The Porte Eatery and Cafe - FM7 Resort Hotel  [ Thailand ]
4.71 7 review

The Porte Eatery and Cafe - FM7 Resort Hotel

[ Thailand ]
4.71 7 review
Harga : rasa

FM7 Resort Hotel
Jl. Raya Perancis No. 67, Benda, Tangerang

Buka - 24 Jam 021 55911777

021 55911777

Buka 24 Jam

Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000 /orang

The Porte Eatery and Cafe - FM7 Resort Hotel [ Benda ]

  • Tipe KulinerThailand
  • Jam Buka
  • PembayaranTunai, Visa, Master, Debet


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Review dari pengunjung untuk The Porte Eatery and Cafe - FM7 Resort Hotel

Foto Profil Vicky HD

4 Review

Level 0

No Badge


Thai Food Hidden Gem

Makan di sini bareng keluarga pas chinese new year eve dan enak bgt! Suka sama rasa makanan sampai lupa foto semua makanan nya, pelayanan staff ny ramah semua. Will comeback again for sure!

Menu yang dipesan: Prawn Tom Yum Soup, Shabu-shabu, Udang Mayo

Tanggal kunjungan: 10 Februari 2024
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Rena Chan

256 Review

Level 12

Kopi Bakmi Pasta Dessert


Truly hidden gems 💎

Resto thai ini adanya di pelosok cengkareng di dalem hotel FM resort & cottage. Bener2 ga menyangka ada resto thai seenak ini dijakarta walaupun terpencil letaknya dan karena restonya ada di dalam hotel mereka buka sampe jam 11 malam, senang banget buat warga kalong yg selalu lapar.

Ambience resto ini chic minimalis namun cantik lightingnya pun remang2 bikin suasana jadi romantis dan cozy banget disini ga nyangka mereka menyajikan makanan thailand.
Untuk rasa makanan thainya surprisingly enak dan bumbu thainya pun medok rasa seger asam manisnya ga pelit kasih bumbu2.

Untuk porsinya pun cukup tidak terlalu besar tapi mengenyangkan Dan menunya tidak hanya thai saja ada juga western food seperti pizza, spagheti dan tapaz aku kali ini nyoba pizzanya tipe pizza yang tipis garing dan saos tomatnya pun tidak terlalu asam cocok untuk aku.

Menurutku thai resto terdebest di jakarta! Bikin pengen balik lagi apalagi buka sampe tengah malam. Namun Kelemahan resto ini adalah akses jalannya menuju ke resto setelah keluar tol jalanannya bergelombang, berdebu,dan dipenuhi truk/ mobil berat lainnya jadi harus bersabar untuk sampai ke resto

Menu yang dipesan: Tom Yum Fried Rice, capriciosa pizza, Thai Basil Beef

Tanggal kunjungan: 06 Mei 2022
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Edward Kurnia

64 Review

Level 7

No Badge



Oke, ini restoran yang berada di entah berantah-nya bandara. Untuk mencapai restoran ini, lo akan mendapatkan sebuah pertanyaan dalam benak lo.. "apakah gue tersesat?"

Yes, segitulah susahnya untuk nemuin resto yang berada di dalam FM7 Resort hotel ini. Tapi ketika lo udah berhasil nemuin, lo mungkin agak sedikit takjub.
The Porte merupakan restoran hotel yang bukanya 24 jam -- gue juga baru tau pas mau booking, ternyata doi buka 24 jam, dan lo ga perlu booking. okeh.

Restoran ini berada di lobby belakang FM7, ketika lo sampe lobby yang belakang, lo bakalan langsung liat ini restoran. Ambience-nya enak loh, udah gitu restonya luas. Berasa lah kesan mewahnya. Ketika sampai (sekitar jam 8an malem), kondisi restoran saat itu agak sepi. Staff disana sigap dan super ramah sih, termasuk ketika gue tanya2, servicenya cakep. 

Makanan disini bervariasi, tapi yang jadi key point disini adalah thai foodnya, kenapa? Karena usut punya usut.. chefnya itu asli dari thai, jadi rasanya bisa dibilang orisinil thai lah.

Gue kesini berdua buat christmas dinner, kita pesen 2 menu untuk di share. Berikut ulasan dari masing-masing makanan yang gue pesen.

