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  • 3.6  
    Pan & Flip [ Karawaci, Kafe ]

    Yummy and Affordable

    I ordered their Mushroom Soup (Rp.16.300), Onion Rings (Rp.14.500), Pesto Cream Fettuccine (Rp.30.900), Montreal Chicken (Rp.39.500), Ice Lemon Tea (Rp.11.800), and Herbal Tea (Rp.11.800). Two of my favorite dishes are Mushroom Soup and Pesto Cream Fettuccine, of course. First came the Mushroom Soup. After I ate in lots of restaurants, I found that there are two kinds of mushroom soup. You can easily differentiate by its color: the cream-ish and the grey-ish. The cream color usually more watery, and taste more like cream with a little bit of mushroom. The second one is the grey-ish color, which I love. They blender more of the mushroom so you can actually spotted them in soup. Now this soup was the second one, so for me, I love it! It was a little bit too salty, though. Second one, the pesto's taste was great. It was thick, oily, and grainy. The downside was the pasta. The fettuccine was a little bit over-cooked. Not until it was soggy, fortunately. The chicken, the taste was delicious and the chicken was quite tender, but there was many oily part of the meat in it that it became a little bit uncomfortable for us to separate those. The spring onions and the drinks were okay. Oh I forgot to mention, friendly waitress! So suggestive and responsive and friendly! Last part, it would be awesome to put just a little msg, since I became so thirsty afterwards. I mean the taste were already bold, there's no need to shower it with lots of msg.

    Menu yang dipesan: Mushroom Soup, Onion Rings, pesto cream fettucine, montreal chicken, Herbal Tea

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.8  
    Marugame Udon [ Gading Serpong, Jepang ]

    My Always Go-To for Udon

    This is my always go-to restaurant when I want to get some udon. The udon was so delicious, and I'm talking about the udon and the soup and the sides and also, the additional sesame, soy sauce, the crispy thingy, and chopped spring onions. I ordered their Kamaage Udon (Rp.33.000), Tori Baitan Udon (Rp.40.000), Itoyori (Rp.10.000), Skewered Tofu Roll (Rp.13.000), and cold Ocha. Their Kamaage Udon was delicious, and the way we had to eat it was quite authentic too. We had to dip it in another bowl of soup and we can add more sesame, ginger, and others. The Tori Baitan Udon, you gotta try it. It was my 3rd time ordering this, since I wanted to try new menu other than Curry and Niku, and the broth was amazing. Chicken broth that was bold enough in taste and aroma, accompanied with additional crisp, spring onion, and sesame. Yum! The Itoyori was a little bit to fishy if you it eat alone, though. Skewered Tofu Roll, chewy and yummy!

    Menu yang dipesan: Kamaage Udon, tori baitan udon, itoyori, Skewered tofu roll, Ocha

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.6  
    Sour Sally [ Karawaci, Yoghurt ]

    Awesome Texture and Taste

    I gotta admit that Sour Sally still got the greatest texture and taste for froyo. But yesterday, when I ordered this for plain and berry, the service was not pleasing. The cashier machine was having a technical issue while the berry yoghurt was not ready, they only got the plain. So finally I just ordered one item with Nata de Coco for the topping (Rp.28.000). I love how it tasted of course, the sweet-sour-milky with smooth texture was so refreshing! I'll give a 4/5 if it's not for their unreadiness.

    Menu yang dipesan: single froyo

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.6  
    Kkuldak [ BSD, Snack ]

    Delicious Popcorn Chicken with Honey!

    Kkuldak is a popcorn chicken with honey. I tried their Korean sauce for I like it to be a little bit spicy. It was yummy and not too sweet. The sauce was delicious and they also put a bit of Topokki and hash-brown inside. The price was quite pricey for this kind of portion. The small size was for Rp.30.000, but since they fried it with honey and there's some Topokki and hash-brown inside, you can actually feel quite full after eating the small portion. Worth the try.

