Rasa Steaknya Enak Disini n Sausnya Sesuai Ekspetasi. Ada Yang Perlu Dibenahin Sedikit Aja, Alangkah Baiknya Waiter/s-nya Klo Liat Gelas Minuman Customer Kosong (Yang Free Flow) Menawarkan Untuk Diisi Ulang Lagi, TANPA Harus Customer Minta Untuk Di Refill. Atau Disediakan Saja Tempat Biar Customer Bisa Refill Sendiri.. Overall Makanannya Ok Semua
Menu yang dipesan: Prime Tenderloin, Honey Glazed Wings
Tanggal kunjungan: 10 September 2020 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Saya pesen fish and chips trus diblg dpt free 2 sides. Eh pas keluar cuma fish sm 2 sides. Mana CHIPS NYA??? Saya tanya mas nya Blg nya fish and chips nya itu cm ikan doang????
Tanggal kunjungan: 14 September 2019 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Not a big fan of steak so it took me a while to try out this restaurant. Seeing how crowded it usually is every time we drove by it, we assumed the food must real good. Well, what a disappointment it was. We went there on Saturday nite around 8 pm. Was pretty full save for a couple of tables. Service was okay, not very attentive but friendly. The restaurant is located in a ruko and they are only using the ground floor so it's not that big. Place is kept clean and AC is good. Now the food 1. Tenderloin 100 gr (well done) with Mashed Potatoes and French Fries and BBQ sauce (for the kid) 2. Wagyu 200gr (well done) with Mashed Potatoes and Coleslaw and Black pepper sauce 3. Chargrilled chicken (double) with French Fries and House Salad and Chili Coriander sauce
After taking our order, 5 mins later the waiter told us that mashed potatoes were sold out, so we decided to change it to Tasty Rice. Then he came back again and told us only 1 portion of Tasty Rice left, so we changed another side dish to Pasta Salad. Also, we were told that they ran out of Wagyu so we changed it to Tenderloin
The good part: Chargrilled chicken tasted good, was grilled perfectly, juicy and tender except for some small bits. Portion was good. The chili coriander sauce was excellent (best out of the 3 sauces we tried). House salad could do with a bit of colours (carrots maybe?) and more generous sauce, but overall it tasted pretty good. Tasty Rice was good. Free flow iced/hot tea if you ordered them.
The bad part: The tenderloin were cooked to death. Both came out looking rather sad, black and dry. It was tough and resembled beef jerky. Not sure what happened there. It was really disappointing. BBQ and Black pepper sauces were okay, nothing special. Pasta salad and coleslaw were rather bland. French fries is just the typical shoestring frozen fries you get in supermarket.
Anyway, we were expecting a better cooked steak, since this is called Legend of Steak, but it really is not that legendary.
Unfortunately I only took picture of the Chargrilled chicken because we weren't too happy about the beef steaks.
Menu yang dipesan: Chargrilled Chicken, Tenderloin 100gr, Iced Tea, Tenderloin 200gr
Tanggal kunjungan: 01 September 2019 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Ini satu management dgn meaters yg di Citra dan PIK. Tag mereka ada Steak Berkualitas dgn Harga murah.
Cobain bbrp menu spt wagyu steak, chargrilled chicken, chicken fried steak, nachos dan popocorn chicken
Utk kualitas beef sih ok banget dgn harga dibawah 100K is amazing udah gitu plus 2 sides yg bisa dipilih dan 1 sauce. Saucenya paling ok yg barbeque yg lainnya kurang cocok di lidah. Side dishnya jg enak2 cuma saran mash potato dibuat lbh halus lg biar lbh mantappppp. Selain wagyu steak, i like both of chicken steaks.
Worth it banget sih klo mau makan steak disini
Tanggal kunjungan: 12 Januari 2019 Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Sukak bgt, dari mulai dagingnya apalagi sauce nya. Dari ketiga salad menurut ku paling enak House salad enak deh, dan untuk harga sangat murah dan worth it bgt. Buat kalian yang mau makan steak enak dan murah, harus cobain disini dulu deh! Ga bakal nyesel.
Menu yang dipesan: Chargrilled Chicken, Prime Striploin, Honey Glazed Chicken
Tanggal kunjungan: 27 Desember 2018 Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Sekarang di Gading Serpong udah ada steak enak loh! Ksini pesen yg Wagyu steak, crispy chicken sama grilled chicken . Ketiga nya menurut saya rasanya pas banget dilidah dengan harga yg trjangkau trutama yg Wagyu nya wahhh luar biasa!!! Suka banget Kalian mesti cobaa!!!
Tanggal kunjungan: 13 November 2018 Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
telat banget ya baru nyobain Legend of Steak sekarang?
berhubung bukan penikmat daging, steak house model Legend of Steak pasti selelau tertinggal utk gw review. berhubung kali ini diajak pacar yg ngidam makan daging, jadinya gw ada kesempatan nyobain langsung 3 menu yg berbeda sekaligus: - Wagyu Special (200gr): utk saus pendampingnya kita minta Mushroom & side dishnya mashed potato & pasta salad. saus mushroomnya creamy banget tp sayang rasa & aroma jamurnya kurang nendang, mashed potatonya lembut tp kurang seasoning, pasta saladnya just okay. utk dagingnya, well-seasoned sih meskipun kurang nampol di lidah gw tp teksturnya super empuk dan ga susah dicerna, gw suka. - Fish & Chips: dpt saus pendamping juga dan gw nyobain Chilli Corriander, utk side dishnya gw pilih Mashed Potato & House Salad. unik nih sausnya, pedes asem seger mirip sambal thailand gitu. potongan ikannya juga besar dan renyah banget, ga amis, cengli deh seporsi 49k mah. - Prime Tenderloin (200gr): sausnya kali ini cobain yg Blackpepper dengan side dish Coleslaw & Tasty Rice. sayang banget deh tasty ricenya tersaji ga panas, rasanya biasa aja, cm manis jagung yg terasa. Coleslawnya standar bgt, ga ada beda dgn salas hokben. dagingnya sendiri sama seperti sebelumnya, empuk dan well-seasoned, enak disantap bahkan tanpa saus apapun, kusuka!
Menu yang dipesan: Prime Tenderloin (200 gr), Wagyu Special (200 gr), Fish & Chips
Tanggal kunjungan: 01 November 2018 Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Ketiga kalinya makan di sini & selalu puas sama rasa makanannya. Ga cuma tenderloin steaknya yg enak tapi nachos & pastanya pun ga mengecewakan. Makan pas cheese di nachosnya masih melting👍🏻. Spaghettinya carbonaranya teksturnya pas, cheesy & berasa creamy-nya tapi ga bikin enek. Untuk steaknya, paling suka sama chili coriander saucenya yg rasanya unik & kyknya berasa Indonesianya gitu. Ga nyangka kalau ternyata saucenya cocok dipadukan sm tenderloin steaknya yg empuk & masih juicy!
Tanggal kunjungan: 21 Juli 2018 Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000