Foto Profil felicia tammy

felicia tammy

177 Review | 172 Makasih
Level 10
Dessert Bubble Tea
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Urutkan berdasarkan: Tanggal
  • 4.2  
    Sour Sally [ Gading Serpong, Yoghurt ]

    Black sakura

    Hi friends, today i want to eat frozen yogurt. So i decided to come to sour sally. In here, i order black sakura with 3 topping. They are peach, kiwi and choco wafferino. As you know this is one of kind my favorite frozen yogurt hehehe.
    For the taste, yash! It's delicious. With my favorite topping, it makes more delicious. The taste of black sakura which is sour and little sweet make it more fresh. And the peach and kiwi is fresh too. Choco wafferino sauce is delicious. It's made of chocolate sauce with little waffer. I love this sauce.

    When you eat this frozen yogurt, you must be careful with your mouth. Because the colour of this frozen yogurt is black. Hahahaha but it's cute and make it different from the others frozen yogurt in the market.

    For the price is 65k
    Thank you for reading my review, and don't forget to check my social media as :
    Instagram : feliciatammy

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    Thank you 😊😊😊

    Menu yang dipesan: Black Sakura

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.8  
    Kkuldak [ Gading Serpong, Snack ]

    Korean Ganjang Sauce

    Hi my friends, right now i need my mood booster and it's kkuldak. I ordered honey chicken, but the staff said it's sold out 😢. Hmmm so i decided to order the new one and it's korean ganjang sauce. To be honest, i don't know what is dat sauce. LOL.
    Yes, for the taste of this food is delicious. The ganjang sauce is salty and little sweet. The texture of the chicken is crunchy as well and it's really good combination with ganjang sauce. As you know, ganjang sauce is one kind of popular sauce in korea. But, korean honey chicken sauce still my favorite flavour. You can try this one guys!

    Price : 67.5k
    Thank you my friends for the reading my review and don't forget to my social media as :
    Instagram : feliciatammy

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    Thank you 😊😊😊

    Menu yang dipesan: Korean Ganyang Sauce

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.8  
    HokBen (Hoka Hoka Bento) [ Gading Serpong ]

    Bento Special 3

    Hi friends, today i'm so hungry, so i want to eat hokben. I just order bento special 3. It's consist of : rice, salad, beef yakiniku, tori no teba, ebi furai and ebi fried. Wow so many food and i'm love it.
    For the taste, it's delicious. I love the taste of beef yakiniku. It's saviour and little salty. But this beef yakiniku isn't warm. And next for tori no teba, to be honest, i don't like this taste. Tori no teba is chicken wings filling with chicken meat and cooked woth deep frying oil. For the taste of tori no teba is like chicken meat but it's so smelly. I feel queasy after eat tori no teba. But, i love ebi furai and ebi fried. Ebi furai and ebi fried is delicious and crispy. I love it!

    Fyi, as you know, hokben have a very delicious salad. The salad's consist of carrort and white cabagge and for the dressing sauce they use white mayonnaise. I don't know why, i love this simple salad. The taste of salad is delicious and little sour.

    For the price is 56k after the tax
    Thank you everyone for reading my review and don't forget to check my social media as :
    Instagram : feliciatammy

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    Thank you 😊😊😊

    Menu yang dipesan: Bento Special 3

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.0  
    Soft Ice Cream [ BSD, Es Krim ]

    Green tea + vanilla ice cream

    Hi my friends, how are you today? I hope you are fine as well! Today, i want to eat ice cream. So, i go to AEON and buy green tea ice cream. I order green tea ice cream, but the staff said that i can't buy green tea ice cream only. The ice cream must be mixing between green tea and vanilla. I think the texture of green tea ice cream is too easy melt so it must combined with vanilla ice cream. But it's okay because i really want to eat this ice cream. Hehehe.
    After that, i pay the ice cream and take my ice cream. Yash i feel happy! Because this ice cream is one of my craving.
    For the taste, this ice cream is good and delicious. The green tea's taste is sweet and bitter bit. And for the vanilla's taste is sweet and i feel it less pronounced. Because this ice cream it's mixing between green tea and vanilla, it makes delicious and good combination. When i eat this ice cream, i just realized this ice cream is easy to melt. Arg i feel little angry 😡. I can't enjoying this ice cream. So as soon as possible i eat this ice cream. Just be careful when you eat this ice cream! You know what, the ice cream is leaking from the bottom of cone. I feel angry again because i can't eat the cone of ice cream. So just be careful guys!
    For the price is 10k. It's worth it!
    Thank you my friends for reading my review and don't forget to check my social media as :
    Instagram : feliciatammy

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    Thank you 😊😊😊

    Menu yang dipesan: Green tea and vanilla ice cream

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 3.6  
    The Harvest [ Alam Sutera, Toko Kue ]

    Chocomaltine Cheesecake 🎂

    Hi my friends, yes this is my birthday cake from my parents. My mom and dad give me chocomaltine cheesecake. I'm so happy and feel blessed. When i see this cake, it's look delicious and cute.
    Yes, i will cut this cake for my parents also me hehehe. This cake is sweet but hmmm it's delicious but so so la. The taste like chocolate cake with cheese cake. But i don't sure this is really cheesecake or nah. But i appreciate for my parents who gave me this cake. Once again thank you mom and dad for this lovely cake. Always love you ❤💋
    Thank you my friends for reading my review and don't forget to check my social media as :
    Instagram : feliciatammy

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    Thank you 😊😊😊

    Menu yang dipesan: Chocomaltine Cheesecake

    Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.0  
    Island Creamery [ Alam Sutera, Dessert ]

    Ferrero Rocher Ice Cream

    Hi friends! Today i want to eat something sweet and it's ice cream. So i go to Island Creamery in Flavor Bliss, Alam Sutera.
    Right now, i want to try something new and i never try before. I decided to choose Ferrero Rocher ice cream. I order with cone because i love ice cream cone so much! And i can eat the cone as i want. HAHAHAHA. After pay it, I'll take my ice cream.
    The taste of the Ferrero Rocher ice cream is delicious. Yes, it's like Ferrero Rocher Chocolate mixed with ice cream. It's sweet and creamy.