    Menu yang dipesan: Korean Hot Sauce Honey

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.4  
    Bread of Kurtos [ BSD, Toko Roti ]


    I tried this unique bread out of curiosity. The way they made it was quite eye-catching. Plus, their shape was cute too. Anyway, I tried their Nutella-Hazelnut (Rp.25.000). The bread was delicious. It was soft and crispy, and you can tear it in a circular motion. The topping was okay I guess, you surely will not be able to eat without dropping the nuts all over your table, so, eat it at someplace where you tolerate mess.

    Menu yang dipesan: nutella hazelnut

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.2  
    Ice Hill [ BSD, Bubble Tea ]

    Bit Bland

    So basically this Ice World serves you with bubble tea and shaved ice. I tried their bubble tea and turned out, it was Teh 63. So maybe there's some affiliation between them both. Well the taste was a little bit bland for me.
    But it was not too sweet, which was good.

    Menu yang dipesan: Oolong Milk Tea

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.8  
    Sushi Tei [ Karawaci, Jepang ]

    My Regular Sushi Place

    Sushi Tei, the first thing that comes in mind to have regular sushi. Provide great quality of sushi and other Japanese food and you can find them in most of malls in Jakarta. This time I tried their Wakame Salad with Sushi Tei dressing, lots and lots of sushi, Baked Salmon, Tempura Bento, Edamame, and some kind of okonamiyaki with beef. It was my bf's sister birthday, so a feast was in order. The Wakame Salad was just wonderful. It was fresh and healthy, and the wakame was a great mix to a salad with its zesty, creamy, veggies dressing. Their sushi, well, mostly I always love Sushi Tei's sushi. The new thing that's quite new was the okonomiyaki thing. It's quite salty, they surely used Japanese soya sauce for that, the beef was okay, and so the egg. Their baked salmon bento was delicious, the salmon was well-cooked until it was so tender. The tempura was lovely as well. Crispy with soya sauce. My belly was happy.

    Menu yang dipesan: Wakame Salad, Baked Salmon, Tempura bento, Edamame

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 3.6  
    Soto Betawi H. Mamat [ BSD, Indonesia ]

    Irresistible Soto Betawi!

    This place sell the famous and delicious Soto Betawi! You can ask for Oseng or Soto. And both of them are amazing! So tasty and savory! Oseng Daging with Kuah Santan, that is my regular. Don't forget to add lime and sweet soy sauce and 'kerupuk aci', of course! The place itself is usually crowded, especially during meal time at noon. But they also trained to serve you fast, they could remembered your order pretty well too without taking notes. People didn't stay here to chat, they just ate and go home, since it's a little bit hot too inside.

    Menu yang dipesan: Oseng Daging

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.4  
    Serba Food [ Karawaci, China ]


    We ordered Seafood Platter, Fried Mantao, Jelly Tea Blended, and Radler. The place itself was very conducive since it was quiet at night. Outside, they got this semi-lounge with DJ playing some music. We sat inside since we need it quiet, smoke-free, and have enough lighting. I always love their Fried Mantao, crispy and tasty on the outside, very soft on the inside. You can dipped it with vanilla creamy milk. It's first time I tried their Seafood Platter. It's great for snacking, but they fried it with too much flour, the seafood itself, plus the mushroom, were like small and buried inside, we couldn't really taste it. Their drinks were okay.

    Menu yang dipesan: Seafood Platter, fried mantao, jelly tea blended, radler

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.8  
    Popolamama [ BSD, Italia ]

    Different Pasta, in a Good Way

    Popolamama recently just opened in numbers of malls in Jakarta. They specialize in Pasta, and they're kinda good at it. What's different about the pasta is that they used soy as one of the ingredient. And applause for the way they cooked it, the spaghetti was so pleasantly cooked. The one I ordered, they put seaweed on top, which was yummy. Fusion of Japanese and Italian cuisine, not a bad idea :)

    Menu yang dipesan: wafu soy sauce based pasta with spinach beef

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.