seafood, seru juga rasanya ada rasa manis dari pineaple, apalagi dicampur seafood wah jadi gurih, seafoodnya juga ga amis, tapi sayang waktu gw makan, nasinya agak keras, kalau lebih pulen pasti lebih enak lagi.

- olive chicken fried rice : fried rice dimix dengan chicken dan black olive, enak juga tapi sayang nasinya agak keras aja, kalau lebih pulen pasti lebih enak lagi.

- tom yum seafood stick noodle : ini sebutannya tom yum clear soup karena rasa soupnya seperti tomyum tapi warnanya putih, enak banget sih ini, ditambah stick noodlenya juga enak teksturnya pas tidak keras dan tidak benyek. Makan ini serasa makan pho ala thailand, enak banget must try!

- pad thai : pad thainya juga enak banget, asem manisnya pas banget, tekstur pad nya juga ok banget, ga terlalu keras dan ga terlalu benyek. Sesuai dengan cita rasa khasnya thailand. Must try!

- chicken pandan : ini menu yang selalu ada di restaurant thailand ya, ayam dibungkus daun. Rasanya enak tapi sayang agak terlalu garing jadi agak keras. Untuk rasa sih sudah ok.

- singkong thailand : suka banget singkongnya empuk dan enak banget, santannya juga katanya homemade, pantes enak banget.

- glutonous rice with mango : nah ini nih juaranya, mango dengan ketan dan santan, mangonya manis, ketannya juga enak, santennya juga enak banget, perfect deh!

- sour plum : asem banget plus asin banget mungkin karena terlalu banyak kiamboy, jadi rasa asinnya agak mengganggu.

- thai tea : katanya thai teanya ini pake carnation import loh, agak kemanisan dikit sih tapi enak gw suka.

- coffee thai : ini coffee ala thai, enak juga coffeenya ga terlalu strong dan ga terlalu manis. Pas banget.

Overall thai xtreme ini makanannya enak, tempatnya juga cozy, servicenya bagus. Bagi yang suka makanan thailand, wajib coba ke thai xtreme ini. Next time pasti gw pasti akan balik lagi kesini untuk coba menu lainnya.

Tanggal kunjungan: 21 Desember 2016
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Andrika Nadia

Alfa 2023

2772 Review

Level 20

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Pancake Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Thai Food

Me and my bestfriend were Craving for Thai Food, we ordered the signature dishes: Shrimp Paste Seafood Rice & Pandan Leaf (Thai Chicken in Pandan Leaves), both tasted delish! The Thai Iced Tea was also superb! For the dessert we chose Glutinous Rice with Mango, unfortunately Mango was out of stock thus was substituted with Peach, turned out Peach was as refreshing as Mango!

Tanggal kunjungan: 13 Juli 2016
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!

Laporkan bahwa restoran sudah tutup atau info tidak akurat

Tanggal kunjungan
6 Mar 2025
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