    I order with sprinkle cone. The sprinkle cone is cute and colorful. It's sweet and crunchy.
    Thank you for reading my review, don't forget to check my social media as :
    Instagram : feliciatammy

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    Thank you 😊😊😊

    Menu yang dipesan: Ferrero Rocher Ice Cream

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.2  
    McDonald's [ Alam Sutera ]

    Apple Pie 🍎

    Hi my friends, have you try this apple pie from McDonald's? Yes, you must try this one guys! My first impression about this pie, it's delicious and it's true. I'm not lying to you guys! I love this pie. The texture of this apple pie is crunchy. When i bought it, it's always warm and look fresh from the oven. Inside this pie, you can find some apple with their sauce. The taste like sugar mix with cinnamon powder and apple. I'm in love with this apple pie.
    Thank you my friends for reading my review and don't forget to check my social media as :
    Instagram : feliciatammy

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    Thank you 😊😊😊

    Menu yang dipesan: Apple Pie

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.8  
    Sour Sally [ BSD, Yoghurt ]

    White Gold

    Hi friends, i have something really special and the most expensive frozen yogurt gelato. And it's white gold from sour sally. White gold is consist of white frozen yogurt with Italian imported real 24k gold leaf topped up with Valrhona Frech Grand Luxury Chocolate and Fresh Berries inside it. You can try this one. For me, the taste is really good and you can eat the real 24k gold leaf. This frozen yogurt gelato is really delicious. The taste of frozen yogurt is little bit sour and sweet. The gelato is creamy and luscious yogurt. This yoghurt gelato makes me happy and feel better. I'm in love with this yogurt gelato.
    Inside this yogurt gelato, you can eat some fresh berries. Maybe 2 - 3 fresh berries that i get it. And for the gelato cone, the taste is like cheese cake. I don't know why, or something happened with my tongue. And i love this gelato cone. I like to buy the gelato cone only hahahahah. If they sell it, yes I'm the first person want to buy it. For me, this yogurt gelato is the best one that i ever eaten. You must try the most expensive frozen yogurt or you feel regret.

    For the price is 100k
    Thank you everyone to read my review, don't forget to check my social media as :
    Instagram : feliciatammy

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    Thank you 😊😊😊

    Menu yang dipesan: White Gold

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.8  
    Chatime [ Gading Serpong, Bubble Tea ]

    Passion Fruit Smoothie with Aloe Vera

    Hi kawan, hari ini saya ingin membeli something yang segar dan asam hihihihi. So, saya beli chatime dengan rasa passion fruit smoothie dengan topping aloe vera. Saya pesan dengan sugar 30% dan normal ice. Setiap saya beli chatime, saya selalu pesan dengan large size. Karena saya berfikir kalau beli yang medium size itu rugi hahahaha 😂😂. For the first time saya mencoba chatime di sms hehehehe. Untuk tempatnya saya kurang suka karena terlalu kecil dan sewaktu saya datang sedang ramai sekali jadi tempat duduknya sudah penuh gitu 😤😤.
    Pada saat passion fruit smoothie saya sudah jadi, ada satu tempat kosong hihihihi. Duduk sebentar deh saya.
    Untuk rasa passion fruit smoothienya, enak, segar dan rasa asamnya juga terasa. Lalu karena sugarnya 30%, jadi rasa manisnya pas. Dengan topping aloe vera, rasa segarnya semakin terasa. Karena menurut saya, passion fruit smoothie paling cocok dengan topping aloe vera.

    Untuk harganya 31k.
    Thank you ya sudah membaca reviewku, don't forget to check my social media as :
    Instagram : feliciatammy

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    Thank you 😊😊😊

    Menu yang dipesan: Passion Fruit Smoothie with Aloe Vera

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 3.8  
    Tous Les Jours [ Gading Serpong, Toko Roti dan Kue ]

    Pastry in da house!

    Hi kawan, hari ini saya ingin membeli puff pastry di salah satu bakery shop favorite saya, yaitu Tous Les Jours. Saya membeli :
    1. Peach Pastry (Recommend )

      Pastry ini adalah salah satu favorite saya. Karena pastry ini enak banget. Peach yang fresh dan manis terasa nikmt serta adanya potongan chocolate di tiap ujung pastry ini.

    Price : 17k

    2. Egg Tart

      Egg tart ini memiliki kulit tart yang crunchy dan lebih didominasi oleh rasa susu. Eegnya kurang terasa karena lebih terasa susu. Rasa manisnya yang pas.

    Price : 13k

    3. Royal Cheese Tart

      Cheese tart ini memiliki kulit yang sama seperti Egg Tart. Lalu saya kurang mendapatkan rasa cheesenya. Karena saya lebih merasakan susu.

    Price : 16k
    Thank you ya sudah membaca reviewku, don't forget to check my social media as :
    Instagram : feliciatammy

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    Thank you 😊😊😊

    Menu yang dipesan: Peach pasrty, Egg Tart, Royal Cheese Tart

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.