1. Tom yum goong.
SO GOOD, SO AUTHENTIC! Dasyat ini tom yum goongnya, gue pesen yang large.. isinya ada sekitar 6 udang gede2 banget. Rasanya beuuhh, thailand banget.. Parah deh, asemnya tuh pas banget seger gitu, ga terlalu pedes tapi mantep parah. Kalo kata orang2 sih emang beneran kyk tom yam orisinil sana sih, belom kecampur bumbu2 indonesia. Gue pribadi juga ngerasa ini otentik banget (meski gue udah rada lupa rasa asli-nya sana kyk gimana, tapi ini sumpah enak), TOP!
Sayang aja agak kemahalan.. Secara 130 ribu lebih cuma dpt udang bbrp potong. Tapi compare to the taste : Worth it.

2. Steamed fish (PLA NEUNG MANAO)
Kebetulan ikan yang ready saat itu cuma ada gurame. Jadilah gue pesen gurame steam ala thailand. Unlike chinese style stamed fish, thai style ini sih rasanya kontras banget. Yang dominan dari bumbunya adalah : cabe + bawang putih. Rasanya? SEGER PARAHHHHHH. Asem-nya tuh nonjok, super seger. Ditambah pedesnya yang nampol bikin sensasinya luar biasa sih. Gue ga bisa makan pedes, tapi sangking enaknya, gue sampe abisini itu bawang2 + cabe. Ini enaknya gila gilaan sih pas gue makan. Semoga next time gue makan, rasanya ga berubah.. Soalnya buat gue pribadi ini : BEST. Apalagi kalo ikannya kerapu. 

Untuk minum gue pesen strawberry mint ice tea. Enakkkk, segala sesuatu kasi mint emang lebih enak.

Dessert yang gue pesen : mango sticky rice (KHAO NIAO MAMUANG).
enak sih.. tapi somehow standar kyk sticky rice yang biasanya, ga terlalu spesial buat gue.. untuk 49rb sih agak kemahalan.

Overall : tastewise 5/5.
Super recommended thai restaurant di antah berantah. 

Oiya, saran gue sih ini lebih tepat buat makan beramean.. Gue disini berdua jadi rasanya kelebihan dan kemahalan. 

another note : di urinoir kamar mandi cowo-nya, dipakein es batu banyak banget, mungkin biar ada sensasi dingin kalo lagi pipis, entahlah.

Menu yang dipesan: tom tum goong, pla neung manao, Khao Niao Mamuang, strawberry mint ice tea

Tanggal kunjungan: 25 Desember 2016
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil EvaChoa

1 Review

Level 1

No Badge


Simply Delicious...!

Me and my boyfriend arrived at FM7 Resort Hotel. Hotel has two lobbies and two restaurants. My boyfriend loves western food so he wanted to try the Western restaurant The Porte. They told me AJ Brandon is more Malay food and Indonesian food but The Porte also has Asian food. So, we thought let's give it a try! 

The restaurant looks cozy, lights are dimmed and music is romantic. They have yellow and grey pillows on couch which makes it comfortable. The restaurant looks really modern it has black chairs and glass tables. The restaurant is really big I think they have place for around 60 people?

Staff is really friendly, they opened the door for us and smiled. Waitress was lovely and repeated our order to make sure we have everything. Service was fast, they came to our table within 5 minutes with our drinks. They had many waitress in the restaurant so it was not a problem to order second drinks. 

And the most important thing... THE FOOD!!

I was really surprised, they had so many choice so I didn't really know what to choose. My boyfriend picked the Tom Yum pizza and I choose the Canjun Chicken. The skinless chicken breast was served with nasi and veggies and a grilled corn. The chicken was really tasty and it was many many food, I couldn't really finish.. My boyfriends pizza was crispy, the seafood was really good and they put a lot on the pizza. 

We finished with the Molten Chocolate Cake. This was my favorite! This was served warm so it tasted like a really good brownie. Inside was choclocate fudge filling and on top they put vanilla ice cream.. mmh nice! Especially because it was hot chocolate..

I was really surprised that a hotel could serve this good food, we were on the way and it is really close to the airport in Jakarta. I was amazed by the nice service and inside the hotel it looks really modern. I will definitely try something else another time because they have many choice :)

Tanggal kunjungan: 11 Oktober 2016
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Kevin L - 林勇利

Alfa 2023

1712 Review

Level 18

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Makanan Thailand yang GGWP

Kalau berbicara tentang istilah 'hidden treasure' atau sejenisnya, sepertinya tidak ada yang bisa ngalahin bagaimana valuable nya resto yang satu ini. Tempatnya saja saya tidak tau dimana, saya juga tercengang gimana teman saya bisa menemukannya. This is most valuable hidden treasure that you can find.

