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  • 4.4  
    BEAU Bakery [ Panglima Polim, Kafe ]

    A Craving for Desserts

    Dessert is a guilty pleasure. Packing more calories that you could possibly burn in a day, would make desserts a bad decision if consumed daily. Once in a while though, you deserve sweets to make your life a more pleasant one.

    Beau Bakery could hook you up with delicious waffles, pancakes and bread. A few days ago, Bon(d) decided to indulge our craving for desserts in this place.

    Their waffles were crunchy on the outside while soft in the inside. Pouring the syrup on top of the waffles increased the sweetness (and calories) up a notch.

    We also had Taco Cone Trio to balance the sweetness of the waffles. The spicy and distinct taste of the salsa managed to draw out the Mexican in me!

    - Cheers!

    IG: @bondtastebuds

    #BondEats #SeketikaLapar

    Menu yang dipesan: Trio Cone Taco, Classic waffle, casablanca

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.6  
    1/15 One Fifteenth Coffee [ Menteng, Kafe ]

    Perfect for Discussion regarding World Peace

    A few days ago, Bon(d) went to @115coffee for a quick afternoon coffee (though I decided to get something else other than coffee).

    This coffee shop -which offer more than just coffee, they have lunch and desserts- is located in Jalan Kusuma Atmaja, Menteng. It's blue door welcomes you warmly. It also has a great ambiance, especially for discussing bilateral relationship between countries.

    I had their Wedang Uwuh. A simple Javanese drink offering warmth on a rainy day.

    - Cheers!

    Menu yang dipesan: Wedang uwuh

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    2 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 4.6  
    Tugu Kunstkring Paleis [ Menteng, Barat,Indonesia ]

    A Museum That Sells Food!

    Hey #Tastebuddies!

    A few days, we had an afternoon snack at Kunstkring Paleis. Kunstkring Paleis is one of those restaurant whose interior design is very artsy and classy. Extravagant is the perfect adjective to describe this restaurant. It is filled with artworks, statues, ornaments, paintings as if it were a museum. To note that it also has a grandeur panting of the apprehension of Pangeran Diponegoro.

    We had their bitterballen, mendoan, spring roll and croquette. Their food were exquisite. They should be considering the price their charging. The croquettes were presented nicely, the fillings tasted great.

    #BondEats #SeketikaLapar

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.0  
    Lemari Kopi [ Menteng, Kafe ]

    The Perfect Place for a Working Spot

    Lemari Kopi is a small cute coffee shop located in Jalan Wahid Hasyim. It has an ample parking space, fast wifi and electric plugs. I guess it could be an alternative working space if you're bored with your office environment. Lemari Kopi also has a lot of games in their cupboard if you're bored doing your job haha.

    Apparently this one is a branch with its main store located in BSD which has a better atmosphere and interior.

    I forgot to take pictures of the food and drinks but I had their Kopi Stroberi and Cireng Pasar. The coffee was unique, its bitter taste was combined with the sweet taste of the strawberries. Though I personally is not a fan, it may find its admirer someday.

    Overall, it's a nice place to be an alternative working spot!

    - Cheers

    #BondEats #SeketikaLapar

    IG: @bondtastebuds

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
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