4.2Vilo Gelato [ Alam Sutera, Es Krim ]
Instagramable Ice Cream Place di Alam Sutera 💖Vilo Gelato✨
Disini aku nyobain tiga rasa :
1. Baileys🤎
Ini terfavoritku sih! mnrtku sweetnesnya on point sih👌ga overwhelming ada hits of coffeenya dari si Baileys✨
2. Mango Strawberry Sorbet🍓🥭
Ini second best yang terenak sih! cukup well balanced antara sweet & sournessnya! 🌈
3. Roasted Smores
still goodd, but just my least favorite😙 krn diantara tiga ini dia yg flavournya agak b aja. Tastes kind of like cookies and cream
Overall, tekstur ice cream merekaa enak mnrtku creaminessnya pas!💖bukan yang ninggalin aftertaste lengket dimulut but satisfies your pakkate jga!✨ and the ambience was💯 pw & instagramable🥂
Follow thatfood.journal on instagram for more! ✌️Menu yang dipesan: Mango strawberry sorbet, Roasted Smores, Baileys
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.2 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.0Kool Pat [ Pantai Indah Kapuk, Es Krim ]
I scream for Yoghurt based ice cream‼️
Akhirnya nyobain es krim yg kmrnan ngehype : ✨Koolpat✨Never did i knew ice cream could taste this fresh☀️🤯
Disini aku nyobain yg Skinny Berry Pat🍓😋 yang yoghurt based krn lagi kenyang bgt!
And surprisingly, ini eskrim SEGER BBGT! mungkin buat yg gasuka asem, it tastes too sour at first, tapi makin dimakan berasa bgt freshness berry yoghurtnya and lightly sweet taste🌈
Pas bgt lagi kekenyanagn enek gt makan ini, your palate feels fresh and renewed bgt ga sih?!?! benerbener seseger itu!💖Menu yang dipesan: skinny berry pat yoghurt based
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.2 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.6N.O.B Cafe & Patisserie [ BSD, Kafe ]
Best Croissant in the Neighbourhood
Weekend kmrn kesini, tempatnya enak bgtt! even at night (kayanya siang lebih cakep lagi☀️)
Disini aku cobain :
1. Ferrero Rocher Cruffin (Croissant Muffin)
Enak bgtt! tekstur coklat ketemu tekstur croissant yang dasarnya aja udah enak! tastenya jg balance ga overwhelming!😙sayang aku basicnya gagitu suka cream jd pas ke dalemnya isi cream it feels heavy for me🙏 however kalo kalian tipe yang suka cream gt, this is totally recommended🍫
2. Berry Rose Pistachio Croissant
ENAK BGT! The taste fits me perfectly, wangi rose & a tad sweet dari pistachionyaa ketemu croissant.🌈💖 ada creamnya tp cm dikitt to balsnce out the textures👌 duh ini enaklah pokonya wajib coba
3. Chocolate Choux
tekstur chouxnya emg udah surga deh, cm sayang aku makan pas ga dingin gt jadi ga prima. 😔
Overall, this place it totally recommended, harganya standard, apalagi compared to the taste & ambience.✌️💖
However, kalo bisa hindarin weekend krn kmrn rame gt, susah dpt tempat duduk🤪Menu yang dipesan: Chocolate Choux, fererro rocher cruffin, Berry Rose Pistachio Croissant
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.2Sushi Man [ Gading Serpong, Jepang ]
3/5 Sushi
Taste wise is ok, tergantung mesennya yang apa. here's what i odrered :
1. Salmon Mentai Roll (⭐️2.7/5)
2. Lava Roll (⭐️3/5)
3. Salmon Avocado Roll (⭐️3/5)
4. Spicy Mozarella Salmon Roll (⭐️4.3/5)
the menu's i tried are at price range from 50-60k. i personally did not think it was worth it.🤷♀️ krn di range segitu ambiencenya standard, taste menu yg aku pesen overwhelming gitu, jadi enek specially yg ada saus saus mentainya. toppingnya jg ga generous at all kek seuprit doang. 🤌😂
utk harga segitu i recommend ke sushi tei/ hiro sekalian yg tastenya lebih satisfying with much better ambience / kalo lg mau hemat tp crave for sushi i totaly recommend sushi mentai / shigeru. 👻👀
however kl penasarann & mau cobacobaa aja, this place is okay and i do recommend the spicy moza roll(??) tho i wouldnt come back here😄🙏Menu yang dipesan: Spicy Mentai Roll, Lava roll, Salmon Avocado roll, Spicy Mozarella Roll
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.6Bebek Kaleyo [ BSD, Indonesia ]
The best & affordable Bebek goreng
✨Bebek Muda 1/2 Ekor✨
Bebeknya juicy & berlemak bgt duuhhh enakk parah. Makannya pake nasi uduk di entepin sama sambelnya sama lalapan. brb mo meninggal
Ambience wise enakk, mnrtku sedikit lebih enak dr yg di GS (interior wise & lantainya lebi ga licin🤪) sayang kl di yg open space, suka ada bau gaenak gt sliwar sliwrr✌️Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.8Haagen - Dazs [ Senayan, Es Krim ]
#1 Ice Cream
Definitely es krim terenak sepanjang masa (sayang mehong hehe✌️82k/ 3 scoops)
here i ordered 1 Cup of :🍨
• Strawberry
• Raspberry Sorbet, and
• Matcha
best to clean your pallate after eating heavy / savoury meals
and another cup of :
• Dark Chocolate Ganache & Almonds🍫
• Caramel Biscuit & Cream (ps this one is without a doubt my favorite) 🍪
• Coffee ☕️
For my sweets craving yang suka manis tapi gampang enek. 💖👌
Haagen Dazs' ice cream punya taste & texture yang mnrtku emang beda compared to competitorsnya. Its creamy but not overwhelming at all. Flavour variantsnya juga one of a kind jg mnrtku (yg kaya raspberry, caramel biscuits, macademian nutsnya), yg kek u dont find it at other places.👀Menu yang dipesan: 3 scoops ice cream cup
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.