Saya dan teman-teman diajak makan di sini oleh teman yang menemukan tempat ini. Restorannya berada di dalam suatu hotel. Interiornya ya seperti lounge and resto di hotel berbintang. Cozy dan kebersihan terjamin. Tema hidangan di resto ini adalah Thailand, Western, dan Mexican. Kata teman saya, ini restoran menyajikan makanan Thailand terenak yang pernah ditemuakan. Well, let's see about that.

Saya udah ga ngerti lagi nama-nama makanan Thailand soalnya sebutan dan ejaannya susah untuk diingat. Untung ada database menu jadi bisa ingat-ingat sedikit. Saya gak bisa review semuanya karena saya lupa juga makanan ini namanya apa, tapi mostly yang saya ingat itu yang menonjol di antara semua.

● Gai Ping.
 Sate ayam yang bisa milih mau digoreng atau dibakar. Kami pilih dibakar biar ayamnya ga terlalu berminyak. Sate ini juga disajikan dengan saus asam pedas. Rasa satenya enak banget, ayamnya empuk dan juicy. Lebih enak lagi kalau dicocol pake sausnya.
 Tom Yum Goong. Ga usah saya jelasin apa apa itu tom yum goong. Rasa kuahnya, SERIOUSLY, IT IS SO G*DDAMN DELICIOUS !! Jujur sejujur-jujurnya, ini merupakan tom yum terenak yang pernah saya makan selama di Indonesia. Asamnya pas dan segar. Aromanya juga wangi. Bener-bener menyerupai tom yum di Thailand sana.

● Gai Tod Takai. Ayam fillet yang sudah dibumbui dan kemudian digoreng. Disajiinnya juga dengan saus asam manis. Ayamnya juicy dan tidak alot, rasanya juga enak. Bumbunya meresap dengan baik ke seluruh bagian daging ayam.

 Kway Pad Mee Kao Seafood. Kwetiaw goreng ala Thailand. Isinya ada udang, bakso ikan, dan di atasnya ditaruh banyak daun basil yang sudah digoreng sehingga jadi garing. Enak juga rasanya, asin gurih gitu. Makan pake nasi pun tidak jadi masalah, apalagi buat orang Indonesia :v

 Gaeng Khiew Waan Neua. Kari hijau yang isinya daging sapi dan ayam. Menurut saya karinya tidak sepekat di Ms. Choo, jadinya rasanya juga kurang nendang. Potongan daging yang dikasih juga tidak terlalu banyak jadi ga bisa buat share rame-rame. Least recommended dish.

BUT HEY, OVERALL, THIS IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED RESTAURANT TO VISIT. YOU KNOW WHY ?? BECAUSE IT IS VERY WORTH IT. Semua hidangan yang disajikan bener-bener meledak akan rasa. Flavorful and delightful at the same time. Coba buka di daerah yang lebih terjangkau kayak di Tangerang atau sekitar, pasti bakalan rame banget.

Menu yang dipesan: gai ping, Kway Pad Mee Kao, Gai Tod Takai, Gaeng Khiew Waan Neua, Khao Niao Mamuang, Tom Yum Goong

Tanggal kunjungan: 23 Januari 2016
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!
2 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Prajna Mudita

Alfa 2018

831 Review

Level 15

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Definitely will recommend this Restaurant!

Kali ini saya sangat berterima kasih pada Gr*upon telah menyediakan voucher disini, lalu teman saya yang berani banget beli voucher makanan yang sebenarnya unknown. Lumayan frustrasi buat menemukan resto yang satu ini, karena ternyata ada di hotel FM 7 (?!?!?) dimana lah itu.. 

Begitu masuk ruangannya cukup kaget, classy yet elegant, gak nyangka kalo didalam hotel seperti ini ada resto yang cukup kece. Makanan yang paling saya ingat adalah Gai Ping! Sate ayam ala Thailand yang disajikan masih diatas mini grill. Teksturnya sangat empuk dan bumbunya sangat meresap! Cocolan sambal thailandnya memperkaya rasa . Untuk dessertnya, Mango Sticky Rice!! ini adalah MSR paling mendekati dengan MSR di negara asalnya! NIKMAT!!

