Sari Sanjaya  [ Indonesia ]
3.42 8 review

Sari Sanjaya

[ Indonesia ]
3.42 8 review
Harga : rasa

Jl. Prof Dr Satrio No. 18B, Karet Kuningan, Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan

Buka - Sabtu (11:00 - 20:30) 021 52901588

021 52901588

Buka Senin - Minggu (11:00 - 20:30)

Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000 /orang

Sari Sanjaya [ Karet Kuningan ]

  • Tipe KulinerIndonesia
  • Jam Buka
  • PembayaranTunai, Debet
  • Cabang: ya


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Review dari pengunjung untuk Sari Sanjaya

Foto Profil Desriani Ekaputri (@rian_ry)

Alfa 2023

1230 Review

Level 17

Steak Ramen Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Nda ramah, masaknya pun lambreta

Ternyata bad service ada di 2 cabang sanjaya kenapa ya??? Mungkin kalo naik gaji karyawannya bakal lebi ramah ke customer kali... semoga jd bahan introspeksi dr management ya

◎ mi celor santan (35k)
original emang khas kaya ginu kentel mie nya jg khusus pake toge gurih so creamy laziz

◎ lenggang bakar (32k)
putih telor banget haha byasa aza si

◎ bolu kojo (17.5k)
kepingin kue 7jam tapi abis karena uda malem. Bolu kojo sepotong kecil mahal tapi mahteh kalo ngabisin sndrian mah. Padet rasa santen pandan

◎ pempek kapal selam (25k)
tebel big size dengan cuko yang pekat. Kayanya sanjaya dulu waktu owner nci nya masih hidup pempek nya endolita skrg menurun dikit kualitasnya

◎ es jeruk (25k)
wow mahal sekaliii pdhl layaknya air jeruk biasa nothing special

Menu yang dipesan: Es Jeruk, mi celor santan, Pempek Kapal Selam, Pempek, lenggang bakar, bolu kojo

Tanggal kunjungan: 23 Februari 2020
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Freddy Wijaya

Alfa 2019

158 Review

Level 10

Chinese Food Kopi Pasta Dessert Bubble Tea


Makanan khas Palembang

Cabang Karet ini agak tersembunyi karena letaknya yg mojok dan tidak ada tulisan Sari Sanjaya di depan resto nya. Kalau dibandingkan dengan cabang Kelapa Gading tempatnya juga lebih kecil.

Biasanya disini sy pesan pempek campur dan model ikan. Pempeknya ok, garing dan kuah cukanya juga berasa. Favorit saya sudah pasti pempek kapal selam.

Model ikannya juga enak, kuahnya segar, sedikit asam pedas. Cuma porsinya agak kecil.

Tanggal kunjungan: 25 Maret 2019
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Anca  Syah

89 Review

Level 8

No Badge


Sari sanjaya, taste biasa aja untuk gw

Penasaran ama mie celor nya Sari Sanjaya di karet, Casablanca. Kata temen rasanya mendekati rasa Palembang asli. Sayangnya ketika gw coba belum sesuai dengan lidah Palembang gw, bumbu kuahnya kurang medok.
Walau tekstur mienya bagus banget , kenyalnya mirip udon dan sepertinya home made karena jarang nemu mie di pasaran dengan model gini

Harga plus pajak hampir IDR 38.000, agak pricey karena belum sesuai dengan cita rasanya
Selain itu gw cobain juga es kacang merahnya yang rekomended, pempek dan modelnya juga rekomended. Next mungkin gw akan coba pindang patin dan pepes patinnya
Any recomended resto Palembang yang mie celornya enak ga ?

Menu yang dipesan: Mie Celor

Tanggal kunjungan: 18 Desember 2018
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Anca  Syah

89 Review

Level 8

No Badge


Umm, mie celornya biasa aja

Penasaran ama mie celor nya Sari Sanjaya di karet, Casablanca. Kata temen rasanya mendekati rasa Palembang asli. Sayangnya ketika gw coba belum sesuai dengan lidah Palembang gw, bumbu kuahnya kurang medok.
Walau tekstur mienya bagus banget , kenyalnya mirip udon dan sepertinya home made karena jarang nemu mie di pasaran dengan model gini

Harga plus pajak hampir IDR 38.000, agak pricey karena belum sesuai dengan cita rasanya
Selain itu gw cobain juga es kacang merahnya yang rekomended, pempek dan modelnya juga rekomended. Next mungkin gw akan coba pindang patin dan pepes patinnya
Any recomended resto Palembang yang mie celornya enak ga ?

#eathalalwithanca #foodbeast #eeeeeats #live authentic

Menu yang dipesan: Mie Celor, Pempek

Tanggal kunjungan: 16 Oktober 2018
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Yummy Eats

322 Review

Level 12

Steak Kopi Bakmi Pasta Dessert


Favorit 😋😋😋

Menemukan tempat makan yang menjual makanan Palembang, khususnya pempek, memang gampang-gampang susah. Penjual pempek tersebar di seluruh Jakarta, tetapi banyak yang ga terjamin kualitasnya. Sari Sanjaya bisa menjadi pengecualian karena selalu konsisten menyajikan pempek yang enak. Favorit aku disini pempek kulit, pempek panggang dan pempek kapal selam. Menurut aku ini yang paling enak, tekstur pempek nya lembut dan kenyal, menyeimbangkan rasa asam dan pedas dari cuko yang disajikan 😋😋😋

Menu yang dipesan: Pempek Kapal Selam, pempek panggang, Pempek Kulit

Tanggal kunjungan: 21 Juni 2017
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Ocha  Roisah

69 Review

Level 7

No Badge


Makanan palembang enak

Lagi kepengen banget mie celor yg agak susah dicari dsini tapi ada lho disini dan rasanyaaa enaaaakkk bangeeettt... disini juga ada jajanannya lho seperti lapis legit dan srikaya 🤤

Menu yang dipesan: lapis legit, Mie Celor

Tanggal kunjungan: 18 Februari 2017
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Dwi Izaldi

Alfa 2021

784 Review

Level 15

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Seafood Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Pempek Terenak Se-Jakarta!

