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Yuli || IG: @franzeskayuli

711 Review | 368 Makasih
Alfa 2020 Level 15
Steak Chinese Food Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Burger Dessert Bubble Tea
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  • 3.8  
    Kwetiau Aciap [ Mangga Besar, Indonesia ]

    Kwetiau terenak versi gue

    Perbendaharaan kwetiau gue emang gak luas, so far cuma pernah makan kwetiau ma**s, ach**, aka** dan si Aciap ini menurut gue terenak dari segi rasa dan kualitas.
    Strolling around Mabes and I was so curious with this place, iya karena emang belom pernah coba. Wangi banget masakannya dari luar dan rame juga. Tempatnya cukup luas loh dan dibagi 2 tempat gitu kayaknya sih yang 1 nya itu ber-AC. Gue takeaway kwetiau sapi gorengnya, dagingnya campur semua, harganya 45k. Worth gak? Worth banget lah. Porsinya banyak, isian daging-dagingnya juga banyakks. Penampilannya emang agak pucat sih tapi dari rasanya tasty banget. Acar timun dan sambalnya juga enak gak asal buat gitu, pas rasanya kalo dicampur sama kwetiaunya.

    Overall, mantul! Bakal kesini lagi kalo lagi pengen kwetiau goreng.

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 4.0  
    Becca's Deli [ Sudirman, Toko Roti ]

    All time favorite truffle cheese!!

    Ngidam Becca's, untungnya gak perlu jauh ke Muara Karang lagi karena sekarang udah ada yang lebih dekat yaitu di Chase Plaza. Order lewat ojol, agak lama sih nungguin dari restonya.

    Pesan truffle cheese (33k) dan cobain donat mesis (11.5k) nya , itu harganya di aplikasi ya, kalo aslinya lebih murah.

    Pas datang kaget liat donat mesisnya yang gedonggg alias gede banget! Untuk harga segitu sih worth bangettt. Tempat lain harganya sama tapi kecill.

    As always, truffle cheesenya wangi dan isiannya tumpah-tumpah. Mi lov! Kalo donat mesisnya rasanya enak kok, donatnya lembutttt banget! Sayang menurut gue topping mesisnya kurang generous ajaa. Olesan donatnya enak dannn.... ukurannya gede bangettt asli! Gue pun shock liat ukurannya.

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.8  
    Kedai Roti Kobi [ Karet Kuningan, Kafe ]

    Selalu enakkk rotinya!

    Di salah satu platform ojol ada promo yaitu 1 full roti coklat keju + es kopi susu + es kopi aren, gue juga order es jeruk sonkit.

    Kualitas rotinya selalu konsisten, empuk dan lembutttt banget. Sayang isiannya menurut gue kali ini kurang generous. Cuma ada di bagian luarnya aja itu pun gak banyak. Olesan cream nya sih enak loh dan pas banget buat coklat kejunya. Sedangkan untuk kopinya gue cobain yang aren dan kurang suka sih, terlalu "aren" which I dont really like this type of coffee. Es jeruk sonkitnya enak dan seger, gue request less sugar soalnya.

    Overall, gak pernah bosen sama yang namanya Roti Kobi!

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.6  
    Flip Burger [ Senopati, Barat ]

    First timer

    Iya, ini first time gue cobain Flip Burger. Ketinggalan banget ya guee :")
    gue pesen cheese burger yang prime jr., ukurannya ok lah secara prime jr, harganya yaaa... harga flip burger, yang menurut gue agak pricey. Tapi untuk rasanya menurut gue ok sih, beef patty ny meaty banget dan mayan tebel. Yang disayangkan adalah burger bun nya yang gak perfectly toast gitu, masih soggy kena butter, jadinya eneg, padahal beef patty nya enak.
    Well overall, masih pengen cobain varian lainnya Flip Burger sih sama side dishes nya yang looks tempting!

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.0  
    The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf [ Kemayoran, Kafe ]

    Swiss Mocha Latte

    Coffee Bean ini letaknya di Club House Springhill apartment. Di dalam Coffee Bean ada booth Baskin Robbin juga. Tempatnya cukup luas, ada indoor dan outdoor. Suasanannya pagi itu sangat tenang dan nyaman, ditemani playlist lagunya yang asik!
    Pesan Swiss Mocha Latte ukuran large harganya 58ribu nett. Minuman disini harganya memang lebih tinggi dibanding coffee shop sejenis, rasanya juga biasa banget pas dulu pertama kali gue coba.
    Eh tapi untuk Swiss Mocha Latte ini sih menurut gue not bad, coklatnya terasa, agak sedikit pahit, dan milky banget. Well not bad overall

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 4.4  
    Talaga Sampireun [ Ancol, Indonesia ]

    Dinner with a view

    Baru pertama kali cobain Talaga Sampireun ini.
    Tempatnya sangat luas, ada semi-indoor, outdoor lesehan maupun meja dipinggir danaunya. Suasananya pas banget sih buat dinner sama pasangan ataupun sama keluarga. Pelayanannya ok banget, mereka sigap dan ramah, pengetahuan akan menunya juga baik. Makanannya juga cepat keluar.
    Kemarin pesan makanan untuk sharing berenam:

    - Gurame Terbang: guramenya kecil banget, biasanya kan kalo digoreng garing gini dia mekar gede ya, tapi ini kecil. Tapi garing kok dan enak guramenya. Gurihh!

