4.2KOI The [ BSD, Kafe ]
Matcha Macchiato
Hi mu friends, good to see you again guys! Finally my internship already finish and i came back for school. Ya my feelings for right now so so la cause I've made my final report a.k.a skripsi 😂. Let's start reviewing for now.
So today, i kinda miss the drink before boba in hype. I came to koi and order my beloved drink and it's matcha macchiato. It's been a long time for me didn't consume macchiato 😂. I ordered with less ice cube and just 50% sugar. Tbh, i just miss the macchiato foam, as you know this is the best macchiato ever.
The taste really delicious and sweet. You can feel the macchiato kinda sweet and the taste of matcha really nice. Finally i got it! Lmao 😂
Thank you for reading my review and don't forget to check my social media as :
Instagram : feliciatammy
Email : feliciatammy@ymail.com
Thank you 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: matcha macchiato
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.8J.CO Donuts & Coffee [ Alam Sutera, Kafe ]
Hi my friends, it's been along day without jcool 😂. Today, I ordered my favourite froyo. I choose kiwi, peach and strawberry mochi. In the picture looks like many topping in there and it's true guys hehehe. I like more topping 😁. As you know la, this froyo is delicious and very worth it. Thank you guys! Happy froyo time! 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: jcool
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.0Starbucks [ BSD, Kafe ]
Green Tea Latte 💚🍵
Hi my friends, today I feel happy because it's me time, a.k.a alone day but fun 😂. I'm going to AEON by my self. In here, I just walking through the mall, shopping and refreshing. Yups it's time to get my green tea latte for along time I didn't 😭.
So I ordered it and drinking with rainy situation. It's perfect and make it more cozy place ❤. The taste of this green tea latte is yummy. Just a little sweet and warm. Feels like someone hugging you 😂 lmao. When you tired or getting better, this is good choice. You can order green tea latte for feels better.
Thank you for reading my review and don't forget to check my social media as :
Instagram : feliciatammy
Email : feliciatammy@ymail.com
Thank you 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: Green tea latte
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.0Yamalu [ Bintaro, Kafe ]
Hot Chocolate 💕
Hi my friends, hujan macam ni sedap ya menikmati hot beverage. Hmmm apa ya itu? Let's guess it guys! but you can find it from my title ya 😁. First of all, my friend yang kasih tau saya ada secret place di daerah bintaro. So basically, cafe ini dibangun di taman belakang si pemilik rumah. Tampaknya waktu saya baru sampai cozy banget si and it's true guys 😁.
Langsung saja saya pesan hot chocolate. Rasanya enak, manisnya pas dan sedikit pahit ya hihihi. Nyaman banget rasanya berada di cafe ini. Feels like in home ❤. Menikmati hot chocolate sambil chit chat with my friends it's perfect. Untuk harga dari hot chocolate nya Rp 40.000. It's worth it la dengan tempat dan rasa dari hot chocolate nya. Yuk kalian coba juga kesini hehehe chill and relax guys!
Thank you for reading my review and don't forget to check my social media as :
Instagram : feliciatammy
Email : feliciatammy@ymail.com
Thank you 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: Hot Chocolate
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.0J.CO Donuts & Coffee [ Serpong, Kafe ]
Jcool Time
Hi my friends, it's froyo time. Sekalian lagi mampir ke villa melati mas, tengok jco jadi pingin jcool hihihi. Saya pesan sharing dengan topping peach, kiwi and melon mochi. Finally melon mochi ini available. Karena waktu saya kesini sold out terus 😭. Jcool selalu cocok dinikmati saat panas-panas. Apalagi rasanya yang sour bikin fresh. Lalu setelah saya mengambil my froyo, tak tengok lumayan banyak juga toppingnya. Makin happy la saya hihihi 😍❤.
Untuk harganya 43k saja.
Thank you! 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: jcool
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.8Starbucks [ Senayan, Kafe ]
Caramel Chocolate Praline
Hi my friends, its good to getting sbux. Today i wanna try caramel choco praline for fill my holiday season. Let's order it guys! After waiting for 5 minutes maybe 😂 this drink is ready. You know what, the reason why i want to drink hot beverage because i like this red cups 😆. The red cup it's very interesting ❤🎄 and i love it.
For the taste, caramel chocolate praline is good. This beverage it's suitable for you who biasa saja terhadap coffee. And i requested with 2 pump simple syrup. Yups it's perfect for my evening with rainy day ☔❤. Little bit bitter and litte sweet and it's great!