It seems pretty hard and quite tacky finding a proper place to eat pempek in Jakarta which has the best taste of pempek and cuko. So, today I had the urge to eat those gorgeous food, and my sister just told me that Sari Sanjaya Apy Plaju is one of the best restaurant which claim to be pempek specialist. I still wondering if this restaurant is the branch which originated from Palembang, because if they do, well it's a good news for Jakartans who used to be living in Palembang. Nuff said.

Before I am starting this review, excuse me for being detail for every part of this restaurant, cause yeah I am being sceptical for every chain outside Palembang that serve pempek or other Palembangnese food. The location is not so hard to find, right after the traffic light of Lotte Shopping Avenue, Kuningan directed. The parking lot is spacious enough and they shared the same building with that infamous Ayam Taliwang Bersaudara.

- Pempek Kapal Selam
The portion is quite small compared to its price, but I could feel the taste of fish itself in there, it fried deep causing the outer layer is a little bit crisp yet not too dry. The taste is juicy and when I slurped down the cuko, well I gotta say it is the best cuko I've ever slurp in Jakarta, almost near the original one from Palembang. But I have to say that it slightly missed the spiciness, maybe they already suit it to the Jakartans' preferrences. I love how they put slices of cucumber in the cuko, it might seems a little bit unimportant, but for me I hail and appreciate the existence of it and the freshness that come out, because somehow it gives a crunchy texture to the dish.

- Rujak Mie
I were so glad knowing that Sari Sanjaya offer Rujak Mie from one of their menu. Rujak Mie is a kind of dish that consists of long-and-thick noodle, bean sprout, and slices of pempek, poured with cuko and cuts of cucumber on top of it. I also love this one, and they sprinkled ebi that enriched and worked well along with the taste of Rujak Mie. The portion is worth the price.

- Pempek Kulit, Pempek Adaan, Pempek Telur Kecil
Among these three kind, I adore the kulit one! I hail the crispy texture of it, I just hardly stopped consume it. The price (7.5K for each) maybe is higher from another chain, but it is worth it since the portion is also twice bigger from the usual that you normally find.

Actually, I wanted to try their Tekwan and also Es Kacang Merah, but my tummy couldn't accept anymore. I also am wondering how they sell the Martabak HAR since I know it is so hard to make the same way like the original one from Palembang, and its taste is way different from the savoury martabak that often sell in here. Let's finding about it on my next coming. For those of you who want to eat a heavier course, no need to worry cause they have a quite wide variety of main courses, such as Pindang Patin, Pindang Iga, and other dish that loaded up with carbs from rice.

On every table, there are two kinds of sambal for otak otak: sambal kacang and sambal merah. I gave it a try and I like the red one because it is well suited with the juicy taste of otak otak. When I initiatively tried mixing sambal merah with cuko, I were surprised how the taste of it were better than before. Well, you gotta try it too.

For the service, I have to say that they are quite slow, even when my coming it was not that packed. When I ordered again for the additional pempek, I had to ask them twice and waited about 30 mins for it is served in front of me. I also ordered hot bland tea, but turned out they gave me the sweet one. But I appreciate their attitude cause they admitted the mistakes and said sorry when they came to my table.

The restaurant is a family kind of place completed with air conditioner that doesn't allow the smokers to misbehave. Besides that, they also sell kerupuk, kemplang, and getas in a rack for you to take home or either snacking right in the place.

Would I come back? Definitely yes

Menu yang dipesan: Pempek Kapal Selam, Rujak Mie, Pempek Kulit, pempek adaan, Pempek Telur Kecil

Tanggal kunjungan: 20 Maret 2016
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Zelda Lupsita

254 Review

Level 11

Steak Kopi Bakmi Pasta Burger Dessert


Pempek enak!

Pempek di sini adalah salah satu favorit saya. Rasa ikannya pas,  diolahnya juga pas gak kekeringan atau terlalu basah,  cukonya pun juara.  Kali ini karena makan rame-rame kita pesan pempek campur yang isinya ada pempek kulit,  lenggang kecil, pempek tahu, kapal selam mini, dan pempek keriting.. kita juga pesan 1 pempek kapal selam besar dan martabak telur.  Martabak telur khas Palembang isinya telur ceplok dan dihidangkan bersama kuah kari asam. Suasana di sini juga nyaman,  ber ac,  dan pelayanannya pun cepat. Recommended place untuk masakan Palembang di Jakarta.

Menu yang dipesan: pempek campur, Pempek Kapal Selam, martabak telur

Tanggal kunjungan: 09 Februari 2016
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!

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