    - Gurame Bakar Parape: Parape itu saus khas Makassar gitu. Rasanya lebih ke manis agak ada sedikit rasa asamnya. Enak! Jarang makan saus khas daerah lain macam Parape ini.

    - Ayam Goreng: ayam goreng bumbu serundeng dengan ukuran ayam utuh yang gak terlalu besar. Rasanya overall ok lah, tapi kurang gurih aja. Bumbu serundengnya kurang gurih juga.

    - Tumis Genjer: best tumis genjer yang pernah gue makan so far (soalnya baru 2x makan tumis genjer lol).

    - Terong Pasundan: sejenis terong masak cabe gitu sih, rasanya enak, gak terlalu berminyak juga.

    - Sayur Asam: sayur asam yang gak asam, cenderung manis tapi masih ok lah. Padahal sebelum pesan gue udah nanya ini sayur asam nya manis gak, dibilang mas waiter nya sih nggak tapi ya gtu. Isiannya banyak sih untungnya. Overall ok lah. Ini dijual per porsian 1 orang ya.

    - Bakwan Jagung: bakwan jagungnya garing banget dan enakkk. Sayang aja jagungnya kurang manis dan cuma dikasih cabe rawit gak ada cocolannya gitu.

    Untuk minumannya es jeruk minta pisahin gulanya. Seger abis es jeruknya, bener-bener dibuat dari perasan jeruk ya bukan sirup, pake gulanya gak banyak biar berasa asemnya!

    Overall, cukup puas sih dengan makanan disini dan harganya masih affordable, selain itu pelayanannya ok banget, terus disajikan pemandangan yang bagus dan suasananya juga enak.

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.8  
    Yoshinoya [ Ancol, Jepang ]

    Tempatnya bagus

    Menunggu hujan reda akhirnya early lunch dulu disini. Ramai banget yang antri secara emang lagi hujan dan kasirnya cuma buka 1 aja jadi puanjang antriannya. Tempatnya disini mayan luas dan terkonsep gitu sesuai tema dufan kali yaa. Ada indoor dan outdoor juga.

    Order kidsmeal yang original beef + crispy spinach, dapet penghapus lucu gitu buat mainannya.
    Porsi kidsmeal menurut gue gak beda jauh sama porsi regular, udah gitu dapet crispy spinach dan hadiah pula lol.
    Rasanya yoshinoya menurut gue selalu konsisten sih. Beef nya enak, crispy spinach nya jugaa endull, garingnya pas dan not greasy.

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 3.8  
    Bubur Ayam Khas Radio Dalam [ Senopati, Indonesia ]

    My kind of comfort food

    Lagi gak enak badan jadi berencana cari yang anget-anget kayak bubur gitu dan kebetulan pas banget kelar misa di gereja blok q, gue menemukan tenda ini!
    Tendaan sih, tapi besar dan ruame! Apalagi abis bubaran ibadah kayak kemarin. Gak cuma bubur, tapi ada indomie, roti bakar dan minuman dijual disini.
    Take away 1 porsi bubur biasa, tanpa tambahan ati ampela gitu maksudnya. Harganya 13ribu. Packagingnya sih super rapi ya jadi bubur dan kecap asinnya dimasukin ke plastik gitu jadi gak akan beleberan kemana-mana pas dibawa pulang. Sedangkan toppingnya tetap ditaro di styrofoam nya.
    Gue kira mereka jual bubur tipikal bubur abang-abang yang banyak toppingnya dengan kuah kuning gitu, ternyata bubur mereka kayak bubur chinese gitu. Makananin buburnya aja udah enak! Gurih, wangi dan asinnya pas. Toppingnya sendiri ada cakwe, ayam, tongcai, cheese stick, bawang goreng dan seledri. Yup, no kerupuk kuning gitu. Tapi enakkk! Super like :)

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 5.0  
    Osteria Gia [ SCBD, Italia ]

    One of Best Italian Restaurant

    Another awesome night spent at one of the best Italian Restaurant in Jakarta. Yes, it is Osteria Gia! Quite shocked when I entered the restaurant that night since it was really packed and they said it is always full everyday! Yes, you might better have your reservation beforehand. The restaurant itself is not so spacious but they have a really warm and live ambience. Service was excellent, especially when Chef Tommaso showed up and treated us with his best dish. He was so friendly and also funny to all of the guests.