Thank you for reading my review and don't forget to check my social media as :
Instagran : feliciatammy
Email : feliciatammy@ymail.com
Thank you 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: Caramel Chocolate Praline
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.8Toko Kopi Tuku [ Bintaro, Kafe ]
Es Kopi Susu Tetangga + Donat Gula
Hi my friends, it's coffee time ☕⏰. Me with my friend come to here to hang out for a while. We're walking from my campus to here and i called it 'jjs' a.k.a jalan jalan sore 😂. Finally we're arrived in kopi tuku and i ordered es kopi susu tetangga with less sugar and it's my favorite coffee. During in cashier, i looking for donat gula and i want to try it.
So this is my first time to come here. For this place is like for take a way order. Because the place is small and so many ojek online order in here. But, me and my friend get the chair to take a rest for a while 😆. Yes and my coffee is ready to serve.
For the taste it's little different from usually. The coffee is little bit sour and i think from the brown sugar (gula aren). It's perfect drink the coffee with donat gula 👌. But over all it's good and make me happy. For es kopi susu tetangga is cost Rp 18.000 and it's worth it. And for donat gula is cost Rp 5.000.
Thank you for reading my review and don't forget to check my social media as :
Instagram : feliciatammy
Email : feliciatammy@ymail.com
Thank you 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: Es Kopi Susu Tetangga, Donat gula
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.6J.CO Donuts & Coffee [ Serpong, Kafe ]
Hi my friends, sore hari sedap ya menikmati yang asam-asam hihihi. Let's go to jco. Saya pesan jcool yang sharing which is have 3 topping. I choose longan, strawberry and peach. But I'm sad because mochinya sold out huhu 😥. It's okay la today is fruit day 😋.
Yups saya suka banget dengan frozen yogurt because it's delicious ❤❤.
Untuk rasanya yang pasti asam manis and fresh la after eating froyo. Apalagi ditambah dengan longan yang sweet, strawberry and peach yang little bit sour but sweet too. Pokoknya suka saya la hihihi 😁. Karena saya buru-buru langsung ingin pergi lagi makannya ei mobil ya hehehe.
Thank you for reading my review and don't forget to check my social media as :
Instagram : feliciatammy
Email : feliciatammy@ymail.com
Thank you 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: Jcool Yoghurt
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.6Pizza Hut [ BSD ]
Black Pepper Chicken
Hi my friends, finally it's time to eat pizza horay! 🙌. To be honest, saya sudah pingin banget makan pizza dan akhirnya tersampaikan juga hehehe. Saya pesan black pepper chicken with medium size and cheese bite untuk pinggirannya and it's my favorite 😍.
Waiting for 20 minutes, and my pizza is ready to serve. Wow the smell is so good. And I can't wait for kill this one HAHAHA 😂. Saya pesannya take away because ingin pergi buru-buru and back to dormitory. Di perjalanan, saatnya menyantap pizza.
Seriously wangi banget cheese nya and I take one slice and eat. My lord this is very delicious. No one can beat this pizza lmao 😂😂. Rasa dari black pepper nya terasa banget but potongan ayamnya terlalu sikit 😢. But I'm happy for my cheese bite. Apalagi di cocol dengan garlic mayonya. Semakin ho guys hihihi.
Untuk harganya 103k. It's too expensive for dormitory's child hahaha. Thanks dad for makes me happy 😘❤.
Thank you for reading my review and don't forget to check my social media as :
Instagram : feliciatammy
Email : feliciatammy@ymail.com
Thank you 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: black pepper chicken
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.2Pisang Goreng Madu Bu Nanik [ Tanjung Duren, Indonesia ]
Si Hitam Manis
Hi my friends, do you know si hitam manis? Yes, si hitam manis is banana fried and it's very popular specially in jakarta area. Today, i told my friend about this and she brought this into my dormitory. Unbelievable about that and I'm feeling happy ❤👯. Thank you sis!
Yash she give me five pcs si hitam manis. And of course this is fresh from the oven a.k.a masih panas gitu 😋. Langsung saja saya makan 2 pcs dan rasanya yummy!! Suka banget saya dengan pisang goreng ini. So fyi warna hitamnya ini karena madu ya bukan karena gosong guys hihihi 😂. Rasanya manis, crunchy gitu pokoknya sedap. Lalu sizenya juga besar dan worth it! Untuk harga satu pcsnya hanya Rp 5.000. It's Worth it guys? It's right.
Thank you for reading my review and don't forget to check my social media as :
Instagram : feliciatammy
Email : feliciatammy@ymail.com
Thank you 😊😊😊Menu yang dipesan: Pisang goreng madu
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.