Honestly this is my 2nd time being here, first time visit i ordered lamian varian, but unfortunately i ordered lamian too in this 2nd visit. Just in home i wanna try hainan rice one ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ But no problem, this time i just ordered extra spicy beef lamian in spicy level 1. Not spicy, the portion is full, but the beef is so little, haha! In this menu, the soup is light and so many, the noodle and the beef was almost sink. This is a recommendation menu of spicy varian, but i think the taste was so so.
Ordered hazelnut milk tea, one of the recommendation drink in calais. I like it, bcs the taste of hazelnut is so rich, the milk tea is perfect, made the balancing of hazelnut and milk tea. Not too sweet, love it.
Ordered abura udon original, skewered shumai, and lemon tea. For abura udon original, this my fav udon in here, bcause it has no soup. It has 2 variant, original and spicy, but i always ordered original one, and if you wanna spicy abura, you can add chili by yourself in sauce table. The beef is so many, and the portion of udon is so full for me. Recommend to you. For skewered shumai like chicken dimsum but in fried version. This is good too, and delicious too. I like it. And for lemon tea, you can refill everytime, and share with your friends too, it can be.
Menu yang dipesan: skewered shumai, Lemon Tea, Abura udon
This is like a rice bowl of yoshinoya. I ordered gyudon, which is a rice bowl with beef. It's good, really good, i like it. But, the beef is a little bit difficult to digest. Overall good.
Tried nikumori paitan ekstrim, this is a no 1 recommendation of ramen. Surprisingly, this is so good, with thick noodle. The soup is so delicious, and the chicken is so many. The portion is so full for me. Overall, good.
Buka puasa disini gak terlalu ramai, mungkin krn saya datang jam 7 malam, jd org2 sudah selesai makan. Kesini saya coba menu djajan kepiting mix dengan saus padang. Isinya kepiting, udang, kerang, cumi. Menu ini bisa dimakan utk 2 orang. Saus nya enak, saya suka, dan katanya ini yg paling recommend. Utk menu ini mnrt saya kepitingnya kecil sekali ya, dan kerangnya jg banyak kerang hijaunya, agak mahal sih utk harga segitu.
Take away chicken cordon bleu with french fries di bandara. Tempat makanan utk take away nya bagus, kotak makan gitu dan bisa dipakai lg utk tempat bekal dan bisa dipakai ke microwave. Utk makanannya sendiri gw merasa lbh enak makan langsung di restorannya. Sedangkan di take away, chickennya jd agak keras, mungkin krn jd dingin. Saus chickennya trnyata dikasih banyak bgt. Kentangnya jg jd gak kriuk2 lg. Mungkin itu fungsi tempat makannya bisa dipakai di microwave, biar sblm makan di rumah bisa dipanasin dulu.
Menu yang dipesan: chicken cordon blue french fries