    I was having some of their signature dishes such as:

    Parmigiana Eggplant
    A vegetarian? This dish might suit you best. The combination between the roasted eggplant and mozzarella, parmigiano creme, and tomato sauce were really great. I really enjoyed eating the eggplant (am not a fan of eggplant tho), but it tasted really good. I love the tomato sauce too!

    Dont like tomatoes? I think you should give this one a try. I didnt feel like eating tomatoes is torturing now since I ate this dish. The tomatoes was so fresh and didnt taste like tomatoes. Also, the pesto sauce did enhance the tomatoes flavour.

    Penne Pesto Genovese
    Perfectly cooked penne served with pesto sauce and chicken. Omg this is the best pesto i have ever tasted in my life seriously. Thanks to Chef Tommaso for making this dish real😆 the pesto sauce was so fragrant omg i can still imagine the smell. The chicken was also soooo juicy omg me want more!:")

    Calzone Ricotta
    Different way to eat pizza. Yeah, Calzone! This folded pizza was filled with artichoke, mushrooms, olive, ricotta cheese and onions. The filling was so generous. The spicy marinara sauce was really yums and gave more balance flavour to the calzone. So in love with this dipping sauce, cant stop saying "omg it is so yummy".

    Nutella Pizza
    As a dessert, Nutella Pizza by Osteria Gia was one of the best to conclude the meal. Hey, I love their homemade peanut butter and also the roasted nut. It produced another great aroma to the pizza and another taste to the nutella spread. Purrfect!

    Porcini Mushroom Ravioli
    Seasonal menu for Valentines and I think I would miss this one someday. Omg the ravioli was great, texture was perfect. The pecan walnut sauce was so creamy and yummy, I did like it a lot.

    Chicken Brasato
    So this is basically a slow braised chicken cooked together with cipollini onions, taggiasche olives and bacon in balsamic and wine for hours. So you can imagine it would turn out become one of the best dish from my last dinner at Osteria. The chicken was soooo tender and tasty. Oh ya, i also cant forget the bacon, it was so yum yum and gave another flavour to the dish

    Polenta Fries
    Made from polenta (cornmeal), fried and seasoned perfectly. This could accompany the Chicken Brasato or you can eat it alone, still good! Texture was really crispy on the outside and also a bit crispy in the inside. Seasoning was on point.

    For drink, I tried Elderflower Mojito and Melon Cucumberita. Those were served beautifully, especially Melon Cucumberita.
    All of them tasted so refreshing. Super like!

    Overall, this was one of the best dining experience I've ever had in 2020. Cant wait for another visit and try another menu! I would surely recommend Osteria Gia to all of my friends.


    Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.8  
    Mr. Fox [ SCBD, Barat ]

    Mr Fox really loves all of us with the food

    Had spent an awesome night at Mr. Fox with friends last Monday. Mr Fox is located at Ground Floor of Energy Building. You can find this place easily as you enter the main lobby. Not so spacious, but they have mezzanine. Really love the ambience that Mr Fox offers  here, warm yet live ambience.  Eventhough the area between smoking and non smoking are not well separated, but i didnt feel disturbed at all with the smoke.
    Such a great place for a date, hangout or chillin after office. Service was also great, like what Ismaya group always do to their customer

    Chicken Karaage
    The yuzu mayo was good for me, the karaage was tasty and juicy.

    Mushroom Tofu Soup
    In love with their homemade tofu. It was really soft. The soup was really comforting.

    Chicken Larb Salad
    This chicken salad was so refreshing as they used lime chilli dressing. The portion was really generous, the minced chicken was so tasty and well-cooked. Me likey!

    Steak Frites
    A-medium-australian-wagyu rib eye with kombu blackpepper sauce. In medium doneness, the steak was really perfect, it was so juicy and tasty. Dont forget the sauce, so yummy! I am not really into blackpepper sauce but this was an exception.

    Black Angus Cheeseburger
    When a dish could shut my mouth and keep me enjoy the food without complaining, I would definitely recommend that food to all of you! Yes, i am really in love with this burger.
    From the beef patty, it was really tasty and juicy. Hint of spicy from the combination of sambal oelek and jalapeno really went well with the beef patty and other ingredients.
    Last but not least, i super like the burger bun. It was perfectly toasted, crispy on the outside and the texture was so fluffy. Must try!

    Teh Tubruk Jasmine Panna Cotta
    The presentation was so beautiful. The dessert was so fragrant, as they used teh tubruk jasmine as the main ingredients. Not too sweet at all! The panna cotta texture was good. And yes, the lychee granita gave another sensation in enjoying this dessert. Super recommended!

    Triple Chocolate Brownie
    The brownie was sooo good. Me personally not a chocolate lover, but this one is definitely worth to try. The texture was fudgy and a bit gooey, like how my favorite brownies should be. I love the deep and intense high quality of chocolate taste. Dont forget to have your brownies together with mixed berries coulis(my favorite!) and vanilla ice cream, all of these really balanced each other. I bet you will love it!

    Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!