Menu yang dipesan: gai ping, mango sticky rice

Tanggal kunjungan: 11 Desember 2015
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil liviacwijaya

507 Review

Level 13

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Seafood Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Burger Dessert Bubble Tea



I must admit, finding this place was one of my most pleasant experience I've ever had in my culinary life. We arrived at one part of the hotel, and asked where was this Porte located. The bellboy told us it's on the other side of the hotel. They had few golf cars, really nice condition, ready to take us there. The driver was a nice young woman, dressed in white. Hmm. Pretty good service.

When I first arrived there, I thought, this was certainly not a 4 or 5 star hotel. But the restaurant was indeed nice! Oh, so this is where I start the review about the restaurant :)


The place got jazzy-lounge ambience. Dimmed light, cozy furniture, modern lamp, and jazzy music. All was neat and tidy, and the music added a class to its ambience.


[Gai Ping Rp.45.000]

Those grilling sound it made was just wonderful. The presentation of the food, already caught my eyes. This very first food I ordered here, brought a pleasant joy. I thought, oh maybe it was just the look. So I gave it a try. And boy, it was amazing! Juicy, tasty chicken dipped in amazing sour-spicy sauce! And the best part was that the chicken has never been cold since the cute cubical grill was still on even until the very end.

[Kway Pad Kee Mao - Gai Rp.55.000]

This was like a kwetiau. They put in their description as a spicy, fried drunken noodles. We chose chicken, in Thai is called Gai. They had 3 seasonings to accompanied this dish: some kind of vinegar and chili, chili powder, and sugar! I mixed every bit of all into the dish and landedy first bite. Oh my God! Foodgasm. The sour, the sweet, spice, all just danced so well with the tasty Kway Pad. I was enjoying this food while by bf said that he's too having a really great time with his dish. After eating half, we exchanged our food. Oh, any they gave a really generous portion for this one so don't worry coming here with an empty stomach.

[Khao Pad Tom Yum Rp.70.000]

This is a Tom Yum Fried Rice. They gave some kind of vinegar with green pepper / chili for the sauce. Another one to enhance the sour. I love sour food so I definitely loving this. Oh anyway, if you don't like sour food then maybe you just try the Gai Ping, if you wanna try something not too sour, or their mango sticky rice. Since any other Thai food here were probably sour. But in a great way!! The fried rice was just amazing! Tom yum taste, nice and gigantic portion too! So basically, when I went to a nice restaurant with this price range, if I already found that their place was nice, their food was incredibly delicious, I mostly got a regular or small portion. But this restaurant just got it all. The generous portion? The amazing taste, pleasant place, really good service too (later I'll write more about this). Me and my bf was just so very full adter eating 3/4 of our dishes. We still got dessert! I told my bf, this place kept surprising me, if their dessert is delicious, I'll definitely give 5 on my rating. (Whoops, spoiled the ending :p)

[Khao Niao Mamuang Rp.45.000]

Dessert. The tie breaker. Mango sticky rice. Last time I tried this kind of dessert in Indonesian restaurant which specialized in Thai food, the taste was absolutely not yummy. So much different than the one that I had in Thailand. So I lost a little hope on good mango sticky rice in here. But when I saw the presentation of this dessert, I gained a little bit of hope. Hmm, this looks yummy. I gave it a try. And again, oh. My. God. Amazing!!! The sticky rice was so gooey in a good way, the coconut milk was high quality, so thick and smooth and delicious, and the mango was fresh. Altogether they and I had my last foodgasm here. God. Just. Godddd thank Goddd you created a human that could made this heaven's food be tasted in my very tounge. I just. Can't just. Ahh.

[FM7 Cooler Rp.34.000]

Peach syrup, passion fruit syrup, orange juice and soda water, plus cherry on top. Refreshing! Sweet and sour, but a little hard to slurp with little straw since there's quite a lot of passion fruit inside.

What a lovely waitress and waiter they had! They were polite, responsive, and so nice. They cleared up the plate without being asked, offered to bring out the dessert after seeing us slowing down eating, and almost finished our main dishes, and fulfill our request fast and politely.

What a little hidden gem, this restaurant is! In the midst of nowhere, you'll never think that you could find such a nice restaurant, with amazing ambience, food (taste, presentation and portion), and service. Having such a wonderful time here. Definitely will recommend this to anyone I've known, and will be back soon <3

Menu yang dipesan: gai ping, Chicken Pad Thai, mango sticky rice, Tom Yum Fried Rice

Tanggal kunjungan: 19 September 2015
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

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